The Third Intifada...

manity, post: 10140503, member: 50048"]
Islam demands that non Muslims are not allowed anywhere near mosques and especially holy sites.

Not true...

Why are Muslims not allowed near Mecca, Medina, Al Aqsa, Dome of Crock? Perhaps non Muslims should ban all Muslims from religious and holy cities, INCLUDING JERUSALEM [/QUOTE]

Just stating a simple fact that I have visited many mosques as a non Muslim!
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Indeed, Jerusalem was a multi cultural, multi ethnic, and multi religious city until the Zionists came along to pig the place for themselves.

As a Christian, it saddens me to see Israel destroying the holy land.
I hate to say it, but its simple Cultural Greed!

So when Christians and Muslims invaded the Jewish city and burned it down and evicted Jews, it wasn't cultural greed. When Jews retake what's been theirs for 3000 years, its cultural greed.

Speaking of cultural greed, why exactly did Arabs have a no problem or protests with 99% of Ottoman land that was never their's for 700 years, being turned into Muslim shitholes by European powers, but had a major issue with less than 1% of land hardly populated with Arabs that ended up becoming a Jewish state?

Anybody, anybody?
Theirs for 3,000 (Jews)years? Prove it!

All the Ottomans did is to insure that Islam remained preeminent in the Middle East...The Ottomans were peaceful rulers who were liked and even the Greeks joined their Empire.

The European Jews are invaders in everyone's eyes, save those who were expelled by Arab States as a result of Israel's Invasions and creation by the Western Powers by political Fiat!

Deal with the truth for a change.

In order to be invaders, you need to have invaded . An invasion is a military offensive, which is obviously not what European Jews did as they immigrated to Mandatory Palestine
They became Invaders at Israel's declaration of Independence.
Huh? Explain ?
manity, post: 10140503, member: 50048"]
Islam demands that non Muslims are not allowed anywhere near mosques and especially holy sites.

Not true...

Why are Muslims not allowed near Mecca, Medina, Al Aqsa, Dome of Crock? Perhaps non Muslims should ban all Muslims from religious and holy cities, INCLUDING JERUSALEM.




Just stating a simple fact that I have visited many mosques as a non Muslim![/QUOTE]

In what countries?
It is fairly obvious that the beginning of a new Palestinian Intifada has begun...This is the result of occupation and oppression that leaves little hope....

Second Car Attack in Jerusalem Injures 3 Soldiers - The Atlantic

More Riots and Another Car Attack in Israel
A second assault-by-car on Wednesday, the third in two weeks, capped another day of violence in Jerusalem and the West Bank.
Adam ChandlerNov 5 2014, 4:19 PM ET

Sebastian Scheiner/AP
Updated 3:30 p.m.
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Following another day of violent clashes between Israeli police and Palestinian protesters, a Palestinian man drove a van into a crowd of pedestrians on Wednesday, killing one Israeli border guard and injuring 14 other people. The driver, who reportedly exited the vehicle and started attacking others with a metal bar, was shot dead by Israeli forces on the scene.
The incident, which took place near a Jerusalem light-rail station, was nearly a carbon copy of an attack that took place just two weeks ago in which two were killed and a number of pedestrians were hurt by a driver at another light-rail station in Jerusalem. That episode, coupled with near-daily clashes, has fueled fears that a third Palestinian intifada is either imminent or already underway.
According to Haaretz, a Hamas official lauded Wednesday's attack, saying "We praise this heroic operation. We call for more such ... operations."
Also on Wednesday, Jordan recalled its ambassador to Israel over the escalating tensions in Jerusalem, tensions that have centered (in part) around a holy site known as the Temple Mount (to Jews) and the Noble Sanctuary (to Muslims).

Thank you for this wonderful post. I too agree the Palestinian occupation of Israel has to end if there is ever to be a lasting peace for israel.
I hate to say it, but its simple Cultural Greed!

So when Christians and Muslims invaded the Jewish city and burned it down and evicted Jews, it wasn't cultural greed. When Jews retake what's been theirs for 3000 years, its cultural greed.

Speaking of cultural greed, why exactly did Arabs have a no problem or protests with 99% of Ottoman land that was never their's for 700 years, being turned into Muslim shitholes by European powers, but had a major issue with less than 1% of land hardly populated with Arabs that ended up becoming a Jewish state?

Anybody, anybody?
Theirs for 3,000 (Jews)years? Prove it!

All the Ottomans did is to insure that Islam remained preeminent in the Middle East...The Ottomans were peaceful rulers who were liked and even the Greeks joined their Empire.

The European Jews are invaders in everyone's eyes, save those who were expelled by Arab States as a result of Israel's Invasions and creation by the Western Powers by political Fiat!

