Zone1 They Say a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

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Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
I just wonder what immediately comes to your mind when you see this? Nat Turner can't help but pop into mine:
My first thought is why do you dig up terrible images from America's past? What good comes from that? Keeping hate alive is all I can figure. I don't get it.
This proves that they aren't about "justice". They're all about revenge and if that's what they need then the hate is eating THEM alive, no one else. My grand dad worked in the same fields with black sharecroppers in Alabama in the 20s. These modern race opportunists don't impress me and they certainly don't cause me any sense of guilt.

They should go to work and make a life for themselves rather than squealing about how mistreated they've been. I can almost guarantee that this man with the horrible keloid scars from multiple beatings would be amazed that his descendants had the chance to be what they were willing to work to become. He'd likely be disgusted to see them whining like children because they weren't being given enough from another man's wealth.
This proves that they aren't about "justice". They're all about revenge and if that's what they need then the hate is eating THEM alive, no one else. My grand dad worked in the same fields with black sharecroppers in Alabama in the 20s. These modern race opportunists don't impress me and they certainly don't cause me any sense of guilt.

They should go to work and make a life for themselves rather than squealing about how mistreated they've been. I can almost guarantee that this man with the horrible keloid scars from multiple beatings would be amazed that his descendants had the chance to be what they were willing to work to become. He'd likely be disgusted to see them whining like children because they weren't being given enough from another man's wealth.
Try not commenting if all you can do is make stupid comments. Whites have never been mistreated and just took it. So drop the lectures and whining about revenge. If you are so concerned about revenge, consider the inconvenient truth that whites should not have done it. Whites have fought bloody wars between themselves for less than the slavery we endured, the jim crow after the slavery, and todays modern slavery. So if you catch a case of butthurt because blacks get angry at looking at such a picture, understand that we don't care.

My father was a sharecropper growing up and white sharecroppers did not get treated like blacks. Never again think you can try telling us how a slave would feel about blacks today based on your life as a white man. This is not about guilt, it is about whites like you facing the truth. You assume things that you should not. The OP is a professional well educated person. The other black respondent is the same. I'm sure both of them are better educated and successful than you.


Because it's generally white uneducated losers who have the attitude you display in your response.
history of a democrat... thank god we stopped them,,
Disingenuous bs.

Republicans authored an amendment to officially make slavery a constitutionally protected activity. The Republican Party is the party of The Corwin Amendment that would have cemented slavery as a constitutional right.

A Republican president, with the support of the Republican Party, ended reconstruction. The Republican Party is the party of the 1877 Compromise that ended reconstruction and paved the way for Jim Crow.

Republicans didn't stop anything and todays republan party would support slavery.
The first thing that comes my mind, is how you cherry pick the past, to make whites look morally inferior.

Your lucky you can imply negative about whites, without being accused of incited hate and violence, against whites.

Can you give me an example of something negative, someone can imply about blacks, without being accused of inciting, hate and violence against them?
The first thing that comes my mind, is how you cherry pick the past, to make whites look morally inferior.

Your lucky you can imply negative about whites, without being accused of incited hate and violence, against whites.

Can you give me an example of something negative, someone can imply about blacks, without being accused of inciting, hate and violence against them?
Nobody has to cherrypick. Newsvine didn't imply anything, she posted a historically accurate picture. We state historically accurate comments, the statements made about whites is based on a continuing pattern of behavior of a subculture in the white community. The affinity to imply things about blacks by whites has always been the problem. Stop pretending things are exactly the same for blacks and whites in order to whine. That's disingenuous and trifling. So stop whining.
Stop whining. Whites have never been mistreated and just took it. So drop the lectures and whining about revenge. If you are so concerned about revenge, consider the inconvenient truth that whites should not have done it. Whites have fought bloody wars between themselves for less than the slavery we endured, the jim crow after the slavery, and todays modern racism. So if you catch a case of butthurt because blacks get angry at looking at such a picture, understand that we don't care.
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