Trump desire to suspend the Constitution is not a deal breaker to Republicans

No, FAGAt, I support using the amendment process to change the Constitution, not hallucinating new powers or ignoring it like your socialist party of deranged fascist racist sexist mass-murder loving fruitcakes does.

I can point to countless posts here where I’ve discussed how Roe was nonsense, how Congress cannot “codify Roe” under Article I Section 8, and how I want a Constitutional amendment to ban abortion.

I respect the rule of law. Trump is wrong to request what he is requesting. If he had proof, strong proof, of election fraud or criminal wrongdoing, he should present it - if he doesn’t, he should shut up and if he intends to run for President again and wants to win, then he should shut up. At this point I already hope he doesn’t run / would withdraw.

This doesn’t mean you FAGAts aren’t abusive defamatory assholes and shouldn’t be corrected when you go off the rails as you are doing now.

Wow, that's a lot of MAGAt hate you are spewing. You see, you MAGAts were always there but we kept you in the dark corners so you wouldn't harm anyone. Rump allowed you to come out and do a small insurrection or at least attempt it. When Rump is gone, you MAGAts will still be around but you are slowly losing the light and being forced into the dark recesses where you can only mumble to yourself.
What any woman does with her body never, ever, will be any of your business
Abortion has never been about this and never will.

The kid’s body is not the mom’s body. The kid is not his or her mom’s property either. They are human beings, and their mother is attacking them with lethal violence to kill them.

The fact that you don’t care about that or actively encourage violence against innocent young human beings is a sign of your own lack of character.
Abortion has never been about this and never will.

The kid’s body is not the mom’s body. The kid is not his or her mom’s property either. They are human beings, and their mother is attacking them with lethal violence to kill them.

The fact that you don’t care about that or actively encourage violence against innocent young human beings is a sign of your own lack of character.

One thing I have done is to never get into whether Abortion should be legal or not. There is only one being with the answer to this question and that is God. And he nor you are God.
When did that happen?
Show us the evidence. I am only hearing crickets.
They will:

1) claim that accusation is true
2) claim that everyone knows it
3) when asked to provide proof, will claim they already have
4) will refuse to provide this "oh so easy to find" proof
5) will have white knights come and make it personal
He may be talking about the one Amendment that holds the MAGAts together and that's the 2 amendment. I don't want it taken out but I do wish it to be clarified. The Constitution was written in words that the common person can understand with the exception of the 2nd amendment.
The usual allegation about the 2nd amendment is that Democrats want to DO AWAY with it, as some Republicans proclaim, meant to only incite their voters into total anger about it.

They do not understand removing weapons from civilian hands which should never belong in civilian hands, or a certain round of ammunitions with totally terminating the right to own some arms.
Sorry Trumpytraitors. Losing a close election and having a near even split in the federal governement is not a sign of absolute Despotism. Which is prerequisite for.......

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--

The usual allegation about the 2nd amendment is that Democrats want to DO AWAY with it, as some Republicans proclaim, meant to only incite their voters into total anger about it.

They do not understand removing weapons from civilian hands which should never belong in civilian hands, or a certain round of ammunitions with totally terminating the right to own some arms.

And whom makes that determination? It should be in the Constitution spelling it out. The Constitution should have basic guidelines that are clear and precise and then let the States work it the rest of the way. We should be talking about public safety. If public Safety is covered, that is all that the Federals should say about it.
Yeah, and it’s a process you lot give zero fucks about.

All you want is for a Supreme Court that will let anything anyone with a (D) by their name does to slide, and to hallucinate whatever new amendments you want into existence. You know your bullshit wouldn’t pass 2/3 of either the House or the Senate, let alone get 38 states to approve, so you just want tyranny and to flagrantly ignore the Constitution.

You’ve already shown your stank asses on this.
Why doesn't your orange Dear Leader submit an Amendment to Congress? If he's so popular should be a slam dunk, eh?
And whom makes that determination? It should be in the Constitution spelling it out. The Constitution should have basic guidelines that are clear and precise and then let the States work it the rest of the way. We should be talking about public safety. If public Safety is covered, that is all that the Federals should say about it.
Republicans do not care about details. Congress knows what it says, some do not care, but the voters are the ones who really do not know anything about it.

If making the Constitution clearer is what is needed, then some Congress should try to start working it out, but so much of their time is wasted and too much time is not spent in Congress. That may need to be changed as well.

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