This Is How Republican Law-Makers Feel About Free Speech, To Hell With It!

She was out of line

While at times relevant and spot on in her assessment, she got out of line when she started to personally attack the legislators and that is where she was cut off

If she spoke just to the issue at hand she could have finished her time

democratic discourse isn't supposed to be clean and clinically formal. I mean, just look at this place.

Sounded to me like she was on point the whole time, pointedly so. The specific actions of specific legislators is fair game; if it isn't, then we have no voice. She waited her turn; she wasn't shouting people down who had the talking stick. What was out of line was having a citizen removed because they didn't like the heat in the kitchen. What, they can't grow a pair and take it?

I have been to too many town council meetings where the public gets out of hand. I know issues get emotional, but keep your remarks to the issue. If you want to comment on a representative, concentrate on what they have said or done regarding the issue. Keep the personal attacks out of it
Maybe they should just screen people and allow only certain ones in, the way Obama did with all his town hall meetings.

At least the woman got to speak. She claimed she planned to speak more eloquently, but decided against that. She didn't need to mention that since it was more than a little obvious when she began her little tirade.

She was incredibly rude and confrontational and lucky that they tolerated her for as long as they did. Seems her purpose was just to insult them, but wasn't interested in any meaningful discussion or just telling them in a nice way how she felt. She just called names, bashed Republicans and said she was glad to be moving to N.Y. The purpose of addressing them should be to express concern over legislation or at least give some intelligent take on things. She just wanted to show hostility towards the state before she made her exit. I bet they won't miss her.

Uh--- where did she "call any of them names"? Some of y'all don't even watch the video at all, do ya? What I saw was a calling out of legislators collectively and individually for specific actions and positions they took. Maybe you remember what this is called:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances". Ring a bell?

What I did not see was Sarah Slamen calling anyone a "little tramp" or "idiot" or suggesting they be "dick-slapped" or "tazed". Clearly Texas-size hypocrisy is not limited to the Texas state house.

And since when is "showing hostility to the state" a crime anyway? Really, comrade? They want to be legislators and yet don't want to hear feedback unless it's sugar coated?

Nah, fuck that.
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She was out of line

While at times relevant and spot on in her assessment, she got out of line when she started to personally attack the legislators and that is where she was cut off

If she spoke just to the issue at hand she could have finished her time

democratic discourse isn't supposed to be clean and clinically formal. I mean, just look at this place.

Sounded to me like she was on point the whole time, pointedly so. The specific actions of specific legislators is fair game; if it isn't, then we have no voice. She waited her turn; she wasn't shouting people down who had the talking stick. What was out of line was having a citizen removed because they didn't like the heat in the kitchen. What, they can't grow a pair and take it?

I have been to too many town council meetings where the public gets out of hand. I know issues get emotional, but keep your remarks to the issue. If you want to comment on a representative, concentrate on what they have said or done regarding the issue. Keep the personal attacks out of it

That's exactly what she was doing when she was silenced.

Without having the entire body of state law in front of me I'm pretty sure that sarcasm is not illegal even in Texas. This is after all the same state house where one legislator said of another: "When ignorance goes to fifty dollars a barrel, I want drilling rights on that man's head!".
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Concerned citzen Sarah Slamen excercized her First Amendement rights and addressed the senate in Texas and this is how they rewarded her...

Sarah Slamen DESTROYS Texas Senate Committee And Gets Kicked Out!! (Abortion Bill SB 1) - YouTube

When it's for things they don't like or want, they attack it and attack it well.

I wasn't aware that only Republicans have done this, and that there has never been one documented case of Democrats doing this.:cuckoo:

The biggest joke of the century is the Democrat Party claiming they are for the middle class

In the United States, lefties try to get opposing voices off the air. Just ask Rush.

Then they proceed to do they're backroom deals in the shadows.

I wonder if they will have to pass these deals to find out what's in them:eek:

Sarah Slamen is not only a great citizen, she's my hero.

Go Sarah!!!

You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.
Post any EVIDENCE you have of a Democrat doing this. ANY evidence at all.

Concerned citzen Sarah Slamen excercized her First Amendement rights and addressed the senate in Texas and this is how they rewarded her...

Sarah Slamen DESTROYS Texas Senate Committee And Gets Kicked Out!! (Abortion Bill SB 1) - YouTube

When it's for things they don't like or want, they attack it and attack it well.

I wasn't aware that only Republicans have done this, and that there has never been one documented case of Democrats doing this.:cuckoo:

The biggest joke of the century is the Democrat Party claiming they are for the middle class

In the United States, lefties try to get opposing voices off the air. Just ask Rush.

