Zone1 Do you ever feel that God needs to go Old Testament again... LOL

I can’t take credit for that summary. It is something Saint Augustine wrote about the devil.
well, that's a humble thing, admitting it didn't cme from you. That's what this world needs more of

humility v pride..

I come from a prideful family, but I really think everyone does... we are prideful of many things when really, we have to give God the credit.

I am very thankful I was raised Catholic... Just listening to some of these unGodly ones on the forum... I'm like..

Wow.. glad I am not full of that kind of hate... F word all the time, etc (even though people accuse me of being a hater... Oh well... Jesus said there'd be days like this... )
well, I don't claim to be an expert on end times stuff other than having read Revelation several times.

Still, it looks to me like Jesus is coming soon. things are just too weird

You do not claim a damn thing, you do not think for yourself. You believe something that is NOT real.

All I did was give a far logical and rational explaination and you cannot handle it. Not surprised at that. You are a very good lemming.
I have had people not act right to me.

I have been mugged at gunpoint.

But I have never wanted that person dead.

This is what makes the "Right To Life" a myth. A so-called "Christian" who kills others. The "Right To Life" is exactly that, and they just plain don't get it. They cherry pick what they want to believe and ignore the rest.
I have had people not act right to me.

I have been mugged at gunpoint.

But I have never wanted that person dead.
Wow... so strange that I picked a crime you had actually been a victim to... what were the chances?

Anyhow, I am not sure I am buying it you never wanted him gone... But in any case,

sometimes it looks like God owes Dathan and others an apology

As Ruth Graham said (something like this) If God allows all this immortality (USA especially?) to continue, he owes Sodom and Gomorrrah an apology.
You do not claim a damn thing, you do not think for yourself. You believe something that is NOT real.

All I did was give a far logical and rational explaination and you cannot handle it. Not surprised at that. You are a very good lemming.
What proof do you have that the Bible and God are not real?

You can start by explaining how life came into existence from a lifeless universe. Explain the science on that one.
Wow... so strange that I picked a crime you had actually been a victim to... what were the chances?

Anyhow, I am not sure I am buying it you never wanted him gone... But in any case,

sometimes it looks like God owes Dathan and others an apology

As Ruth Graham said (something like this) If God allows all this immortality (USA especially?) to continue, he owes Sodom and Gomorrrah an apology.

Honest responses are NOT what you wanted?
This is what makes the "Right To Life" a myth. A so-called "Christian" who kills others. The "Right To Life" is exactly that, and they just plain don't get it. They cherry pick what they want to believe and ignore the rest.

You don't get it either...

You don't have Jesus in your life and that is sad.. and you think just bc he is not real to YOU he is not real Period.

Illogcial, Captain.
You do not claim a damn thing, you do not think for yourself. You believe something that is NOT real.
How utterly and absolutely PRESUMPTUOUS!

You're going to sit there and tell me what i am, who I am, what I believe and what is real to me and what is not?

Wow... You get the Presumption Award for the Day

you must be so proud...

But seriously, though... Jesus is real. You wouldn't know, apparently... too busy hating to get to know Him, your only Friend..
well, I don't claim to be an expert on end times stuff other than having read Revelation several times.

Still, it looks to me like Jesus is coming soon. things are just too weird

He ain't real and he sure as fuck leave YOU behind. You forget that you hate a lot of people, he supposedly does not believe that.
well, that's a humble thing, admitting it didn't cme from you. That's what this world needs more of

humility v pride..

I come from a prideful family, but I really think everyone does... we are prideful of many things when really, we have to give God the credit.

I am very thankful I was raised Catholic... Just listening to some of these unGodly ones on the forum... I'm like..

Wow.. glad I am not full of that kind of hate... F word all the time, etc (even though people accuse me of being a hater... Oh well... Jesus said there'd be days like this... )

Then as a Catholic you would believe in the Catholic Social Teaching of "The Seamless Garment"? You believe that Capitol Punishment is wrong, you believe that war is wrong. Yet, you support the wanton murder of Innocent Men, Women and Children in Gaza.

