Trump poised to violate Constitution his first day in office, George W. Bush’s ethics lawyer says

In an exclusive exchange with ThinkProgress


nuff said


must be some of the fake news the prezbo was warning people about

Impeaching Trump is in the cards.
Yeah, these cards maybe.

Now, this is interesting.

In an exclusive exchange with ThinkProgress, Richard Painter, a University of Minnesota law professor who previously served as chief ethics counsel to President George W. Bush, says that Trump’s efforts to do business with these diplomats is at odds with a provision of the Constitution intended to prevent foreign states from effectively buying influence with federal officials.

The Constitution’s “Emoluments Clause,” provides that “no person holding any office of profit or trust under” the United States “shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.”

The diplomats’ efforts in seek Trump’s favor by staying in his hotel “looks like a gift,” Painter told ThinkProgress in an email, and thus is the very kind of favor the Constitution seeks to prevent.

To explain, the ordinary rule under the Emoluments Clause is that federal officials may do business with foreign governments so long as they do not receive special treatment. If the president owns a $200,000 Rolls Royce, Painter told ThinkProgress, they can sell that car to the Queen of England, so long as they only receive its fair market value. If Her Majesty The Queen pays $250,000 for the Rolls Royce, however, that would violate the Emoluments Clause.

Rest of article here:

Trump is in SERIOUS legal trouble.

That rich that you should give a shit about that considering what the Clinton foundation was up to. Next to the Clinton foundation, Trump properties are a lemonade stand.

Ya know, there's just nothing quite so stupid as you RWNJ traitors. Instead of sitting on your fat butts lying about the Clintons, why don't you get a degree from Trump University? Or invest in any of his other crooked, failed schemes? How about investing in a casino or two. Or three. Or the Plaza Hotel? Hmmm ?

You wanted Pooting in the Lincoln bedroom. You wanted a fascist who says he'll take your rights away and that's what you got. You idiots sold out your country, your own children's futures and you will never ever be able to say you didn't know it.

Or sell some uranium to Russia.....DERP!

Moreover, while it is conceivable that a rival hotel may have standing to sue Trump for taking away its business with foreign diplomats in violation of the Constitution, it’s far from clear that any hotel business will want to risk a feud with the notoriously vindictive president-elect.

There is, however, at least one remedy under the Constitution for such a violation of the public trust by the president: impeachment.

When Obama decided to NOT enforce federal immigration laws, was he violating the Constiution?

POP QUIZ! How many illegal immigrants has Obama deported?

How many illegal ALIENS has Obama deported?

Using the old definition, or using Obama's new definition?
Is it really necessary to use the word aliens, or are you trying to make a point of being demeaning and offensive?

Is it really necessary to use the word aliens,

Yes, I believe using the proper term is necessary.

are you trying to make a point of being demeaning and offensive?

Why would using the proper term be either?
Alien is an old out dated term that dehumanizes real people so many substitute with immigrant. I find most people that still use it are either old school and unaware or intentionally trying to make a point of being offensive. Given your use of bold and underline for the statement I think it's fair to assume you are the later

Alien is an old out dated term that dehumanizes real people

Alien is the correct term for a non-citizen. Illegal means they didn't come here legally.

I find most people that still use it are either old school and unaware or intentionally trying to make a point of being offensive.

Take a Midol and come back when you're not so emotional.
Why would I take seriously an op which cites a lawyer doing an interview with highly biased liberal website?

Congratulations! Your logical fallacy is "attacking the source."

Logical Fallacies - Attack The Source (AKA Ad Hominem, Personal Attack) -

You win one Twinkie!

Congratulations! You failed to read the rest of my post!

Why don't you just admit you don't have a clue? Admit you can't refute the OP.

Oh is that all?

Where was this lawyer when it was discovered Hillary had been pulling the same with her foundation as SoS? If anything violated the Emoluments Clause, it was that.
When Obama decided to NOT enforce federal immigration laws, was he violating the Constiution?

POP QUIZ! How many illegal immigrants has Obama deported?

How many illegal ALIENS has Obama deported?

Using the old definition, or using Obama's new definition?
Is it really necessary to use the word aliens, or are you trying to make a point of being demeaning and offensive?

Is it really necessary to use the word aliens,

Yes, I believe using the proper term is necessary.

are you trying to make a point of being demeaning and offensive?

Why would using the proper term be either?
Alien is an old out dated term that dehumanizes real people so many substitute with immigrant. I find most people that still use it are either old school and unaware or intentionally trying to make a point of being offensive. Given your use of bold and underline for the statement I think it's fair to assume you are the later
Your days of dictating what *words* people are allowed to use are over.

So it's good that the feds never actually stopped using the term "alien" in their legal documentation. Alien was always the proper word, and it remains the proper word. No matter how many negative connotations your bias compels you to attach to it.
When Obama decided to NOT enforce federal immigration laws, was he violating the Constiution?

POP QUIZ! How many illegal immigrants has Obama deported?
pop quiz many have come right back in?.....