Then they proceed to do they're backroom deals in the shadows.

I wonder if they will have to pass these deals to find out what's in them:eek:

Sarah Slamen is not only a great citizen, she's my hero.

Go Sarah!!!

You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

Marc is a partisan hack moron of the first order and therefor his rantings are easily debunked, but you did it well.:clap2:
She used up all her time and refused to leave. She thought she would do a repeat of the filibuster and never realized that the rule didn't apply to her.
She was out of line

While at times relevant and spot on in her assessment, she got out of line when she started to personally attack the legislators and that is where she was cut off

If she spoke just to the issue at hand she could have finished her time

Rep for logic and accuracy.

Might have been logical --- if there actually had been personal attacks. This is why you gotta watch the video first -- then come to a conclusion. It's important to get that in the right order. At least it is on my planet.

No, the personal attacks have all been in this thread. Thanks for playin' and be sure to play the Strawman board game at home.
How many people speaking out against Obama Care were thrown out of town meetings by democrats and where was your "outrage" then?
That was a completely different situation. Those people in the townhalls were dumbass tea baggers who were screaming and shouting down everyone around them. They were denying others their right to have their voices heard. They wouldn't shut up, so of coarse, they were removed from the hall. And they should have been removed.

This lady addressing the Texas legislature, wasn't denying anyone else their right to talk, she was using the minutes given to her to address the asshole right-wingers, that brain-dead voters put into office. That Texas board had it coming. They deserved a beat-down.

Fuck Texas!
...the conservative effort to violate their right to privacy.

I've looked and looked and still can't find this right to privacy ANYWHERE. Some tyrant in a black robe wrote some BS in Griswold 50 years ago but it was wholly invented. The NSA certainly doesn't respect any scintilla of privacy.

Help us out. Where is this?
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Concerned citzen Sarah Slamen excercized her First Amendement rights and addressed the senate in Texas and this is how they rewarded her...

Sarah Slamen DESTROYS Texas Senate Committee And Gets Kicked Out!! (Abortion Bill SB 1) - YouTube

They have no respect for The Constitution.

They only pretend they do when it's for things they like and/or want.

When it's for things they don't like or want, they attack it and attack it well.

Remember Herr Bush's "Freedom Zones?" That was the joke of the century.

Well in the state of TEXX-A$$, they just drag your ass away if they don't like what you have to SAY.

Then they proceed to do they're backroom deals in the shadows.

Business as usual.

Sarah Slamen is not only a great citizen, she's my hero.

Go Sarah!!!
This persons opening statements destroyed her for me, and it destroyed anything that she may have had valuable to say afterwards. Her bias and political agenda dripped from her lips with a poisonous sting in which pierced her own personal character & soul for all to hear, and so it didn't take me long to figure this new type of generational citizen out, otherwise when she opened up her amateurish unskilled, unlearned, uneducated mouth in such a setting, she just placed her foot in it, therefore setting up the tone and response in which she got afterwards (it was a set up from the get go), and all I can say is New York here comes another one to join your sinking ship under the weight of it all, and good riddance to her from Texas.
Concerned citzen Sarah Slamen excercized her First Amendement rights and addressed the senate in Texas and this is how they rewarded her...

Sarah Slamen DESTROYS Texas Senate Committee And Gets Kicked Out!! (Abortion Bill SB 1) - YouTube

They have no respect for The Constitution.

They only pretend they do when it's for things they like and/or want.

When it's for things they don't like or want, they attack it and attack it well.

Remember Herr Bush's "Freedom Zones?" That was the joke of the century.

Well in the state of TEXX-A$$, they just drag your ass away if they don't like what you have to SAY.

Then they proceed to do they're backroom deals in the shadows.

Business as usual.

Sarah Slamen is not only a great citizen, she's my hero.

Go Sarah!!!
This persons opening statements destroyed her for me, and it destroyed anything that she may have had valuable to say afterwards. Her bias and political agenda dripped from her lips with a poisonous sting in which pierced her own personal character & soul for all to hear, and so it didn't take me long to figure this new type of generational citizen out, otherwise when she opened up her amateurish unskilled, unlearned, uneducated mouth in such a setting, she just placed her foot in it, therefore setting up the tone and response in which she got afterwards (it was a set up from the get go), and all I can say is New York here comes another one to join your sinking ship under the weight of it all, and good riddance to her from Texas.

So you're saying a citizen's right to speak depends on her politics and whether you pre-agree with them or not.
You were a bit longwinded there, so there's a short version. You're welcome.
She was the honored guest of Lawrence O'Donnell on "Last Word" last night. He was drooling on every word she said.

That's all one has to know about her. Or, for that matter, him.

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