Trolling: Why nasty commenters take delight in wrecking your day


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I remember reading and posting something similar to this some time back – just can't remember where.

I think an important part is when the author says, “Policing anonymity can be difficult.” I think any moderator or administrator will tell you it's almost impossible. I sometime wonder why they don't require posters to prove who they say they are – and do away with screen names. If someone wants to post, let them be up front and let everyone know who they are.

What's you take on this? Story @ Trolling Why nasty commenters take delight in wrecking your day - Newfoundland Labrador - CBC News
Letting others know who you are online could prove dangerous, in my opinion.
Nasty comments and trolling on the internet is as commonplace as candy at a Halloween parade. These people and their comments can only ruin your day if you allow them to do so.
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I remember reading and posting something similar to this some time back – just can't remember where.

I think an important part is when the author says, “Policing anonymity can be difficult.” I think any moderator or administrator will tell you it's almost impossible. I sometime wonder why they don't require posters to prove who they say they are – and do away with screen names. If someone wants to post, let them be up front and let everyone know who they are.

What's you take on this? Story @ Trolling Why nasty commenters take delight in wrecking your day - Newfoundland Labrador - CBC News
I'd slit my wrists if any fool on an anonymous board wrecked my day.
The article is correct that its bullying and there is no doubt that these bullies would not even consider saying in real life what they say here. Most of us just consider the source and recognize that people who bully do so because they are impotent and helpless little people. People like this are terrified of those who can actually fight back. If they were forced to use their real names and real locations, the foul language and bullying would end immediately.

Having said that, only a fool would use their real name, especially on a board like this one. This board would clean up its act in a flash if people did use their real names but we live in the real world.

These impotent little trolls don't "wreck" my day. When I'm feeling generous, I feel sorry for them but most of the time, I just scroll on by because they're not worth my time.

They do make it impossible to ever actually talk, discuss or debate. If that's what you want, this is not the place to do it.

The one person we should be aware of, IMO, is the one who is young, mentally unstable, fragile ... IOW, the perfect victim for bullies.
Letting others know who you are online could prove dangerous, in my opinion.

We're not anonymous online. Connection from our home, to our ISP, to a website is anything but anonymous.

For $250, any decent PI can get you the home address and probably a photo of anyone on the net.

For free, so can any decent stalker. Amount of information we volunteer online is more than enough to knock on people's doors.
Letting others know who you are online could prove dangerous, in my opinion.

We're not anonymous online. Connection from our home, to our ISP, to a website is anything but anonymous.

For $250, any decent PI can get you the home address and probably a photo of anyone on the net.

For free, so can any decent stalker. Amount of information we volunteer online is more than enough to knock on people's doors.
You know my brother?
Our local newspaper had to shut down its discussion forum due to trolls and just generally nasty people.

They reverted to allowing comments on articles and editorials only if you use either Facebook or Google+ to log in.

It's certainly reduced the garbage!

However, I don't know if it could possibly work here.
When I was in middle school and you wanted to hate on someone using technology your options were very limited. The most you could do was send 666 to their pager. lol.

I think an important part is when the author says, “Policing anonymity can be difficult.” I think any moderator or administrator will tell you it's almost impossible. I sometime wonder why they don't require posters to prove who they say they are – and do away with screen names. If someone wants to post, let them be up front and let everyone know who they are.

Problem: the article you cite points out that when people do use real names, as on Facebook, there is still a lot of very hostile trolling.

I'd be willing to see society try that, but I think there would be a lot fewer women on unprotected (i.e., males participate) forums ----- we'd retreat to knitting forums and such, where millions of women go normally anyway. There is a lot of problem with death and rape threats and general attacks and threats against women.
Having said that, only a fool would use their real name, especially on a board like this one. This board would clean up its act in a flash if people did use their real names but we live in the real world.

May I ask why you think that? It seems likely to me that people inclined to insult would just do it with real names, too --- they live far away, there are no legal or other penalties. I think hostile remarks would go on much the same, except for fewer rape and death and mutilation threats, but those are not common on this moderated forum anyway -- it's more of a Twitter or news site comments thing.

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