Trump at 47% approval today; Obama was at 46% this same day in his term

and by the way, which president gave a terrorist nation (Iran) 150 billion taxpayer dollars to kill American soldiers through-out the middle east and the world?
and by the way, which president gave a terrorist nation (Iran) 150 billion taxpayer dollars to kill American soldiers through-out the middle east and the world?
and under Trump, inspectors have pulled out and Iran is closer to developing a nuke bomb then ever before.
View attachment 358721
Do you really think that is going to happen? You saw the North Korea fiasco over the last 30 years or so. And if it is not us, Israel will get involved. They have no choice.
Sure And trump‘s “ make belive team” after Obama briefing team giving them the pandemic play book said
“ do you really think that is going to happen ?“ In typical fashion, trump and his minions are uninformed, unprepared but way over nourished. ...

And before you TDS Sufferers poo-poo the Rasmussen Poll, as is customary note:

No other pollster tracked by RealClearPolitics came as close to the final results. "The media created a false narrative about the 2016 presidential campaign, and most polling reinforced it," {AND THEY ARE DOING IT AGAIN!!!!}

And this is backed up by:


I have never seen anyone put through so much Hell as Don Trump. The attacks, the attempted coups---have been going on since before he took office. He still managed to build the greatest economy in history, including for Blacks and Hispanics; endured a fraudulent impeachment; started no new wars, ended one and is about to end another--our longest in history....and has had to deal with a Chinese Disease and a Diseased New York Media...and he is still doing better today than Barack Hussein Obama was doing on the same day in his Presidency.


If he could just find a cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome. He will, but it looks like it will take until January of 2025.


Where do you find the 47% number? You didn't give a link to that number.
and by the way, which president gave a terrorist nation (Iran) 150 billion taxpayer dollars to kill American soldiers through-out the middle east and the world?
and by the way, which president gave a terrorist nation (Iran) 150 billion taxpayer dollars to kill American soldiers through-out the middle east and the world?
and under Trump, inspectors have pulled out and Iran is closer to developing a nuke bomb then ever before.
View attachment 358721
Do you really think that is going to happen? You saw the North Korea fiasco over the last 30 years or so. And if it is not us, Israel will get involved. They have no choice.
And North Korea is still a fiasco. Kim used Trump to become important on the world stage and nothing changed after Kim kicked a Trump to the curb like a cheap whore after he was done using Trump. Trump just keeps on embarrassing America and making America a joke internationally and at home.
Kim is important on the world stage? How? Be specific. Let us all know how Kim has benefited from Trump.
And four years later....don’t you think pollsters have learned something and adjusted their methods after such an embarrassment?

Hell no, they rig polls to favor Dems and have been doing it for 40 years.

In 2018, Rasmussen Reports predicted that Republicans would win the generic ballot by 1 percentage point while the actual election results had Democrats winning by nearly 9 percentage points. This error of nearly 10 percentage points was the largest polling error out of major firms who polled the national generic ballot

And before you TDS Sufferers poo-poo the Rasmussen Poll, as is customary note:

No other pollster tracked by RealClearPolitics came as close to the final results. "The media created a false narrative about the 2016 presidential campaign, and most polling reinforced it," {AND THEY ARE DOING IT AGAIN!!!!}

And this is backed up by:


I have never seen anyone put through so much Hell as Don Trump. The attacks, the attempted coups---have been going on since before he took office. He still managed to build the greatest economy in history, including for Blacks and Hispanics; endured a fraudulent impeachment; started no new wars, ended one and is about to end another--our longest in history....and has had to deal with a Chinese Disease and a Diseased New York Media...and he is still doing better today than Barack Hussein Obama was doing on the same day in his Presidency.


If he could just find a cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome. He will, but it looks like it will take until January of 2025.


Nope. Polls are fake news. You guys said so

Well...there is this....

In the first week of July 2016, Reuters/Ipsos had Clinton up 44–33 (in November of that year, the pollster gave Hillary a 90 percent chance of winning.) The latest Reuters/Ipsos poll has Biden up 48–35. The latest New York Times/Siena poll that has Biden up 14 points nationally over Trump. In the last poll conducted by Siena before the 2016 election (I don’t see any from June–July), Clinton carried a 17-point lead over Trump. In June of 2016, Fox News had Hillary with a 49–39 lead, and now it shows Biden with a 50–38 lead. In May 2016, USA Today/Suffolk poll had Hillary’s leading 50–39 percent. In June 2020, USA Today/Suffolk poll finds Biden leading 53–41 percent.

