The Third Intifada...

...Oh Konny... I tried to click 'Informative' for you post, somehow, it wouldn't let me... It's ok though, I worked it out... It's because you managed to post exactly what every Zionist supporter would like to see... Palestinians driven out of their land... Wow, and I thought it was the bleating of the Zionists who cry that the Palestinians want to drive them into the sea... Nice post Konny... Puts thing in perspective!
You are welcome.

I have never held otherwise, nor maneuvered nor indulged in machinations to disguise that perspective.

It is also a truism.

The war over Old Palestine is long-since over.

The Jews are the winners.

The Muslims are the losers.

The Jews tried to sort it out between the two parties for decades, to no avail.

The evidence points to a sad likelihood: namely, that there is no further point in discussions and negotiations.

The occupants of Rump Palestine now appear to have four choices:

1. run up a white flag, and negotiate the best bad deal they can still wrangle, from the Israelis, then shut the phukk up

2. fight - and lose - and be expelled across the borders, next time

3. leave

4. wait for the rest of the world to come to the rescue of their sorry, terrorist asses

Time appears to be running out for them, and there is no Arab cavalry coming over the hill to bail them out, this next time.

The time is drawing near, for them to make their final choice.

As to Israeli intentions - and someone who supports them, contributing his own completely frank and honest assessment of what is about to unfold...

Why not?

Logic indicates that there is no longer any possibility for the two sides to live in peace, side by side.

Consequently, logic further dictates that one side or the other must go.

Given that the Israelis have the upper hand, by several orders of magnitude...

Logic dictates that it is the Palestinians that will have to go.

And, by go, I mean depart, rather than die - a far more humanitarian approach than the Muslims would have accorded the Jews of Israel, if they had the power to overrun it.

Is the removal of the Palestinians fair?

Perhaps not.

Then again, 'fair' has very little to do with it, and, frankly, the Palestinians have shot themselves in the foot so frequently, and brought violence into the world amongst innocents so frequently over the years, it's become difficult for most folks to really give a tinker's damn about them any longer.

Or so it seems, to this non-stakeholding observer.

I started writing a response to each of your points. I feel that this would be a waste of time...

So, it's better that I respond in this way...

I feel that your assumptions are misjudged, misplaced...

There is no victor... I don't believe there will EVER be a victor...

"Fair? Perhaps not"

A pretty ridiculous statement....

Your assumption that Israel will some how, magically, occupy the whole territory is, laughable.

The Palestinians will NOT leave, in the same way that if I came and occupied your garden and then wanted to take your house, you wouldn't leave.

Israel having the "upper hand" also brings with it responsibility. A responsibility that Israel fails to meet, time and again.

Your assumption about people giving a "tinkers damn" about the Palestinians is also a huge miscalculation.

The only people who shooting themselves in the foot are the Israelis. Yes, Israel has the power, has the blind aggression to attack virtually defenseless people when compared to the military might of Israel, but this only serves to further remove support for Israel and add support to the Palestinians.

And, let's imagine the future without the Palestinians... Israel now occupies the whole territory...

Do you seriously believe that Israel is now at peace?

You think that Israel will EVER be at peace for the heinous crime of uprooting a population of people who have lived in the region for millennia?


And then what?

There is now a 'void' that will be filled....

Filled by whom?

Well, I know that Israel will not want IS knocking on their door any time soon... Which, in my opinion is exactly what would happen should your 'dreams' come true.

That is NOT a situation that I want to see... It is also a situation that the Israeli government does not want to see either.


It is far better to be able to control the Palestinians, maintain 'hostilities' with a people who are not going anywhere, but Israel CAN control them.

Israel could NOT control IS!
Islam demands that non Muslims are not allowed anywhere near mosques and especially holy sites.

Not true...

They execute people who allow their shadow to fall on the steps of the mosque, it is considered blasphemy for a kuffaar to enter a mosque

Hello Phoney....

I have entered several mosques as a non Muslim...

Still here, wasn't executed...

So, that makes the original statement AND yours untrue...

