Three Supreme Court Justices in one term, could it be.....

"Settled law", my ass.

At least one of them was a deliberate theft. The other two lied to America's face in their confirmation hearing. "Fate" implies someone other than scheming lying sacks of shit had something do do with it.
Well....they killed Scalia....but that didn't work.
At least one of them was a deliberate theft. The other two lied to America's face in their confirmation hearing. "Fate" implies someone other than scheming lying sacks of shit had something do do with it.

I don't see any "theft" at all.

And no one "lied" during their confirmation hearings. Neither Kav, nor Gorsuch or Barrett, pledged to vote in favor of killing babies. In fact, if they had, they would have never been confirmed in the first place.
Three Supreme Court Justice nominations in one term, are you willing to conceder it may have been fate?
It could have been 4.......And if one croaked 5......Add a conserv retirement and maybe 6

There would be so many strokes in this country
I don't see any "theft" at all.

And no one "lied" during their confirmation hearings. Neither Kav, nor Gorsuch or Barrett, pledged to vote in favor of killing babies. In fact, if they had, they would have never been confirmed in the first place.
All of them called RvW settled law. Now it turns out they don't think so. That's a lie in my book.
At least one of them was a deliberate theft. The other two lied to America's face in their confirmation hearing. "Fate" implies someone other than scheming lying sacks of shit had something do do with it.
Actually we are now seeing what an abject disaster Garland is. He's AWOL. Mitch was very prescient keeping that little Marxist midget off the court.
It seems some people don't like lying assholes with tyranny in their hearts.
I have naked photos of Trump. Yes we showed Naked pictures of Trump to Putin. It was his Niece. Yes Putin's niece.

Yes we have the Pee tapes. Yes we have her peeing on Trump in bed.


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