Seems you not the catholic you say you are.
Then as a Catholic you would believe in the Catholic Social Teaching of "The Seamless Garment"? You believe that Capitol Punishment is wrong, you believe that war is wrong. Yet, you support the wanton murder of Innocent Men, Women and Children in Gaza.

Seems you not the catholic you say you are.

Again, how presumptuous

You don't know what I believe about Gaza... I don't even know what to believe.. havne't been there

The RCC is not against capital punishment
Wow! So much scathing anger and bitterness on this thread (from one or two nonbelievers) and hateful nasty combativeness and vulgarity.

It reminds me of a movie I just saw last night. On Netflix I watched the movie God's Not Dead (the first one) and one of the main characters is a hard core atheist college professor who ended up doing a public debate with one of the students, who is a believer.

In the movie, it turns out that the angry "atheist" professor didn't really disbelieve in God's existence, he just hated God with a passion, because when he was a child, his mother died and he blamed God.

Long story short, I think that for a lot of nonbelievers it's not a matter of not having evidence. Often it's an emotional matter. Or (as we can see on this thread) just having a completely upside-down twisted view of God.

Interestingly, MANY famous atheists going back many years had one thing in common...they either had a very bad relationship with their father, or no father at all.

It has been said that a person's relationship with their Dad (or lack thereof) influences how they think about God.

I know this is off topic, but just some thoughts I had when reading this thread.
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Wow... so strange that I picked a crime you had actually been a victim to... what were the chances?

Anyhow, I am not sure I am buying it you never wanted him gone... But in any case,

sometimes it looks like God owes Dathan and others an apology

As Ruth Graham said (something like this) If God allows all this immortality (USA especially?) to continue, he owes Sodom and Gomorrrah an apology.

You picked one of the most common violent crimes. It stands to reason.

Did I want him gone? Sure! Did I want him dead? Absolutely not.
God likes to see people suffer so he keeps lowering both the IQ of politicians and the goblins that elect them.

Of course if I was God I'd just send an asteroid into Earth and end it for good and all. Maybe a huge solar flare.
God likes to see people suffer so he keeps lowering both the IQ of politicians and the goblins that elect them.

Of course if I was God I'd just send an asteroid into Earth and end it for good and all. Maybe a huge solar flare.
I am glad you're not God

I would question the OP in their attempt to devine the will of their non-exostent god. Who are they to question what their non-existent god would or would not do. Who are they to question the will of their non-existent god?
Wow! So much scathing anger and bitterness on this thread (from one or two nonbelievers) and hateful nasty combativeness and vulgarity.

It reminds me of a movie I just saw last night. On Netflix I watched the movie God's Not Dead (the first one) and one of the main characters is a hard core atheist college professor who ended up doing a public debate with one of the students, who is a believer.

In the movie, it turns out that the angry "atheist" professor didn't really disbelieve in God's existence, he just hated God with a passion, because when he was a child, his mother died and he blamed God.

Long story short, I think that for a lot of nonbelievers it's not a matter of not having evidence. Often it's an emotional matter. Or (as we can see on this thread) just having a completely upside-down twisted view of God.

Interestingly, MANY famous atheists going back many years had one thing in common...they either had a very bad relationship with their father, or no father at all.

It has been said that a person's relationship with their Dad (or lack thereof) influences how they think about God.

I know this is off topic, but just some thoughts I had when reading this thread.

No, the person proficed to be a Catholic. Catholic Social Teaching calls for The Seamless Garment.

IF you believe killing is wrong, then you believe that Capital Punishment Wrong because the taking human life is wrong. Torture is wrong. The indcriminate taking of human life is wrong. That is what the seamless cloth is. As a Catholic the OP does not get pick and choose what part of Catholic Social Teaching they accept and what part they woud deny. It's all or nothing.

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