Does it when in sharia cess pits that have dhimmi laws non muslims are beaten to death for even walking past a mosque. They are about to murder a Christian woman for blasphemy on the word of some two bit muslim who is jealous of her home.
Islam demands that non Muslims are not allowed anywhere near mosques and especially holy sites.

Not true...

Mohammed cleared the kaaba at mecca of other gods and idols. It was to be for the one god.
Jerusalem was not intended by Omar to be for muslims only. It was a place for all pilgrims. Al-Aqsa was built for muslims to pray on the mount.
The huge new Nahyan mosque to house 100,000 muslims in Bethany a mile from the mount has been finished.
Most mosques are open, when prayers are not being held, to visit if visitors take off their shoes.
If one is to find god/faith, one needs to be encouraged to seek places of worship and learn about the religions. To be invited "in".
There was a period when the black stone of mecca was taken to Eastern Arabia to a new mosque by the Shiites and the Zamzam well was polluted with the blood of dead pilgrims. (gee, pendulum keeps swinging back and forth for more than a millennium)
For sunni, many shiite mosques are haram because they are shrines where someone is buried and pilgrimages worship. The theory of Islam is that no human, even mohammed, should be elevated above another. It would be almost the equivalent of sainthood.
Jews, like christians are supposed to be people of the book and respected as followers of the same one god. They are not pagans and evil, they are supposed to be brothers of muslims.
Holy places should be available to all.
It goes on and will until peace is established and the ZioNazi oppression ends...

JerusalePalestinian stabs Israeli soldier as tensions hit Tel Aviv - Yahoo Newsm (AFP) - A Palestinian teenager stabbed and critically wounded a young Israeli soldier on Monday as unrest which has already rocked Jerusalem and the north spread to coastal Tel Aviv.
Related Stories
  1. One dead, three wounded in Palestinian stabbing attacks: Israeli police Reuters
  2. Funeral held for Palestinian behind car attack AFP
  3. Israel police on alert after Jerusalem clashes AFP
  4. Israeli girl killed in West Bank stabbing Associated Press
  5. Jerusalem on edge after car attack as extremists plan march AFP
Police described the incident as a "terror attack" and said the perpetrator, who was arrested shortly afterwards, was a Palestinian in his late teens from the northern West Bank who had been staying in Israel illegally.
It was the first time Israel's hedonistic commercial capital has been affected by the current wave of violence that has gripped annexed east Jerusalem for months and spread after police shot dead a young Arab-Israeli during a routine arrest operation.

Can you believe that Israel even control's people's funerals, talk about ZioNazism...

Funeral held for Palestinian behind car attack
Police had initially refused to return Shaludi's body to his family after a post mortem, saying the family had rejected an Israeli court's conditions for the funeral, which determined could be attended by only 20 people.
Jawad Siyyam, an activist from Silwan, where the Shaludis reside, alleged Israel had threatened the family they would bury him on their own if they did not accept the conditions.
His family rejected those terms, but eventually the two sides agreed 70 people could attend, according to Siyyam.
- 'Symbolic funeral' -
They sure loved Mecca and Medina years ago and Babylon (they spent around 1000 years in Babylon) Really some just tried to and did enter the Al Aqsa mosque. They want to do anything that will intimidate and incite the Pals. I'm not going to let you spread these lies, read the Jewish writings,. when Jews were able to return from Babylon, only around 44000 did out of around 1 million. What does that tell you? Do you just ignore what is historical facts or are you just plum not comprehending the deception your spreading falsehoods.

What historical facts, you retard? Do you have any idea what Jerusalem means to the Jews? Jerusalem in essence is the center of Zion or even another name for it.. When Jews marry they swear an oath to never forget Jerusalem. When Jews are buried, it's facing Jerusalem. When Jews pray, it's facing Jerusalem. During Jewish rituals and celebrations, it's always "next year in Jerusalem". This has been going on for thousands of years. Zion and Jerusalem is in the heart of every Jew and an integral part of Judaism. Do you really think they're going to let some Arab savages just take over land that is so holy to them? You're dreaming.

And oh, there were not 1,000,000 Jews in exile. Yes the temple was rebuilt again, BY JEWS, even a thousand years later, and some chose to go back, and some didn't. So fucking what.

