Canadian govt pays to euthanize undignified poor people


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
According to Trudeau & the fascist Canadian govt, poor people lack dignity & are eligible for free govt suicide.
Poverty is nothing a little good 'ol eugenics can't fix!
Lefties are always looking out for the downtrodden & most vulnerable. They help them to death whenever they can.
If you somehow slip through at birth, they'll get to you eventually with govt sanctioned "euthanasia".
How long till you can be ruled "undignified" & exterminated against your will?

"As of last year, the Canadian government is now offering to pay to euthanize people who are “too poor to continue living with dignity.” Anyone who feels as such – the tyrannical state would like to foot the bill for their suicide."
"In 2021, the Canadian parliament enacted Bill C-7, which greatly expanded the valid reasons for medically assisted suicide. Coined as a “sweeping euthanasia law,” the bill removed most restrictions and made it possible for Canadians to legally be euthanized based on their living situation. Now, thanks to the morally unjust new law, just about anyone is eligible for medically assisted suicide if they wish."


I guess if I were homeless and destitute and destined to live out the remainder of my life devoid of the slightest hint of dignity, I'd probably think about ending it all, too...
According to Trudeau & the fascist Canadian govt, poor people lack dignity & are eligible for free govt suicide.
Poverty is nothing a little good 'ol eugenics can't fix!
Lefties are always looking out for the downtrodden & most vulnerable. They help them to death whenever they can.
If you somehow slip through at birth, they'll get to you eventually with govt sanctioned "euthanasia".
How long till you can be ruled "undignified" & exterminated against your will?

"As of last year, the Canadian government is now offering to pay to euthanize people who are “too poor to continue living with dignity.” Anyone who feels as such – the tyrannical state would like to foot the bill for their suicide."
"In 2021, the Canadian parliament enacted Bill C-7, which greatly expanded the valid reasons for medically assisted suicide. Coined as a “sweeping euthanasia law,” the bill removed most restrictions and made it possible for Canadians to legally be euthanized based on their living situation. Now, thanks to the morally unjust new law, just about anyone is eligible for medically assisted suicide if they wish."

Is this a joke or am I in Germany in 1940?
Hmmmm how many successful people had once been down and out, poor and demoralized at one point of thier life but managed to pull things around? It's only that in the mind of these leftists communists, that the poor are to always remain poor. Leaders like Trudeau create poverty, and these days its most likely in the name of climate change and "saving the planet"... got to break a few eggs you know? As long as it's not Trudeau's eggs getting broken though.
These Commies are all the same and unfortunately we have to many in the Democrat party. Same mindset.
"As of last year, the Canadian government is now offering to pay to euthanize people who are “too poor to continue living with dignity.” Anyone who feels as such – the tyrannical state would like to foot the bill for their suicide." "In 2021, the Canadian parliament enacted Bill C-7, which greatly expanded the valid reasons for medically assisted suicide. Coined as a “sweeping euthanasia law,” the bill removed most restrictions and made it possible for Canadians to legally be euthanized based on their living situation. Now, thanks to the morally unjust new law, just about anyone is eligible for medically assisted suicide if they wish."

So in other words, people who are destitute without quality of life not for medical reasons, cancer, etc., but mere economic poverty? In other words, the very people whom the Left most promise to help lift up who they likely PUT into poverty in the first place with liberal policies, that now rather than give them a small chunk of the billions nations waste overseas or to give them the opportunity to raise themselves up, just off them-- --- one less mouth to worry about, eh?

In other words, the very people whom governments were put into place to serve now considers those same people a burden to itself?

Amazing how the gap between democrat socialist far left types and the regimes of Red China, North Korea, etc., get closer and closer by the day.

My answer to that offer would be to tell Justin Trudeau: "No thanks. You first. Let's see how it works on you then I'll decide later." :smoke:
So in other words, people who are destitute without quality of life not for medical reasons, cancer, etc., but mere economic poverty? In other words, the very people whom the Left most promise to help lift up who they likely PUT into poverty in the first place with liberal policies, that now rather than give them a small chunk of the billions nations waste overseas or to give them the opportunity to raise themselves up, just off them-- --- one less mouth to worry about, eh?

