Trump administration weighs blocking TikTok in the U.S.


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011

They are both morons. It's a young persons blah dee blah blah blah :rolleyes:. It's not. It would be moronic to ban the app.

I think you know where this about to go.
Record deficits, wars still raging. The country as divided as it's been in a long time. Covid raging, unemployment over 10% and Trump is concerned over some goofy website.
No. I'm signed up. Is someone sending TikToks to you?

They are both morons. It's a young persons blah dee blah blah blah :rolleyes:. It's not. It would be moronic to ban the app.

I think you know where this about to go.

The Chinese Communists monitor everything posted on TikTok. Built in backdoors, the works.
They'll use it to spy on Americans via their kids.

I bet Chinese and Hong Kong people don't use TikTok. In fact, they use something else, forget what it is right now. It's been 8 mos since I read about that.

They are both morons. It's a young persons blah dee blah blah blah :rolleyes:. It's not. It would be moronic to ban the app.

I think you know where this about to go.

To an IP address in a government data center in China? Yes.
what is the tik-tok app?

It lets people share and view 15-second videos easily. It's mostly used by kids. If China wants to monitor kids talking about K-pop bands, let 'em. The kids will troll China, just like they keep trolling Trump. That's what has Trump upset. Kids used the app to coordinate pranking the Trump campaign, such as making many thousands of fake reservations for his Tulsa rally.
what is the tik-tok app?

It''s an app that people use to lip sink to music or a few lines from movies. There are dance challenges. They have everything from cooking shows to gardening to cosplay. So here is one that I follow that is on there:

It's much shorter videos on TikTok.
It's also based on algorithms so it shows you more of what you heart. There are a lot of adults that are on there like people in the 30s through 60s and 70s.

They are both morons. It's a young persons blah dee blah blah blah :rolleyes:. It's not. It would be moronic to ban the app.

I think you know where this about to go.

The Chinese Communists monitor everything posted on TikTok. Built in backdoors, the works.
They'll use it to spy on Americans via their kids.

I bet Chinese and Hong Kong people don't use TikTok. In fact, they use something else, forget what it is right now. It's been 8 mos since I read about that.

There is a very large group of adults that are on TikTok.

Ok. What are they going to learn about Americans? That every single adult knows the lyrics to Eminem's Shake That? That way too many women have combined alcohol and Lizzo's Truth Hurts? That we are all walking around singing, Interior crocodile alligator..........I drive a Chevrolet movie theater. No shit. Those are the lyrics and nobody heard it wrong. Are they collecting information on my FaceBook?

They are both morons. It's a young persons blah dee blah blah blah :rolleyes:. It's not. It would be moronic to ban the app.

I think you know where this about to go.

The Chinese Communists monitor everything posted on TikTok. Built in backdoors, the works.
They'll use it to spy on Americans via their kids.

I bet Chinese and Hong Kong people don't use TikTok. In fact, they use something else, forget what it is right now. It's been 8 mos since I read about that.

There is a very large group of adults that are on TikTok.

Ok. What are they going to learn about Americans? That every single adult knows the lyrics to Eminem's Shake That? That way too many women have combined alcohol and Lizzo's Truth Hurts? That we are all walking around singing, Interior crocodile alligator..........I drive a Chevrolet movie theater. No shit. Those are the lyrics and nobody heard it wrong. Are they collecting information on my FaceBook?


They are both morons. It's a young persons blah dee blah blah blah :rolleyes:. It's not. It would be moronic to ban the app.

I think you know where this about to go.

The Chinese Communists monitor everything posted on TikTok. Built in backdoors, the works.
They'll use it to spy on Americans via their kids.

I bet Chinese and Hong Kong people don't use TikTok. In fact, they use something else, forget what it is right now. It's been 8 mos since I read about that.

There is a very large group of adults that are on TikTok.

Ok. What are they going to learn about Americans? That every single adult knows the lyrics to Eminem's Shake That? That way too many women have combined alcohol and Lizzo's Truth Hurts? That we are all walking around singing, Interior crocodile alligator..........I drive a Chevrolet movie theater. No shit. Those are the lyrics and nobody heard it wrong. Are they collecting information on my FaceBook?


I'm not too worried about it. Sometimes I think that is what USMB needs just to release the stress and lighten it up for a sec. We should all make 15 second videos of some nonsense.

They are both morons. It's a young persons blah dee blah blah blah :rolleyes:. It's not. It would be moronic to ban the app.

I think you know where this about to go.

Well.... Here's what I'm reading.

I'm not am not a security expert, but I did have some programming experience. So much of what they are saying, I understand it.

The TikTok app, is sending a ridiculous amount of information back to the company.

This information has no reasonable value to collect. For example, it collects your contact information, and the contacts you have on your phone.

Now an app can access your contact info, to send a video to friends or something. That makes sense. But there is no reason to upload every contact on your phone, to the company. Why would they need that?

It also uploads all of your network information. That information can be used to locate you. Your phone has a unique Mac Address, that is used to connect your phone to whatever WIFI you are on. Why would they need that information uploaded to a company in China?

Another thing is, TikTok was uploading all the other apps that were installed on the phone. In fact, the guy researching this, found that TikTok had uploaded the name of a program he had deleted off his phone. Why would TikTok need to know what other unrelated apps are on your phone? Why would it need to know.... for example... what banking app is on your phone?

All of this is troubling, and worse, it appears that TikTok was not even using secure socket layer. Secure Socket layer is basic encryption of data. Without using that, your phone number, you email address, and your name, were being sent over the network with zero protection.

In networking terms, it is like walking down a public street yelling out your personal info. Everyone on the network who has a monitoring app, could collect all that information as it went by.

Very very bad. Equally, TikTok appears to have been pinging the phones GPS locator, every 30 minutes, and this data was apparently being transmitted as well, without any encryption.

What this potentially means, is that in theory someone could collect your personal information, name, dob, phone number, and either what building you were in based on network IDs, or almost exactly where you are, based on GPS pings... and do all of this remotely just watching your TikTok data transmissions.

Comparatively, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram... none of them collect a fraction as much data from the user.

So at this point, I'm inclined to let the government continue its investigation of TikTok, and take whatever measures are appropriate.
I’ve been a Tik Tok poster and user since nearly the beginning. And the false narrative that it’s just kids using the app is wholly false. Taken for what it is; it’s not only wildly popular, it fills a niche that Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook lack. And THAT in my opinion is why it’s under fire. The Google plex can’t influence it. It can’t control it. And it can’t buy it. So now it is pressuring the US government to eliminate it.
I'm not seeing any data that is being collected that is somehow different from FaceBook. You need the camera to shoot the videos folks. Entire groups of people are telling you where they are from in the videos with a hashtag and a check in. The big push right now is not to download the app to your work phone.

Question. Where are you working that they would even allow any app to be be downloaded to the work phone?

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