Jerusalem isn't even mentioned in the Koran. In fact the Koran gives the land of Israel to the Jews, forever.

Do your homework before you regurgitate what some Muslim dipshit has fed you.
Indeed, Jerusalem was a multi cultural, multi ethnic, and multi religious city until the Zionists came along to pig the place for themselves.

As a Christian, it saddens me to see Israel destroying the holy land.
I hate to say it, but its simple Cultural Greed!

So when Christians and Muslims invaded the Jewish city and burned it down and evicted Jews, it wasn't cultural greed. When Jews retake what's been theirs for 3000 years, its cultural greed.

Speaking of cultural greed, why exactly did Arabs have a no problem or protests with 99% of Ottoman land that was never their's for 700 years, being turned into Muslim shitholes by European powers, but had a major issue with less than 1% of land hardly populated with Arabs that ended up becoming a Jewish state?

Anybody, anybody?
Theirs for 3,000 (Jews)years? Prove it!

All the Ottomans did is to insure that Islam remained preeminent in the Middle East...The Ottomans were peaceful rulers who were liked and even the Greeks joined their Empire.

The European Jews are invaders in everyone's eyes, save those who were expelled by Arab States as a result of Israel's Invasions and creation by the Western Powers by political Fiat!

Deal with the truth for a change.

Well here is a bit of truth for you to mull over, the vast majority of Jews in Israel have never left the area for 4,500 years, while the arab muslims struggle to go back 150 years.
Indeed, Jerusalem was a multi cultural, multi ethnic, and multi religious city until the Zionists came along to pig the place for themselves.

As a Christian, it saddens me to see Israel destroying the holy land.
I hate to say it, but its simple Cultural Greed!

So when Christians and Muslims invaded the Jewish city and burned it down and evicted Jews, it wasn't cultural greed. When Jews retake what's been theirs for 3000 years, its cultural greed.

Speaking of cultural greed, why exactly did Arabs have a no problem or protests with 99% of Ottoman land that was never their's for 700 years, being turned into Muslim shitholes by European powers, but had a major issue with less than 1% of land hardly populated with Arabs that ended up becoming a Jewish state?

Anybody, anybody?
Theirs for 3,000 (Jews)years? Prove it!

All the Ottomans did is to insure that Islam remained preeminent in the Middle East...The Ottomans were peaceful rulers who were liked and even the Greeks joined their Empire.

The European Jews are invaders in everyone's eyes, save those who were expelled by Arab States as a result of Israel's Invasions and creation by the Western Powers by political Fiat!

Deal with the truth for a change.

In order to be invaders, you need to have invaded . An invasion is a military offensive, which is obviously not what European Jews did as they immigrated to Mandatory Palestine
They became Invaders at Israel's declaration of Independence.

How can they invade their own land ?
It goes on and will until peace is established and the ZioNazi oppression ends...
This will end the only way that it could end - with the UN-sponsored re-location of the Palestinians and their IslamoNazi Hamas masters - to some place where they can no longer harm others, nor themselves.
It goes on and will until peace is established and the ZioNazi oppression ends...
This will end the only way that it could end - with the UN-sponsored re-location of the Palestinians and their IslamoNazi Hamas masters - to some place where they can no longer harm others, nor themselves.
keep dreaming...


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I hate to say it, but its simple Cultural Greed!

So when Christians and Muslims invaded the Jewish city and burned it down and evicted Jews, it wasn't cultural greed. When Jews retake what's been theirs for 3000 years, its cultural greed.

Speaking of cultural greed, why exactly did Arabs have a no problem or protests with 99% of Ottoman land that was never their's for 700 years, being turned into Muslim shitholes by European powers, but had a major issue with less than 1% of land hardly populated with Arabs that ended up becoming a Jewish state?

Anybody, anybody?
Theirs for 3,000 (Jews)years? Prove it!

All the Ottomans did is to insure that Islam remained preeminent in the Middle East...The Ottomans were peaceful rulers who were liked and even the Greeks joined their Empire.

