
Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
He tells it like it is, Deal With It...

While critics display their embarrassing ignorance of history.
July 10, 2017

Bruce Thornton

President Trump’s ringing defense of Western civilization during his speech in Poland was a welcome answer to the phony cultural relativism, fashionable self-loathing, and smug hypocrisy of leftist Westerners who bash the West but wouldn’t live anywhere else. So it’s no surprise that the progressive establishment bashed the speech as “racial and religious paranoia,” as one screed in the Atlantic was titled.

That headline, and the essays’ claim that “the West is a racial and religious term” and a dog-whistle for alt-right racists, bespeak a profound ignorance about what defines the West. The core ideas of the West began in the city states of ancient Greece, then for centuries were further elaborated by the Romans before Christianity existed. Most important of these ideas was the notion of citizenship, the belief that the laws and customs comprising the political order were a collective possession of free and equal citizens, not of a king or elite defined by birth and lording over subjects. Power no longer belonged to men, to be used to further their personal status or wealth or ambitions. Power became abstract, embodied in the laws, offices, and electoral procedures used by citizens to make the decisions about who should use power, and for what power should be used.


The attacks on Trump’s speech represent the bankruptcy of internationalist idealism and the hypocrisy of noble-savage multiculturalism. No matter what they say, the critics of the West have already voted with their feet for the superiority of the West in which they have chosen to live. The self-proclaimed “Palestinian activist” Linda Sarsour, who after Trump’s speech called for a “jihad” against “fascists and white supremacists and Islamophobes reigning in the White House,” would never go to Riyadh, Tehran, Ramallah, or Gaza and “speak truth to power” in such a way.

But Sarsour is a creature of the corrupt progressive university and a badly educated intelligentsia, both full of spoiled children who have turned biting the cultural, political, and economic hand that feeds them into a fashion statement and status symbol. If like the Poles they’d had to live under a brutal, totalitarian state, they would be cheering Trump’s speech as enthusiastically as the Poles did. It is a testimony to how ideologically debauched our intellectuals are that a supposedly crude, badly educated businessman and reality television celebrity understands the West better than the eggheads do.

Trump Defends the West
defends the west by promising to work with Russia on cyber security ... the same Russia that compromised our cyber security.

fucking traitor pissant.
He tells it like it is, Deal With It...

While critics display their embarrassing ignorance of history.
July 10, 2017

Bruce Thornton

President Trump’s ringing defense of Western civilization during his speech in Poland was a welcome answer to the phony cultural relativism, fashionable self-loathing, and smug hypocrisy of leftist Westerners who bash the West but wouldn’t live anywhere else. So it’s no surprise that the progressive establishment bashed the speech as “racial and religious paranoia,” as one screed in the Atlantic was titled.

That headline, and the essays’ claim that “the West is a racial and religious term” and a dog-whistle for alt-right racists, bespeak a profound ignorance about what defines the West. The core ideas of the West began in the city states of ancient Greece, then for centuries were further elaborated by the Romans before Christianity existed. Most important of these ideas was the notion of citizenship, the belief that the laws and customs comprising the political order were a collective possession of free and equal citizens, not of a king or elite defined by birth and lording over subjects. Power no longer belonged to men, to be used to further their personal status or wealth or ambitions. Power became abstract, embodied in the laws, offices, and electoral procedures used by citizens to make the decisions about who should use power, and for what power should be used.


The attacks on Trump’s speech represent the bankruptcy of internationalist idealism and the hypocrisy of noble-savage multiculturalism. No matter what they say, the critics of the West have already voted with their feet for the superiority of the West in which they have chosen to live. The self-proclaimed “Palestinian activist” Linda Sarsour, who after Trump’s speech called for a “jihad” against “fascists and white supremacists and Islamophobes reigning in the White House,” would never go to Riyadh, Tehran, Ramallah, or Gaza and “speak truth to power” in such a way.

But Sarsour is a creature of the corrupt progressive university and a badly educated intelligentsia, both full of spoiled children who have turned biting the cultural, political, and economic hand that feeds them into a fashion statement and status symbol. If like the Poles they’d had to live under a brutal, totalitarian state, they would be cheering Trump’s speech as enthusiastically as the Poles did. It is a testimony to how ideologically debauched our intellectuals are that a supposedly crude, badly educated businessman and reality television celebrity understands the West better than the eggheads do.

Trump Defends the West
A Reaganesque speech. It was really designed as a jab at Merkle for idiotically inviting a million economic refugees from shit holes to change the essence of Western culture. Now, the ugly frau is insisting Poland, Czech Rep., Hungary and Slovakia put up and support these leeches.

What a clusterfuck!
Let me spell out what is the west
1. We believe in freedom
2. We believe in knowledge and critical thought
3. We rely on science and tech
4. We're all social democracies or mixed economies

Defending us against religious fascism is a good idea but don't think we're not also at risk from radical Christianity.
Given that Trump, his family, and his associates lie constantly how can a sane person take them seriously? If your son or daughter, a family member lied at this rate you'd probably only invite them over for comic relief. Donald, tell them that story about you and the frog who talked. Or Bertha tell them about your alien trip in a spaceship. What great fun you could have.

Momma done always told me, tell the truth Sonny....

