Trump sends out Fake News

It was a good thing Pelosi made a big deal out of the Ukraine thing. So now voters know don't listen to Trump about Hunter Biden. Trump's a liar.
The information comes from Hunter Biden is on emails and hard drive
Whatever. No one cares.

It's like all the facts we have that Trump tried to get the Ukraine to make dirt up on Biden. He was impeached for it. It's undeniable that he did it. Do you care that he did it? No. Did you remove Trump from office for all the laws he's broken? Nope.

So now Biden could stand on 5th ave and murder someone and not lose one supporter. Happy?
You guys impeach Trump every two seconds.. who cares lol
If Trump wins, which he won't, he will get impeached again only this time we will have the Senate.

Interesting to see what charges he faces one he loses.

I doubt if he can expect Presidential immunity or a pardon

hmmm, are you interested at all in the charges being brought against democrats for their failed coup attempt? How about charges against Biden and his son for treason due to their deals with China, Russia and Ukraine? How about a bribery charge against Biden for quid pro quo getting the prosecutor fired who was investigating Hunter and Burisma?

many dems are going to jail in Trump's second term and that is why they are so desperate to stop him. Dems and deep staters are scared shitless of being indicted during Trump's second term.

What crimes do you think Trump is guilty of? give us a list with proof of criminality, or STFU and admit that you are nothing but a dem/lib talking point repeater.
It was a good thing Pelosi made a big deal out of the Ukraine thing. So now voters know don't listen to Trump about Hunter Biden. Trump's a liar.
The information comes from Hunter Biden is on emails and hard drive
Whatever. No one cares.

It's like all the facts we have that Trump tried to get the Ukraine to make dirt up on Biden. He was impeached for it. It's undeniable that he did it. Do you care that he did it? No. Did you remove Trump from office for all the laws he's broken? Nope.

So now Biden could stand on 5th ave and murder someone and not lose one supporter. Happy?
You guys impeach Trump every two seconds.. who cares lol
Nope. Only once. Mueller didn't have the balls to release everything he had. And in the report he said if it were anyone but the President they'd be in jail for what Trump did.
So you don’t know what impeach means? Lol all it means is accused.. lol moron
Convicted. Forever he goes down as impeached. He just wasn't removed and we all know why. Republican senators would be toast in November if they did that to Trump. It would be a landslide,which it's already going to be. We're up big in all swing states. May even win some red states. You're going to be shocked.
It was a good thing Pelosi made a big deal out of the Ukraine thing. So now voters know don't listen to Trump about Hunter Biden. Trump's a liar.
The information comes from Hunter Biden is on emails and hard drive
Whatever. No one cares.

It's like all the facts we have that Trump tried to get the Ukraine to make dirt up on Biden. He was impeached for it. It's undeniable that he did it. Do you care that he did it? No. Did you remove Trump from office for all the laws he's broken? Nope.

So now Biden could stand on 5th ave and murder someone and not lose one supporter. Happy?
You guys impeach Trump every two seconds.. who cares lol
If Trump wins, which he won't, he will get impeached again only this time we will have the Senate.

Interesting to see what charges he faces one he loses.

I doubt if he can expect Presidential immunity or a pardon
Oh he will get a pass. They'll move on.
Satire goes completely over Trumps head. Babylon Bee is now Trumps “Go To” news source

The Babylon Bee often makes fun of liberals, and has been described as a conservative version of "The Onion" with a focus on religious conservatives.
Calling fake news fake news ?
Impeach !
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
View attachment 402356

Your poll is wrong. Don’t know why you keep posting misinformation.

Oh yes, I forgot. You are a Trump supporter

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Hope. It's all they have at the moment. Check out the Senate races.
Every poll since 2008 has had democrats winning , yet you lost 1,000 seats .. polls are democrat operated
It was a good thing Pelosi made a big deal out of the Ukraine thing. So now voters know don't listen to Trump about Hunter Biden. Trump's a liar.
The information comes from Hunter Biden is on emails and hard drive
Whatever. No one cares.

It's like all the facts we have that Trump tried to get the Ukraine to make dirt up on Biden. He was impeached for it. It's undeniable that he did it. Do you care that he did it? No. Did you remove Trump from office for all the laws he's broken? Nope.

So now Biden could stand on 5th ave and murder someone and not lose one supporter. Happy?
You guys impeach Trump every two seconds.. who cares lol
Nope. Only once. Mueller didn't have the balls to release everything he had. And in the report he said if it were anyone but the President they'd be in jail for what Trump did.
So you don’t know what impeach means? Lol all it means is accused.. lol moron
Convicted. Forever he goes down as impeached. He just wasn't removed and we all know why. Republican senators would be toast in November if they did that to Trump. It would be a landslide,which it's already going to be. We're up big in all swing states. May even win some red states. You're going to be shocked.
You can’t win even with the media and social media
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
View attachment 402356

Your poll is wrong. Don’t know why you keep posting misinformation.

