triple vaxxed stephen colbert gets covid TWICE in three weeks.LOL

Point is, and I am trying to make a point here. I won't cover my mouth because you say hands don't work. Right? If Masks don't work then neither do hands so why cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze? RIGHT?

A large living room typically measures 22 by 28 feet

A sneeze can travel 27 feet.

If masks don't work, then neither do hands. So I'm not going to cover my sneezes anymore. Do you approve? Be honest.

Are you now trying to say sneezes are the same as just regular breathing?
What kind of moron thinks not wearing a mask is the same as purposefully coughing in someone's face?
STFU, asshole.
What kind of moron thinks not wearing a mask is the same thing as wearing a mask? Anyone who says masks don't work that's who. That's the point I'm trying to make. It's not easy to make a point with you. Ya slow.
What kind of moron thinks not wearing a mask is the same thing as wearing a mask? Anyone who says masks don't work that's who. That's the point I'm trying to make. It's not easy to make a point with you. Ya slow.
Well dumb asses think the masks actually work. I cant help if these woke folks are stupid.
Well dumb asses think the masks actually work. I cant help if these woke folks are stupid.
That's why I cough in your direction without covering my mouth and nose. Doing that doesn't work so why should I bother?

You really are a dumb fuck huh? Slow
Smellybozo thinks not wearing a mask is the same as purposefully coughing in someone's face. This is the kind of idiot that populates the democrat party these days.
Well they cant read the warning label on the boxes. And run from studies that show masks didnt do squat.
Smellybozo thinks not wearing a mask is the same as purposefully coughing in someone's face. This is the kind of f'n idiot that populates the democrat party these days.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

What else do you expect from a retard who thinks he is right and everybody else in the world is wrong,I’m not joking in the least when I say that either unfortunately,wish I was but I’m serious,somehow the group of over 10;000 doctors in Germany with a thousand lawyers behind them,they are all wrong thst the masks don’t work but smellybozo is right they do.wish I was making this up because hard to believe someone could be that pathetic to deny that reality.

Here is the question fir the mask apologists like smellybozo that prove they are fucking retards they can’t get around,not one single mask apologist has ever been able to give an answer to this question with a straight face.if the masks work,what is up with this retarded logic thst resteraunt staff have where they tell you thst you have to wear a mask when walking in and out the resteraunt,but when you sit down,it’s okay to take your mask off to eat.:abgg2q.jpg: The mask apologists like smellybozo start grasping at straws when you ask them that question and point out to them the facts that these resteraunt people can’t think fir themselves and use logic and common sense thst it makes no sense on the planet to wear a mask in a resteraunt and be allowed to eat your food because according to thst warped logic resteraunts and smellybozo have,the virus is dangerous when you stand up,but when you sit down,the virus is NOT dangerous,the virus somehow does not get down in lower places where you sit down is what leftist smellybozo is trying to tell us.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:you know,I might even take him off my ignore list briefly to see what kind of dodgeball game he has to play the fact he knows he is cornered backed up against the wall with nowhere to run:rofl::abgg2q.jpg::rofl::rofl:
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Smellybozo thinks not wearing a mask is the same as purposefully coughing in someone's face. This is the kind of f'n idiot that populates the democrat party these days.
:thankusmile::yes_text12::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:Indeed.that’s what RFK jr meant when he said he is horrified by what the democrat party has become these days.saying this is not the party his father and uncle were a part of and we’re so proud of back when kennedy was president.he is talking about people like smellybozo,people who are America haters thst are willing to post the most ludicrous crap on the net and deny reality how evil the dem party has become ever sense Clinton got in office.he also likes to pretend rfk junior never said that about the Dems,how they are corrupt now,that they do not resemble the party he was once proud of when his uncle was president.rfk jr he seems to think has no credibility but HE does,comedy gold,you just can’t make this shit up.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:Leftist Smellybozo will try to tell us of course rfk has no credibility but HE does,comedy gold at its best. :abgg2q.jpg: :rofl:
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Smellybozo thinks not wearing a mask is the same as purposefully coughing in someone's face. This is the kind of f'n idiot that populates the democrat party these days.
God what Fauci and ilk did to these people........lolololol


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