It’s difficult to conjure up a more precarious political environment for a national candidate than the one Trump finds himself in — due to both self-inflicted troubles and events out of his control — and yet the RCP average right now has Biden up over nine points. In July of 2016, a CNN/ORC poll had Trump down 52–43. In August of 2016, Quinnipiac had him down 51–41, and McClatchy/Marist had him down 48–33.

Plenty of polls, it’s true, showed a closer race, but even some of those had obvious problems. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll in late June 2016 had Clinton up 46–41 percent, with the Libertarian Party’s Gary Johnson and Green Party’s Jill Stein winning 16 percent of the vote combined. They ended up with around 4 percent in a contest in which both major candidates were personally unpopular.

It’s also true that national polls are about as useful as the “popular vote.” State polls, however, were hardly better — and quite similar in 2016 to 2020.

RCP average of Pennsylvania in July of 2016 found Hillary up by over a seven-point spread. Right now, Biden is up seven points. The last poll CBS News/YouGov conducted in the state had Hillary winning 48–40; the last New York Times/Siena poll, 46–39; the last Bloomberg poll 48–39; and the last NBC/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll, 49–37.

In the final Wisconsin RCP average spread, which remained consistent throughout the election, had Hillary ended up over six points. Biden is up over six points right now in the RCP average.

And four years later....don’t you think pollsters have learned something and adjusted their methods after such an embarrassment?

So you TDS’rs trust them when they agree with you And condemn them otherwise?

I usually go by RCP’s averages.


His greatness will succeed again to win the Electoral College, and I will awake with Ana De Armas!!!
Kim is important on the world stage? How? Be specific. Let us all know how Kim has benefited from Trump.

You know him by his first name. Like Cher, or Elvis, or Madonna. When you become a first name, you made it on the world stage.

You just proved that.
Kim is important on the world stage? How? Be specific. Let us all know how Kim has benefited from Trump.

You know him by his first name. Like Cher, or Elvis, or Madonna. When you become a first name, you made it on the world stage.

You just proved that.
I knew his first name when he was telling Barry to bend over and grab his ankles.

and by the way, which president gave a terrorist nation (Iran) 150 billion taxpayer dollars to kill American soldiers through-out the middle east and the world?
and by the way, which president gave a terrorist nation (Iran) 150 billion taxpayer dollars to kill American soldiers through-out the middle east and the world?
and under Trump, inspectors have pulled out and Iran is closer to developing a nuke bomb then ever before.
View attachment 358721
Do you really think that is going to happen? You saw the North Korea fiasco over the last 30 years or so. And if it is not us, Israel will get involved. They have no choice.
And North Korea is still a fiasco. Kim used Trump to become important on the world stage and nothing changed after Kim kicked a Trump to the curb like a cheap whore after he was done using Trump. Trump just keeps on embarrassing America and making America a joke internationally and at home.
Kim is important on the world stage? How? Be specific. Let us all know how Kim has benefited from Trump.
Kim wasn’t as prevalence on the world stage until Trump made him important. After Trump’s dog and pony show, Kim was invited to both China and Russia. Kim was on the front pages world wide, he played Trump and the world knew it.
Kim is important on the world stage? How? Be specific. Let us all know how Kim has benefited from Trump.

You know him by his first name. Like Cher, or Elvis, or Madonna. When you become a first name, you made it on the world stage.

You just proved that.
I knew his first name when he was telling Barry to bend over and grab his ankles.

Trump is the one who bent over and took it in his gigantic fat ass. Kim made Trump a joke. What an embarrassment for America. Trump, the worlds clown!
Democrats are retards and should be deported.
You know him by his first name. Like Cher, or Elvis, or Madonna. When you become a first name, you made it on the world stage.

You just proved that.
I knew his first name when he was telling Barry to bend over and grab his ankles.

Obama never put Kim Jong Un on the world stage. And most missiles, and nuclear tests took place under TRUMP.

That's gotta suck, especially after Trump got Kim to promise to denuclearize, and then he took it back.
Trumpism ?
I ll take Hillary any day of the week over Trumpism, the man who allowed rewards for shooting our soldiers with no recourse and now doesn’t listen to scientists with a spread of covert 19 like wild fire.

Stupid mother fucker there is ZERO hard evidence this ever happened. Even the CIA says Trump was not briefed on it because it was basically what amounted to a classified rumor.
Trumpism ?
I ll take Hillary any day of the week over Trumpism, the man who allowed rewards for shooting our soldiers with no recourse and now doesn’t listen to scientists with a spread of coronavirus like wild fire.
oeople who don’t listen to science are horribly deficient.
I made my point a retard democrat just crawled out from under a rock:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

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