Trump pledges to protect Americans and end birthright citizenship by executive order on day one.

“Thereof”… the states they live in you dope
NEGATIVE….illegal trespassers are subject to the nation of which they have citizenship.
Sorry Humberto….here’s more free enlightenment for you.

There it is. The left doesn't care what the purpose for a Constitutional Amendment was. All that matters is how it can be abused and twisted to fit their agenda. Time for your nap.

I care about the words of the Constitution, those are what are important. Everything else is just opinion.
It’s crystal clear to all sane Americans…Mexicos people are subject to the jurisdiction of Mexico.

So, when people cross the border illegally and they kill someone, they are not subject to our laws?
Trump MUST get back to his roots, get REAL aggressive and really grind on the issue of illegal immigration. “Build That Wall” won him the Oval Office in 2016 and he’ll win again on the same sentiment.
NO legitimate American thinks this nation needs one more illiterate thirdworlder or one more litter of silver tooth anchor babies.

A majority of voters in 2016 opposed building the wall. What won for Trump in 2020 was a low turnout. People expected Clinton to win. 65% or so of Americans expected Clinton to win so they stayed home. Voters may have issues with Biden but they will turn out to defeat Trump. Trump cannot overturn the 14th Amendment with a EO. Typical of the fascist tendencies of Trump.
He made the same empty promise last time. It can't be done by EO.

While "birthright citizenship" is found nowhere in the Constitution or any Amendment - it is a distortion of wording in the 14th Amendment - it would definitely take a LAW, passed by Congress and signed by the President to overturn it.

And it won't work even if passed, because some leftist Federal District Court Judge would make every human on earth "grandfathered" in to the old interpretation.

It is found in the 14th Amendment and has over 100 years of precedent behind it.
Trump MUST get back to his roots, get REAL aggressive and really grind on the issue of illegal immigration. “Build That Wall” won him the Oval Office in 2016 and he’ll win again on the same sentiment.
NO legitimate American thinks this nation needs one more illiterate thirdworlder or one more litter of silver tooth anchor babies.
He’s right about all the points he made in regard to it being a magnet and xiden authorizing the invasion

with that said i don’t believe he can end it with an EO
A majority of voters in 2016 opposed building the wall. What won for Trump in 2020 was a low turnout. People expected Clinton to win. 65% or so of Americans expected Clinton to win so they stayed home. Voters may have issues with Biden but they will turn out to defeat Trump. Trump cannot overturn the 14th Amendment with a EO. Typical of the fascist tendencies of Trump.
2020 was not a low turn out…in fact it was a record turn out at the time
I'm a legitimate American and I think we need them. Most of the jobs that are unfilled are low skill jobs. Jobs you and I won't do and even your kids won't. Dirty jobs. Minimum wage jobs.

Social security is set to expire the year I retire at age 62. We need workers pumping in money to the system so I can get paid. I know what's going to happen. Republicans in 10 years are going to cut everyone's social security 20% in order to "save" the program. You guys want to talk about being taxed? Imagine if I get $200 taken out of my monthly retirement every month for the rest of my life. For what? So rich people and corporations can pay less taxes? So Republicans can lie us into another costly war? That money could have gone into social security.

The number of job openings decreased to 9.6 million on the last business day of March

We need 10 million more immigrants. And YOU need to stop having so many kids because we are overpopulated. So rather than give birth to more babies who are worthless, you have fewer kids and we import people who are ready to work on day one.

We are not overpopulated. When baby boomers die, we will be under populated. That will include even higher skill jobs. Generally the first generation of immigrants have low skills however succeeding generations generally have higher skill sets.
NEGATIVE….illegal trespassers are subject to the nation of which they have citizenship.
Sorry Humberto….here’s more free enlightenment for you.

According to some right wing ding bat?

Republicans told us don't count on social security being there

Beginning in 2021, it will be necessary to redeem trust fund assets to pay benefits until 2032 when the trust fund reserves will be exhausted and income going into the trust funds will provide money to pay only three-fourths of benefits.

Remember all the tax breaks Republicans Reagan, Bush and Trump gave to rich people you stupid Americans when your social security gets cut. Keep voting Republican every 8 years. Idiots!!!

The money will be there but it will have to be paid out the general fund. That will be what drives the budget deficits during the years. The Reagan tax cuts did not blow up the budget. The Trump tax cuts were unnecessary and created new loopholes for the rich such as a 20% tax rate on real estate trusts which make no sense other that they benefitted the Speake of the House at that time and Donald Trump.
A majority of voters in 2016 opposed building the wall. What won for Trump in 2020 was a low turnout. People expected Clinton to win. 65% or so of Americans expected Clinton to win so they stayed home. Voters may have issues with Biden but they will turn out to defeat Trump. Trump cannot overturn the 14th Amendment with a EO. Typical of the fascist tendencies of Trump.

Hillary lost to Sanders in Michigan and Wisconsin. She lost to Trump in Michigan, and Wisconsin. She had to win Philadelphia by a large margin. She ignored Pennsylvania for California.

That's why she lost.
You mean the jobs blacks used to work before you globalists replaced them?
“Most of the jobs that are unfilled are low skill jobs.”

How do illiterate taxpayer dependent bottom feeders with a 0% effective tax rate fund social security?

Rich people / those who run corporations pay the majority of America’s taxes

Wetbacks can’t speak the language or add 2+2…..They are limited to working brainless jobs. How many weed pullers / tree trimmers do we need?

Hahaha….yeah, America needs hole-digging illiterate thirdworlders more than it needs intelligent blue and white collar locals.

Everyone who works legally pays SS taxes.

Wealth inequality in this nation is growing. The wealthy are getting wealthier and the taxes they are paying is nowhere near this. They are not paying their fair share.

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