The European Jews are invaders in everyone's eyes, save those who were expelled by Arab States as a result of Israel's Invasions and creation by the Western Powers by political Fiat!

Deal with the truth for a change.

In order to be invaders, you need to have invaded . An invasion is a military offensive, which is obviously not what European Jews did as they immigrated to Mandatory Palestine
They became Invaders at Israel's declaration of Independence.

How can they invade their own land ?
Show me the Land Deeds and your Certificate of Sanity, and I'll show you why?
...I started writing a response to each of your points...
Da nada.

The interesting part about all this is the disbelief on the part of Palestinian supporters, that Israel will not expel the Palestinians - by force of arms.

You (and your colleagues) do not see that as a realistic possibility.

Logic suggests otherwise.

And there is nobody to stop the Israelis, once they make up their mind to do it.

Far better, and far more humane, that the UN step up to the plate...

Negotiating a piece of Jordan and/or the Sinai and /or Iraq and/or Lebanon, on which to settle the scattered millions, here and there...

The Jews of Israel are now entrenched and cannot be moved...

The Palestinians have lost the contest...

It is also clear that there is now virtually no hope of a settlement that allows Israelis and Palestinians to coexist side by side in peace - that time has come and gone.

That means protection of the weak - sweeping them up and moving them out of harm's way.

It would be far better if the UN did it, and enlisted the entire world, including the US and Israel, to serve-up Wergeld (compensation money) to the Palestinians, and to build new infrastructure for them in their new land(s), and to give them sufficient funds and logistics and material support for a couple of decades, to give them a fresh start.

In the long run, it's better for them, better for the Israelis, better for the world, and a far better deal than the Israelis got out of the world community, during their own earliest years.

The world is out of options, and the Palestinians are out of time.

I'm afraid that nothing short of relocation will do, nowadays.

Leave the Jews to worry about their own vacuum... they'll fix that quickly enough.

Get the Palestinians out the way, and away from harm, and give them a fresh start.
It goes on and will until peace is established and the ZioNazi oppression ends...

JerusalePalestinian stabs Israeli soldier as tensions hit Tel Aviv - Yahoo Newsm (AFP) - A Palestinian teenager stabbed and critically wounded a young Israeli soldier on Monday as unrest which has already rocked Jerusalem and the north spread to coastal Tel Aviv.
Related Stories
  1. One dead, three wounded in Palestinian stabbing attacks: Israeli police Reuters
  2. Funeral held for Palestinian behind car attack AFP
  3. Israel police on alert after Jerusalem clashes AFP
  4. Israeli girl killed in West Bank stabbing Associated Press
  5. Jerusalem on edge after car attack as extremists plan march AFP
Police described the incident as a "terror attack" and said the perpetrator, who was arrested shortly afterwards, was a Palestinian in his late teens from the northern West Bank who had been staying in Israel illegally.
It was the first time Israel's hedonistic commercial capital has been affected by the current wave of violence that has gripped annexed east Jerusalem for months and spread after police shot dead a young Arab-Israeli during a routine arrest operation.
What you call opression is all a direct result of IslamoNazi attacks against Israelis and even Jews before Israel came into existence.
You reap what you sow
It goes on and will until peace is established and the ZioNazi oppression ends...

JerusalePalestinian stabs Israeli soldier as tensions hit Tel Aviv - Yahoo Newsm (AFP) - A Palestinian teenager stabbed and critically wounded a young Israeli soldier on Monday as unrest which has already rocked Jerusalem and the north spread to coastal Tel Aviv.
Related Stories
  1. One dead, three wounded in Palestinian stabbing attacks: Israeli police Reuters
  2. Funeral held for Palestinian behind car attack AFP
  3. Israel police on alert after Jerusalem clashes AFP
  4. Israeli girl killed in West Bank stabbing Associated Press
  5. Jerusalem on edge after car attack as extremists plan march AFP
Police described the incident as a "terror attack" and said the perpetrator, who was arrested shortly afterwards, was a Palestinian in his late teens from the northern West Bank who had been staying in Israel illegally.
It was the first time Israel's hedonistic commercial capital has been affected by the current wave of violence that has gripped annexed east Jerusalem for months and spread after police shot dead a young Arab-Israeli during a routine arrest operation.
What you call opression is all a direct result of IslamoNazi attacks against Israelis and even Jews before Israel came into existence.
You reap what you sow
Tell that to the family of Nations on Planet Earth...No one is buying that bullshit...Israel is a Pariah state like South Africa was at Apartheid.
It goes on and will until peace is established and the ZioNazi oppression ends...

