The Troubling Reason Why Biden Is So Soft On China


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Troubling Reason Why Biden Is So Soft On China
May 11, 2019 ~ By Peter Schweizer
Why is Joe Biden so warm toward China? Last week, Biden raised eyebrows when he shrugged off concerns over the China threat. “Come on, man,” Biden said. “I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what, they’re not competition for us.” Perhaps Biden’s insouciant attitude toward the Chinese government has to do with the fact that his family does not consider them competitors but business partners.
In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden flew aboard Air Force Two to China. Less than two weeks later, Hunter Biden’s firm inked a $1 billion private equity deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China. The deal was later expanded to $1.5 billion. In short, the Chinese government funded a business that it co-owned along with the son of a sitting vice president. If it sounds shocking that a vice president would shape US-China policy as his son — who has scant experience in private equity — clinched a coveted billion-dollar deal with an arm of the Chinese government, that’s because it is. Until the publication of my book, “Secret Empires,” no one knew the deal took place. Indeed, it took me and a team of seasoned investigators nearly two years to unearth and report the facts.
Without the aid of subpoena power, here’s what we know. The businesses of Hunter Biden and his partners created a series of LLCs involved in multibillion-dollar private equity deals with companies owned by the Chinese government. The centerpiece of these deals is Rosemont Seneca Partners, an investment firm controlled by Hunter Biden and his associates: Chris Heinz, who is John Kerry’s stepson, and Heinz’s longtime associate Devon Archer. The trio founded Rosemont Seneca in 2009 and quickly began making deals through a series of overlapping entities under the Rosemont name.
Will the Senate investigate Joe and Hunter Biden’s actions in China and Ukraine? We don’t know, but they should. If a two-year investigation of President Trump, Russia and the Trump family was justified to ensure the president isn’t compromised, an investigation into Joe Biden, China, Ukraine and the Biden family is imperative.

Hmm...., a billion dollar deal here and billion there it starts to add up. Biden and his son Hunter should be in prison.
Like all Democrats from the Clintons on, Joey isn’t soft on Chine - he is "Owned' by China.
Hmm...., a billion dollar deal here and billion there it starts to add up. Biden and his son Hunter should be in prison.
Like all Democrats from the Clintons on, Joey isn’t soft on Chine - he is "Owned' by China.
Old Dishonest Joe and his coked up son are in for a lot of trouble and it's absolutely mind boggling that Biden would jump into the presidential race with all that baggage weighing him down.

If Putin and Russia was the stone the left tried to hang around Trump's neck then China is the anchor around Joe Biden's neck...with a lot more there to justify grilling Joe and son then there ever was to suspect Vlad was in cahoots with Donald Trump. Just ask Robert Mueller about that.

The remnants of the Obama administration is an absolute rat's nest of corruption but it would not be out of place to say Joe is right up there at the top. If the democrat filled presidential clown car don't go for Joe's jugular then it's certain that there is much to hide and fear and William Barr has to ask for a special prosecutor to look into the matter.
Not only is China a concern but so is the Ukraine.
Biden, Kerry and Their Sons Paid Big Money by Ukraine Gas Company

The investigation can start with Joe bragging on audio tape to cronies how he had a Ukrainian corruption investigation looking into Hunter Biden's appointment to a big energy corporation there killed by threatening to cancel very important loans to the Ukraine in a mere matter of hours ("pick up the phone and ask Obama if you don't believe me").

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