USA Today Cant See the Diff Between the American Bald Eagle and the Imperial Gold Eagle of the Roman Empire


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is pretty hard evidence that liberals are stupid as hell.



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Note the WHITE head. Imperial golden eagles are SAME color all over.

Also, the American bald eagle is usually shown facing its RIGHT side in which it normally holds the olive branch of peace, not the arrows of war, indicating we prefer peace, not war.

The Imperial Eagle comes from Rome, they closed the Temple to Mars when they had peace, a total of FOUR times.
The only problem is that the article is a fact check that the trump eagle looks like the nazi eagle not the gold eagle. It just someone changed the narrative. because if you look at the last photo of the nazi eagle and trump eagle it probably not the right decision. It does look like it. The direction of the eagles head same. The american us symbol looks in another direction The legs of the american symbol is holding something. Trumps and the nazi does not appear to. Fact check is true. The right will try to spin this but it looks the same and there are some differences. Still it is a big mistake on someones part. I would suspect that the y could copy exactly the american emblem so they took liberties to look different.



Whether it looks like the gold eagle is irrelevant but if it looks like the nazi emblem more. yes the eagle is an american symbol but it also appears to be a NAZI symbol. There is also some confusion as the roman's had the imperial eagle as did the Nazi's who had the imperial eagle.

Still I am laughing so hard that it hurts.
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I’m not saying Trump and his wing of the Republicans are Nazis, I’m just saying his people sure like similar words, similar phrases, similar symbols, and similar colors. :oops:
I'm saying you're a leftist faggot, now what?!
Who cares? I’ve yet to read an intelligent thought provoking word from you pal.

Click your name and find any content that is an original thought and not simply a name calling sentence. I dare you. Shit, half of your posts on the front page are you calling someone a “snowflake”. 57,000 posts of name calling? Joke’s on you.
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This is pretty hard evidence that liberals are stupid as hell.

View attachment 363083
/——-/ No, libtards aren’t stupid, they are opportunists who will seize any story and twist it for their purposes.
This is pretty hard evidence that liberals are stupid as hell.

View attachment 363083
/——-/ No, libtards aren’t stupid, they are opportunists who will seize any story and twist it for their purposes.
That’s the nicest thing you’ve probably ever said about us. Thanks.
/——-/ No, libtards aren’t stupid, they are opportunists who will seize any story and twist it for their purposes.
But to take the opportunities and run with nonsense like this is evidence of stupidity as they are horrible liars.
/----/ Can we agree that liberals are stupid opportunists?
I’m not saying Trump and his wing of the Republicans are Nazis, I’m just saying his people sure like similar words, similar phrases, similar symbols, and similar colors. :oops:
I'm saying you're a leftist faggot, now what?!
Who cares? I’ve yet to read an intelligent thought provoking word from you pal.

Click your name and find any content that is an original thought and not simply a name calling sentence. I dare you. Shit, half of your posts on the front page are you calling someone a “snowflake”. 57,000 posts of name calling? Joke’s on you.

And yet your first response in this thread was to say you are not calling Trump or those that voted for him Nazi's but you are implying it with all your heart and soul!

So let be factual and let admit I am not calling you a wannabe Bolshevik but if the shoe fit wear it you clown!

As for the Eagle on the T-Shirts it does resemble the Nazi emblem more than the what we use for the U.S. but still you should be able to see it is a bald fucking eagle and not the Nazi eagle!
I’m not saying Trump and his wing of the Republicans are Nazis, I’m just saying his people sure like similar words, similar phrases, similar symbols, and similar colors. :oops:
I'm saying you're a leftist faggot, now what?!
Who cares? I’ve yet to read an intelligent thought provoking word from you pal.

Click your name and find any content that is an original thought and not simply a name calling sentence. I dare you. Shit, half of your posts on the front page are you calling someone a “snowflake”. 57,000 posts of name calling? Joke’s on you.

And yet your first response in this thread was to say you are not calling Trump or those that voted for him Nazi's but you are implying it with all your heart and soul!

So let be factual and let admit I am not calling you a wannabe Bolshevik but if the shoe fit wear it you clown!

As for the Eagle on the T-Shirts it does resemble the Nazi emblem more than the what we use for the U.S. but still you should be able to see it is a bald fucking eagle and not the Nazi eagle!
This isnt the first time the campaign has run into using nearly identical icons as the Nazi's. And I really am saying that these Pub jokers are not Nazi's but they really really do like almost the same imagery. There is a lot of similarity between the the Nazi approach and the Republicans minus the whole genocidal mania of killing Jews - republicans dont want to kill people they just want them inline bowing to the strength of their message wrapped in nationalism - so that imagery appeals to them.
I’m not saying Trump and his wing of the Republicans are Nazis, I’m just saying his people sure like similar words, similar phrases, similar symbols, and similar colors. :oops:
I'm saying you're a leftist faggot, now what?!
Who cares? I’ve yet to read an intelligent thought provoking word from you pal.

Click your name and find any content that is an original thought and not simply a name calling sentence. I dare you. Shit, half of your posts on the front page are you calling someone a “snowflake”. 57,000 posts of name calling? Joke’s on you.

And yet your first response in this thread was to say you are not calling Trump or those that voted for him Nazi's but you are implying it with all your heart and soul!

So let be factual and let admit I am not calling you a wannabe Bolshevik but if the shoe fit wear it you clown!

As for the Eagle on the T-Shirts it does resemble the Nazi emblem more than the what we use for the U.S. but still you should be able to see it is a bald fucking eagle and not the Nazi eagle!
This isnt the first time the campaign has run into using nearly identical icons as the Nazi's. And I really am saying that these Pub jokers are not Nazi's but they really really do like almost the same imagery. There is a lot of similarity between the the Nazi approach and the Republicans minus the whole genocidal mania of killing Jews - republicans dont want to kill people they just want them inline bowing to the strength of their message wrapped in nationalism - so that imagery appeals to them.
/-----/ New Obama slogan has long ties to Marxism, socialism - Washington Times

The Obama campaign apparently didn’t look backwards into history when selecting its new campaign slogan, “Forward” — a word with a long and rich association with European Marxism.

Many Communist and radical publications and entities throughout the 19th and 20th centuries had the name “Forward!” or its foreign cognates. Wikipedia has an entire section called “Forward (generic name of socialist publications).”
This is pretty hard evidence that liberals are stupid as hell.

View attachment 363083


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