Oh yes, I forgot. You are a Trump supporter

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Hope. It's all they have at the moment. Check out the Senate races.
Every poll since 2008 has had democrats winning , yet you lost 1,000 seats .. polls are democrat operated

polls have become a form of propaganda, no longer designed to report on public opinion, but rather to influence it. Our media is the real virus affecting us.
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
View attachment 402356

Your poll is wrong. Don’t know why you keep posting misinformation.

Oh yes, I forgot. You are a Trump supporter

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Hope. It's all they have at the moment. Check out the Senate races.
Every poll since 2008 has had democrats winning , yet you lost 1,000 seats .. polls are democrat operated

polls have become a form of propaganda, no longer designed to report on public opinion, but rather to influence it. Our media is the real virus affecting us.
Even Conservative polling groups like Rasmussen and Fox?
Are they part of the Deep State too?
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
View attachment 402356

Your poll is wrong. Don’t know why you keep posting misinformation.

Oh yes, I forgot. You are a Trump supporter

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Hope. It's all they have at the moment. Check out the Senate races.
Every poll since 2008 has had democrats winning , yet you lost 1,000 seats .. polls are democrat operated

And there's a reason they lost 1000 seats....and a reason why they've gained almost half of them back..and are poised to pick up more.
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
View attachment 402356

Your poll is wrong. Don’t know why you keep posting misinformation.

Oh yes, I forgot. You are a Trump supporter

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Hope. It's all they have at the moment. Check out the Senate races.
Every poll since 2008 has had democrats winning , yet you lost 1,000 seats .. polls are democrat operated

And there's a reason they lost 1000 seats....and a reason why they've gained almost half of them back..and are poised to pick up more.
Maybe in 3020z but it’s over for you
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
View attachment 402356

Your poll is wrong. Don’t know why you keep posting misinformation.

Oh yes, I forgot. You are a Trump supporter

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Hope. It's all they have at the moment. Check out the Senate races.
Every poll since 2008 has had democrats winning , yet you lost 1,000 seats .. polls are democrat operated

And there's a reason they lost 1000 seats....and a reason why they've gained almost half of them back..and are poised to pick up more.
2020 will be the key to regaining those seats. With the Census redrawing of districts, it will give Dems power at the state level and House of Representatives
I think after trump wins we should black list democrats like we did communist
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
View attachment 402356

Your poll is wrong. Don’t know why you keep posting misinformation.

Oh yes, I forgot. You are a Trump supporter

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Hope. It's all they have at the moment. Check out the Senate races.
Every poll since 2008 has had democrats winning , yet you lost 1,000 seats .. polls are democrat operated

And there's a reason they lost 1000 seats....and a reason why they've gained almost half of them back..and are poised to pick up more.
Maybe in 3020z but it’s over for you
Other than partisanship, what would make you think that?
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
View attachment 402356

Your poll is wrong. Don’t know why you keep posting misinformation.

Oh yes, I forgot. You are a Trump supporter

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Hope. It's all they have at the moment. Check out the Senate races.
Every poll since 2008 has had democrats winning , yet you lost 1,000 seats .. polls are democrat operated

And there's a reason they lost 1000 seats....and a reason why they've gained almost half of them back..and are poised to pick up more.
Maybe in 3020z but it’s over for you
Other than partisanship, what would make you think that?
Democrats are over.. winning California, nyc , Chicago isn’t good for you,, you need to convince Us white Supremacist to vote for Democrats
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
View attachment 402356

Your poll is wrong. Don’t know why you keep posting misinformation.

Oh yes, I forgot. You are a Trump supporter

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Hope. It's all they have at the moment. Check out the Senate races.
Every poll since 2008 has had democrats winning , yet you lost 1,000 seats .. polls are democrat operated

And there's a reason they lost 1000 seats....and a reason why they've gained almost half of them back..and are poised to pick up more.
Maybe in 3020z but it’s over for you
Other than partisanship, what would make you think that?
Democrats are over.. winning California, nyc , Chicago isn’t good for you,, you need to convince Us white Supremacist to vote for Democrats
NOTHING indicates Republicans are making up ground in CA, NY, Chicago or other major city.

The biggest recent trend is suburbs moving from Republican to Democrat.
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
View attachment 402356

Your poll is wrong. Don’t know why you keep posting misinformation.