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Opinion | The Culture of Dishonesty

"It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise." Joseph Goebbels
Let me spell out what is the west
1. We believe in freedom
2. We believe in knowledge and critical thought
3. We rely on science and tech
4. We're all social democracies or mixed economies

Defending us against religious fascism is a good idea but don't think we're not also at risk from radical Christianity.
1. We believe in freedom
Including freedom of speech and religion

Is the OP-er Bruce Thornton? I must ask because it's not as though the OP contains much other than the beginning and end of Mr. Thornton's editorial.
Well if you read the rules of posting you can not post the whole article due to copy right infringement. They have hammered me many times for posting to much said I should post only 3 or 4 paragraphs SO I post the 3 or 4 paragraphs that I WANT TO POST, got it...
Let me spell out what is the west
1. We believe in freedom
2. We believe in knowledge and critical thought
3. We rely on science and tech
4. We're all social democracies or mixed economies

Defending us against religious fascism is a good idea but don't think we're not also at risk from radical Christianity.
Radical islam 98%
Radical Christianity 2%
I see you respect Christianity with capital C, that's a good blue beatch...
Two vital lessons from the reaction to Trump's Warsaw speech.
July 12, 2017

Dennis Prager

Last week, The Atlantic rendered a great service to those of us who contend that America is in the midst of a civil war between the right and the left. It provided a smoking gun — actually, the gunshot itself — to those of us who contend that the left (never to be confused with liberals) is intent on dismantling Western civilization.

It published articles by two left-wing writers, one by Peter Beinart titled "The Racial and Religious Paranoia of Trump's Warsaw Speech," and one by its national correspondent, James Fallows, written on the same theme as Beinart's.

The subject of both articles was President Donald Trump's speech in Warsaw, Poland, last week, a speech described by The Wall Street Journal as "a determined and affirmative defense of the Western tradition."

Yet, to the Atlantic writers, defending Western civilization is nothing more than a defense of white racism.


We owe a debt of gratitude to The Atlantic, CNN (whose senior White House correspondent Jeff Zeleny described Trump's address as a "white America, America first kind of speech") and others. They have made it clear that the left has contempt for Western civilization and therefore constitutes the greatest threat to its survival.

The Atlantic Publishes All You Need to Know About the Left
The hypocrisy of a German Chancellor.
July 14, 2017

Joseph Klein


Chancellor Merkel, for all her bluster about the imminent perils of climate change, made sure that her government is protecting the jobs of German workers in the coal industry. Germany’s “Climate Action Plan 2050” does not set a date for ending the country’s reliance on coal-fired plants.

“Coal remains central to Germany’s power system, providing 42 percent of gross power production in 2015 – 18 percent from hard coal and 24 percent from lignite,” according to a fact sheet issued by Clean Energy Wire on December 16, 2016. Lignite in particular is still mined fairly extensively, especially in the eastern part of Germany, where the coal miners are represented by a powerful union and are important constituents of the Social Democratic Party.


President Trump is forthright about prioritizing the protection of American workers over sticking with lopsided commitments made under the Paris Agreement that unfairly disadvantage the U.S. economy. Chancellor Merkel and her government hide behind the Paris Agreement and platitudes about climate change, while making sure that they protect German workers in the coal industry. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt correctly called the chancellor out for her hypocrisy. He also correctly characterized the Paris Agreement as "pure symbolism" and “a bumper sticker.”

Chancellor Merkel has called climate change “one of the greatest, existential challenges facing humanity.” President Trump realizes that there are graver threats today from evil state and non-state actors. Freeloading on the United States for defense against such foreign enemies makes it easy for Chancellor Merkel to indulge in her distorted priorities.

Merkel vs. Trump on Climate Change

Is the OP-er Bruce Thornton? I must ask because it's not as though the OP contains much other than the beginning and end of Mr. Thornton's editorial.
Well if you read the rules of posting you can not post the whole article due to copy right infringement. They have hammered me many times for posting to much said I should post only 3 or 4 paragraphs SO I post the 3 or 4 paragraphs that I WANT TO POST, got it...

yeah, but they dont like you .. :dunno:


Is the OP-er Bruce Thornton? I must ask because it's not as though the OP contains much other than the beginning and end of Mr. Thornton's editorial.
Well if you read the rules of posting you can not post the whole article due to copy right infringement. They have hammered me many times for posting to much said I should post only 3 or 4 paragraphs SO I post the 3 or 4 paragraphs that I WANT TO POST, got it...

yeah, but they dont like you .. :dunno:

7/11 You shouldn't post after butt chugging a box of cheap wine. Now go lay down and STFU...
Let me spell out what is the west
1. We believe in freedom
2. We believe in knowledge and critical thought
3. We rely on science and tech
4. We're all social democracies or mixed economies

Defending us against religious fascism is a good idea but don't think we're not also at risk from radical Christianity.

You don't know ho to stop while you are ahead, do you?
Let me spell out what is the west
1. We believe in freedom
2. We believe in knowledge and critical thought
3. We rely on science and tech
4. We're all social democracies or mixed economies

Defending us against religious fascism is a good idea but don't think we're not also at risk from radical Christianity.


The United States is a republic where we have freedom of speech and religion, within certain limitations, and is being corrupted by overzealous socialism.

If you think Christianity is so radical you're free to move to a Islamic country and see if they respect your rights and choice of religion.


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