To eliminate discrimation we should embrace legal discrimination.


Gold Member
Nov 26, 2013
Instead of prohibiting discrimination, we should allow discrimination with the only requirement being that businesses must clearly advertise how they intend to discriminate.

Look at all the public backlash that we see when hot button discrimination stories hit the limelight. A gay couple get's discriminated against when trying to purchase a wedding cake, and in 36 hours everyone is in an uproar when facebook gets wind of it. It seems pretty clear to me that exposed bigotry is bad for business.

And that's where the practice of trying to legislate discrimination out fails. Legislation can't prevent discrimination. It just forces people to go into hiding. If you are a hiring manager and you really don't want to hire women, there are all kinds of ways to get around hiring women. You can intentionally sabotage their interviews to make them go running and screaming away. Or you can put on a charade and act like a nice guy, even when you already know you have no intention of hiring them, just to keep up appearances. Really, you could outright refuse to give them an interview in the first place. Legislation never actually requires you to treat people fairly, it just requires that you cover your ass, which is pretty easy to do all in all.

If a job is prejudiced against you because of your race, religion, sexual orientation, or gender, do you really want to work there? If a company is doesn't really want your business for any of those reasons, do you really want to spend your hard earned money to make that company rich? Of course not. If they simply declared their prejudices and discrimination from the beginning, wouldn't you end up being able to be happier while taking your business elsewhere? Of course you would.

I think it would be much better to eliminate prohibitions against discrimination, and simply allow businesses to discriminate for whatever pathetic reasons they choose, so long as they have clearly marked signs at all the entrances, and on all of their advertising, that declare the business' intentions to discriminate. Let the wedding cake baker put up a big sign on their front door that says "No gays allowed" and the rest of us can just sit back and watch as their business goes to shit. Let them learn their lessons when it hits their wallets. They either learn their lesson and change their ways, or they go out of business and let someone else absorb the market share.

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