Oh yes, I forgot. You are a Trump supporter

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Hope. It's all they have at the moment. Check out the Senate races.
Every poll since 2008 has had democrats winning , yet you lost 1,000 seats .. polls are democrat operated

And there's a reason they lost 1000 seats....and a reason why they've gained almost half of them back..and are poised to pick up more.
2020 will be the key to regaining those seats. With the Census redrawing of districts, it will give Dems power at the state level and House of Representatives
I don't think so. The American people do not like the Democrat billionaires who are profitting from censorship of speech that benefits our conservative Republican President Donald Trump. The American people are angry at Democrat Maxine Waters for setting up her followers to stalk members of their adversaries who were just doing the peoples' job of carrying out President Trump's fair policies. Stalking with evil treatment in mind for the stalked target, of patriots working for the American people, who has done every good thing he could possibly do to make America great and strong while Democrats stalked his helpers with madness of screaming like crazy people at the staffers they stalked day and night complete with surveillance information they procured illegally and surreptitiously.

The American people are quite sick of Hillary's jealous vengefulness instead of graciously accepting her defeat like a refined adult who obeys the laws in America. Instead, she used a British spy, she colluded with Russian disinformation specialists, and she had her most vicious political schemers who ever lied to the American people to frame Trump advisor, General Flynn, not to mention the 3 years long of impeaching Trump who kept busy working to bring American jobs back to this country, and Hillary's bargain with House Speaker Pelosi to fight every good thing President Trump did to make America win friends of our allies, strengthen America's military, and correct the FBI of its fall from grace, only to discover the Mueller Report was manned by 29 Trump haters who beat themselves trying to undermine our President. They failed to find anything true about Hillary Clinton's treasonous betrayal of framing President Trump out of her hatred, because her associates could not find one single bad thing on Trump, and she bade them to ignore all and to hide good things he did for the American people.

I hope God will continue to guide the American people and give President Trump a reprieve from the schemes of those who would remove him and refine his methods of using his power wisely to help America recover from the bad things it has endured and strengthen President Trump who goes after his job with the point of vigilantly providing for the common good. And so be it.
Last edited:
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
View attachment 402356

Your poll is wrong. Don’t know why you keep posting misinformation.

Oh yes, I forgot. You are a Trump supporter

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Hope. It's all they have at the moment. Check out the Senate races.
Every poll since 2008 has had democrats winning , yet you lost 1,000 seats .. polls are democrat operated

polls have become a form of propaganda, no longer designed to report on public opinion, but rather to influence it. Our media is the real virus affecting us.
Even Conservative polling groups like Rasmussen and Fox?
Are they part of the Deep State too?

if you look closely at who they are sampling the answer is YES, they are part of the corrupt deep state that is trying to force socialism down our throats.

Biden has promised to raise your taxes, are you happy about that?
Biden has promised more shut downs, are you happy about that?
Biden has promised to take your guns, ready for that?
Biden has promised open borders and US benefits for illegals, happy about that?
Biden is senile, do you really want a senile person as president?

Trump gave us the best economy ever before the Chinese released the virus.
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
View attachment 402356

Your poll is wrong. Don’t know why you keep posting misinformation.

Oh yes, I forgot. You are a Trump supporter

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Hope. It's all they have at the moment. Check out the Senate races.
Every poll since 2008 has had democrats winning , yet you lost 1,000 seats .. polls are democrat operated

polls have become a form of propaganda, no longer designed to report on public opinion, but rather to influence it. Our media is the real virus affecting us.
Even Conservative polling groups like Rasmussen and Fox?
Are they part of the Deep State too?

if you look closely at who they are sampling the answer is YES, they are part of the corrupt deep state that is trying to force socialism down our throats.

Biden has promised to raise your taxes, are you happy about that?
Biden has promised more shut downs, are you happy about that?
Biden has promised to take your guns, ready for that?
Biden has promised open borders and US benefits for illegals, happy about that?
Biden is senile, do you really want a senile person as president?

Trump gave us the best economy ever before the Chinese released the virus.
I don't want to squabble here. I just have a simple question, that's it, then I'll just move on.

Do you really believe that "Trump gave us the best economy ever"?
Clinton’s was better
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
View attachment 402356

Your poll is wrong. Don’t know why you keep posting misinformation.

Oh yes, I forgot. You are a Trump supporter

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Hope. It's all they have at the moment. Check out the Senate races.
Every poll since 2008 has had democrats winning , yet you lost 1,000 seats .. polls are democrat operated

polls have become a form of propaganda, no longer designed to report on public opinion, but rather to influence it. Our media is the real virus affecting us.
Even Conservative polling groups like Rasmussen and Fox?
Are they part of the Deep State too?

if you look closely at who they are sampling the answer is YES, they are part of the corrupt deep state that is trying to force socialism down our throats.

Biden has promised to raise your taxes, are you happy about that?
Biden has promised more shut downs, are you happy about that?
Biden has promised to take your guns, ready for that?
Biden has promised open borders and US benefits for illegals, happy about that?
Biden is senile, do you really want a senile person as president?

Trump gave us the best economy ever before the Chinese released the virus.
I don't want to squabble here. I just have a simple question, that's it, then I'll just move on.

Do you really believe that "Trump gave us the best economy ever"?
That and beyond.. The deregulation created so many jobs. The tax cuts wages rose business is expanded and invested

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