Deal with the truth for a change.

In order to be invaders, you need to have invaded . An invasion is a military offensive, which is obviously not what European Jews did as they immigrated to Mandatory Palestine
They became Invaders at Israel's declaration of Independence.
Huh? Explain ?
Many Jews were welcomed by the Arabs as immigrants and share the land, only later when it became evident that Zionism was looking to establish a Jewish State then they became Invaders...
They became Invaders at Israel's declaration of Independence.

No. They became invaders when they forced their way into Palestine, even if that force was through political manoeuvrings, initially, and they generally had their arms shipped in separately.

Don't accept Phoney's definition of 'invader'. It is of course, phoney. Or at least incomplete. Like Phoney:

1. To enter forcefully as an enemy; go into with hostile intent:
Germany invaded Poland in 1939.
2. to enter like an enemy:
Locusts invaded the fields.
3. to enter as if to take possession:
to invade a neighbor's home.
4. to enter and affect injuriously or destructively, as disease:
viruses that invade the bloodstream.
5. to intrude upon:
to invade the privacy of a family.
6. to encroach or infringe upon:
to invade the rights of citizens.
7. to permeate:
The smell of baking invades the house.
They became Invaders at Israel's declaration of Independence.

No. They became invaders when they forced their way into Palestine, even if that force was through political manoeuvrings, initially, and they generally had their arms shipped in separately.

Don't accept Phoney's definition of 'invader'. It is of course, phoney. Or at least incomplete. Like Phoney:

1. To enter forcefully as an enemy; go into with hostile intent:
Germany invaded Poland in 1939.
2. to enter like an enemy:
Locusts invaded the fields.
3. to enter as if to take possession:
to invade a neighbor's home.
4. to enter and affect injuriously or destructively, as disease:
viruses that invade the bloodstream.
5. to intrude upon:
to invade the privacy of a family.
6. to encroach or infringe upon:
to invade the rights of citizens.
7. to permeate:
The smell of baking invades the house.
The definition of Invader no longer makes any difference.

The war has been fought.

The Jews have won.

The Muslims have lost.

Vae victus.
The anti-muslim/Islam haters like to make a big deal over the issue of non muslim tourists not being allowed entry in the cities of Mecca and Medina.

The reason non muslims are not allowed has to do with crowd control and public safety not Islam.

During the time of Muhammad both Christians and Jews or even Pagans were allowed to visit the city of Mecca for business or religious reasons.

But today, even with the billions spent by the Saudi government for infrastructure, transportation, and crowd control. The area is bursting at the seams with millions of muslim pilgrims.

So there is no way Mecca's religious complex could handle the hoards of gawking tourists wanting to visit the holy site. ........ :cool:
The anti-muslim/Islam haters like to make a big deal over the issue of non muslim tourists not being allowed entry in the cities of Mecca and Medina.

The reason non muslims are not allowed has to do with crowd control and public safety not Islam.

During the time of Muhammad both Christians and Jews or even Pagans were allowed to visit the city of Mecca for business or religious reasons.

But today, even with the billions spent by the Saudi government for infrastructure, transportation, and crowd control. The area is bursting at the seams with millions of muslim pilgrims.

So there is no way Mecca's religious complex could handle the hoards of gawking tourists wanting to visit the holy site. ........ :cool:
During the time of Muhammed (Peanut butter and jelly Be Upon Him)?

1300 years ago?

And it's been pretty much that crowded, ever since?


Funny stuff, there.

As to the Jews enforcing broad restrictions on visitation to the Temple Mount...

They cite public safety, yes?

The same rationale being used for Mecca, yes?


What's good for the goose...
They became Invaders at Israel's declaration of Independence.

No. They became invaders when they forced their way into Palestine, even if that force was through political manoeuvrings, initially, and they generally had their arms shipped in separately.

Don't accept Phoney's definition of 'invader'. It is of course, phoney. Or at least incomplete. Like Phoney:

1. To enter forcefully as an enemy; go into with hostile intent:
Germany invaded Poland in 1939.
2. to enter like an enemy:
Locusts invaded the fields.
3. to enter as if to take possession:
to invade a neighbor's home.
4. to enter and affect injuriously or destructively, as disease:
viruses that invade the bloodstream.
5. to intrude upon:
to invade the privacy of a family.
6. to encroach or infringe upon:
to invade the rights of citizens.
7. to permeate:
The smell of baking invades the house.
The definition of Invader no longer makes any difference.

The war has been fought.

The Jews have won.

The Muslims have lost.

Vae victus.

You silly sod.
No one is defeated until they give up.

Vicks Sinex.
manity, post: 10140503, member: 50048"]
Islam demands that non Muslims are not allowed anywhere near mosques and especially holy sites.