Hey, not just an immigrant. Melania has lots of talents - porn actor, took off her clothes for anyone who would pay for it, lied about her education, lied about the languages she speaks, lied about the speech she stole from the real FLOTUS and, best of all - a prostitute who got rid of all but one of her johns - and she was illegal for quite a while.

Finally, you're going to get rid of an accomplished and beautiful woman who earned her way and has spent the past 8 years fighting for jobs and housing for our vets, even as the Repubs fought against them and refused to sign even one measure the president sent them. She fought for healthier American kids and for the right of girls to learn to read and get an education.

But hey, trump did send a vet group one of his bumper sticker. What a guy, huh?

Impeaching Trump is in the cards.

Certainly just cause but the Repubs will never do it because they're just as crooked as he is.

That's why the RWNJ traitors voted for him. That and his promise (lies) to gut the constitution.

BTW, just read that he's already backed down, flip-flopped on 6 of his 8 campaign promises.

RWNJ traitors voted to sell out their country to Pooting but they're not going to get most of what trump lied about.
POP QUIZ! How many illegal immigrants has Obama deported?

How many illegal ALIENS has Obama deported?

Using the old definition, or using Obama's new definition?
Is it really necessary to use the word aliens, or are you trying to make a point of being demeaning and offensive?

Is it really necessary to use the word aliens,

Yes, I believe using the proper term is necessary.

are you trying to make a point of being demeaning and offensive?

Why would using the proper term be either?
Alien is an old out dated term that dehumanizes real people so many substitute with immigrant. I find most people that still use it are either old school and unaware or intentionally trying to make a point of being offensive. Given your use of bold and underline for the statement I think it's fair to assume you are the later

Alien is an old out dated term that dehumanizes real people

Alien is the correct term for a non-citizen. Illegal means they didn't come here legally.

I find most people that still use it are either old school and unaware or intentionally trying to make a point of being offensive.

Take a Midol and come back when you're not so emotional.
Keep telling yourself that tough guy while the rest of us evolve for the better.,amp.html?client=safari
When Obama decided to NOT enforce federal immigration laws, was he violating the Constiution?

POP QUIZ! How many illegal immigrants has Obama deported?
pop quiz many have come right back in?.....

Hey, not just an immigrant. Melania has lots of talents - porn actor, took off her clothes for anyone who would pay for it, lied about her education, lied about the languages she speaks, lied about the speech she stole from the real FLOTUS and, best of all - a prostitute who got rid of all but one of her johns - and she was illegal for quite a while.

Finally, you're going to get rid of an accomplished and beautiful woman who earned her way and has spent the past 8 years fighting for jobs and housing for our vets, even as the Repubs fought against them and refused to sign even one measure the president sent them. She fought for healthier American kids and for the right of girls to learn to read and get an education.

But hey, trump did send a vet group one of his bumper sticker. What a guy, huh?

When Obama decided to NOT enforce federal immigration laws, was he violating the Constiution?

POP QUIZ! How many illegal immigrants has Obama deported?
pop quiz many have come right back in?.....

Hey, not just an immigrant. Melania has lots of talents - porn actor, took off her clothes for anyone who would pay for it, lied about her education, lied about the languages she speaks, lied about the speech she stole from the real FLOTUS and, best of all - a prostitute who got rid of all but one of her johns - and she was illegal for quite a while.

Finally, you're going to get rid of an accomplished and beautiful woman who earned her way and has spent the past 8 years fighting for jobs and housing for our vets, even as the Repubs fought against them and refused to sign even one measure the president sent them. She fought for healthier American kids and for the right of girls to learn to read and get an education.

But hey, trump did send a vet group one of his bumper sticker. What a guy, huh?

Ah, it's funny that the *liberated* left always likes to call women they don't like sluts, isnt it?

That's how they view women. It's why the only women they can ever elevate are hideous. They think beautiful women exist only for sex.
Now, this is interesting.

In an exclusive exchange with ThinkProgress, Richard Painter, a University of Minnesota law professor who previously served as chief ethics counsel to President George W. Bush, says that Trump’s efforts to do business with these diplomats is at odds with a provision of the Constitution intended to prevent foreign states from effectively buying influence with federal officials.

The Constitution’s “Emoluments Clause,” provides that “no person holding any office of profit or trust under” the United States “shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.”

The diplomats’ efforts in seek Trump’s favor by staying in his hotel “looks like a gift,” Painter told ThinkProgress in an email, and thus is the very kind of favor the Constitution seeks to prevent.

To explain, the ordinary rule under the Emoluments Clause is that federal officials may do business with foreign governments so long as they do not receive special treatment. If the president owns a $200,000 Rolls Royce, Painter told ThinkProgress, they can sell that car to the Queen of England, so long as they only receive its fair market value. If Her Majesty The Queen pays $250,000 for the Rolls Royce, however, that would violate the Emoluments Clause.

Rest of article here:

Trump is in SERIOUS legal trouble.

Wow they stayed in his hotel, tell me when they pay him millions of dollars

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