JerusalePalestinian stabs Israeli soldier as tensions hit Tel Aviv - Yahoo Newsm (AFP) - A Palestinian teenager stabbed and critically wounded a young Israeli soldier on Monday as unrest which has already rocked Jerusalem and the north spread to coastal Tel Aviv.
Related Stories
  1. One dead, three wounded in Palestinian stabbing attacks: Israeli police Reuters
  2. Funeral held for Palestinian behind car attack AFP
  3. Israel police on alert after Jerusalem clashes AFP
  4. Israeli girl killed in West Bank stabbing Associated Press
  5. Jerusalem on edge after car attack as extremists plan march AFP
Police described the incident as a "terror attack" and said the perpetrator, who was arrested shortly afterwards, was a Palestinian in his late teens from the northern West Bank who had been staying in Israel illegally.
It was the first time Israel's hedonistic commercial capital has been affected by the current wave of violence that has gripped annexed east Jerusalem for months and spread after police shot dead a young Arab-Israeli during a routine arrest operation.
What you call opression is all a direct result of IslamoNazi attacks against Israelis and even Jews before Israel came into existence.
You reap what you sow
Tell that to the family of Nations on Planet Earth...No one is buying that bullshit...Israel is a Pariah state like South Africa was at Apartheid.
I guess that means no dessert for Israel after dinner tonight, then... tsk, tsk, tsk.
What historical facts, you retard? Do you have any idea what Jerusalem means to the Jews? Jerusalem in essence is the center of Zion or even another name for it.. When Jews marry they swear an oath to never forget Jerusalem. When Jews are buried, it's facing Jerusalem. When Jews pray, it's facing Jerusalem. During Jewish rituals and celebrations, it's always "next year in Jerusalem". This has been going on for thousands of years. Zion and Jerusalem is in the heart of every Jew and an integral part of Judaism. Do you really think they're going to let some Arab savages just take over land that is so holy to them? You're dreaming.

And oh, there were not 1,000,000 Jews in exile. Yes the temple was rebuilt again, BY JEWS, even a thousand years later, and some chose to go back, and some didn't. So fucking what.

Jerusalem isn't even mentioned in the Koran. In fact the Koran gives the land of Israel to the Jews, forever.

Do your homework before you regurgitate what some Muslim dipshit has fed you.
Indeed, Jerusalem was a multi cultural, multi ethnic, and multi religious city until the Zionists came along to pig the place for themselves.

As a Christian, it saddens me to see Israel destroying the holy land.
I hate to say it, but its simple Cultural Greed!

So when Christians and Muslims invaded the Jewish city and burned it down and evicted Jews, it wasn't cultural greed. When Jews retake what's been theirs for 3000 years, its cultural greed.

Speaking of cultural greed, why exactly did Arabs have a no problem or protests with 99% of Ottoman land that was never their's for 700 years, being turned into Muslim shitholes by European powers, but had a major issue with less than 1% of land hardly populated with Arabs that ended up becoming a Jewish state?

Anybody, anybody?
Theirs for 3,000 (Jews)years? Prove it!

All the Ottomans did is to insure that Islam remained preeminent in the Middle East...The Ottomans were peaceful rulers who were liked and even the Greeks joined their Empire.

The European Jews are invaders in everyone's eyes, save those who were expelled by Arab States as a result of Israel's Invasions and creation by the Western Powers by political Fiat!

Deal with the truth for a change.

Well here is a bit of truth for you to mull over, the vast majority of Jews in Israel have never left the area for 4,500 years, while the arab muslims struggle to go back 150 years.

Got a link to support that statement Phoney?

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