In other words, the very people whom governments were put into place to serve now considers those same people a burden to itself?

Amazing how the gap between democrat socialist far left types and the regimes of Red China, North Korea, etc., get closer and closer by the day.

My answer to that offer would be to tell Justin Trudeau: "No thanks. You first. Let's see how it works on you then I'll decide later." :smoke:
They can't get much tax revenue from the destitute so the destitute are no longer useful to them.

How nice!
According to Trudeau & the fascist Canadian govt, poor people lack dignity & are eligible for free govt suicide.
Poverty is nothing a little good 'ol eugenics can't fix!
Lefties are always looking out for the downtrodden & most vulnerable. They help them to death whenever they can.
If you somehow slip through at birth, they'll get to you eventually with govt sanctioned "euthanasia".
How long till you can be ruled "undignified" & exterminated against your will?

"As of last year, the Canadian government is now offering to pay to euthanize people who are “too poor to continue living with dignity.” Anyone who feels as such – the tyrannical state would like to foot the bill for their suicide."
"In 2021, the Canadian parliament enacted Bill C-7, which greatly expanded the valid reasons for medically assisted suicide. Coined as a “sweeping euthanasia law,” the bill removed most restrictions and made it possible for Canadians to legally be euthanized based on their living situation. Now, thanks to the morally unjust new law, just about anyone is eligible for medically assisted suicide if they wish."

By definition suicide cannot be against the will of anyone.
According to Trudeau & the fascist Canadian govt, poor people lack dignity & are eligible for free govt suicide.
Poverty is nothing a little good 'ol eugenics can't fix!
Lefties are always looking out for the downtrodden & most vulnerable. They help them to death whenever they can.
If you somehow slip through at birth, they'll get to you eventually with govt sanctioned "euthanasia".
How long till you can be ruled "undignified" & exterminated against your will?

"As of last year, the Canadian government is now offering to pay to euthanize people who are “too poor to continue living with dignity.” Anyone who feels as such – the tyrannical state would like to foot the bill for their suicide."
"In 2021, the Canadian parliament enacted Bill C-7, which greatly expanded the valid reasons for medically assisted suicide. Coined as a “sweeping euthanasia law,” the bill removed most restrictions and made it possible for Canadians to legally be euthanized based on their living situation. Now, thanks to the morally unjust new law, just about anyone is eligible for medically assisted suicide if they wish."

Propaganda, it seems. Note, I am against euthanasia.

If you click on the link in the article that says B 7,

it says just the simply created two categories, of which BOTH still require the person has to be terminally ill.....

It does not remove that requirement Of being terminally ill for anyone, not even the poor? It simply dropped their original requirement and replaced it with two segments...from what I can tell??


This enactment amends the Criminal Code to, among other things,
(a) repeal the provision that requires a person’s natural death be reasonably foreseeable in order for them to be eligible for medical assistance in dying;
(b) specify that persons whose sole underlying medical condition is a mental illness are not eligible for medical assistance in dying;
(c) create two sets of safeguards that must be respected before medical assistance in dying may be provided to a person, the application of which depends on whether the person’s natural death is reasonably foreseeable;
(d) permit medical assistance in dying to be provided to a person who has been found eligible to receive it, whose natural death is reasonably foreseeable and who has lost the capacity to consent before medical assistance in dying is provided, on the basis of a prior agreement they entered into with the medical practitioner or nurse practitioner; and
(e) permit medical assistance in dying to be provided to a person who has lost the capacity to consent to it as a result of the self-administration of a substance that was provided to them under the provisions governing medical assistance in dying in order to cause their own death.
Lived on the road because I wanted to but you would have said I was homeless and yet I felt more alive than how I feel today…

Being without certain amount of money isn’t being poor to me but just understanding you have to live within your limit’s…

Anyhoo, I believe if your are terminally ill then you should have the option to end your life but of course someone will proclaim “ My God said it is a Sin!!! “ so of course we must argue do I truly have the right to abort my own life.

I told my adopted Brother that if my illness get to the point where I can no longer function and be productive then I will leave a note with where to find me but wait three days and have someone retrieve the body and not do it himself…

It is my right to leave this World on my own terms…

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