Not true...

Why are Muslims not allowed near Mecca, Medina, Al Aqsa, Dome of Crock? Perhaps non Muslims should ban all Muslims from religious and holy cities, INCLUDING JERUSALEM.

Just stating a simple fact that I have visited many mosques as a non Muslim!

In what countries?[/QUOTE]

Fail to see what the relevance is?
They became Invaders at Israel's declaration of Independence.

No. They became invaders when they forced their way into Palestine, even if that force was through political manoeuvrings, initially, and they generally had their arms shipped in separately.

Don't accept Phoney's definition of 'invader'. It is of course, phoney. Or at least incomplete. Like Phoney:

1. To enter forcefully as an enemy; go into with hostile intent:
Germany invaded Poland in 1939.
2. to enter like an enemy:
Locusts invaded the fields.
3. to enter as if to take possession:
to invade a neighbor's home.
4. to enter and affect injuriously or destructively, as disease:
viruses that invade the bloodstream.
5. to intrude upon:
to invade the privacy of a family.
6. to encroach or infringe upon:
to invade the rights of citizens.
7. to permeate:
The smell of baking invades the house.
The definition of Invader no longer makes any difference.

The war has been fought.

The Jews have won.

The Muslims have lost.

Vae victus.

You silly sod.

No one is defeated until they give up.

Vicks Sinex.

In their own minds, anyway.

Not that that has the slightest nodding acquaintance with the Real World, and what is operative within that domain.

Perhaps the Israelis simply need to devise an aerosol spray containing a high dosage of Valium or Xanax or some such, and to crop-dust the West Bank and Gaza.

That might calm their fevered brains long enough for them to look around and come to the realistic observation that it's all over - that it's time to pack-up and leave.

If they lose any more land, we'll all be asking ourselves: "How many Palestinians can dance on the head of a pin?"

There's nothing left to stick around for... time to get their families out of there... time to build new and happier lives someplace else, where they're wanted, and where they can grow and prosper and live in peace.
They became Invaders at Israel's declaration of Independence.

No. They became invaders when they forced their way into Palestine, even if that force was through political manoeuvrings, initially, and they generally had their arms shipped in separately.

Don't accept Phoney's definition of 'invader'. It is of course, phoney. Or at least incomplete. Like Phoney:

1. To enter forcefully as an enemy; go into with hostile intent:
Germany invaded Poland in 1939.
2. to enter like an enemy:
Locusts invaded the fields.
3. to enter as if to take possession:
to invade a neighbor's home.
4. to enter and affect injuriously or destructively, as disease:
viruses that invade the bloodstream.
5. to intrude upon:
to invade the privacy of a family.
6. to encroach or infringe upon:
to invade the rights of citizens.
7. to permeate:
The smell of baking invades the house.
The definition of Invader no longer makes any difference.

The war has been fought.

The Jews have won.

The Muslims have lost.

Vae victus.

You silly sod.

No one is defeated until they give up.

Vicks Sinex.

In their own minds, anyway.

Not that that has the slightest nodding acquaintance with the Real World, and what is operative within that domain.

Perhaps the Israelis simply need to devise an aerosol spray containing a high dosage of Valium or Xanax or some such, and to crop-dust the West Bank and Gaza.

That might calm their fevered brains long enough for them to look around and come to the realistic observation that it's all over - that it's time to pack-up and leave.

If they lose any more land, we'll all be asking ourselves: "How many Palestinians can dance on the head of a pin?"

There's nothing left to stick around for... time to get their families out of there... time to build new and happier lives someplace else, where they're wanted, and where they can grow and prosper and live in peace.

Oh Konny...

I tried to click 'Informative' for you post, somehow, it wouldn't let me...

It's ok though, I worked it out...

It's because you managed to post exactly what every Zionist supporter would like to see... Palestinians driven out of their land...

Wow, and I thought it was the bleating of the Zionists who cry that the Palestinians want to drive them into the sea...

Nice post Konny... Puts thing in perspective!
They became Invaders at Israel's declaration of Independence.

No. They became invaders when they forced their way into Palestine, even if that force was through political manoeuvrings, initially, and they generally had their arms shipped in separately.

Don't accept Phoney's definition of 'invader'. It is of course, phoney. Or at least incomplete. Like Phoney:

1. To enter forcefully as an enemy; go into with hostile intent:
Germany invaded Poland in 1939.
2. to enter like an enemy:
Locusts invaded the fields.
3. to enter as if to take possession:
to invade a neighbor's home.
4. to enter and affect injuriously or destructively, as disease:
viruses that invade the bloodstream.
5. to intrude upon:
to invade the privacy of a family.
6. to encroach or infringe upon:
to invade the rights of citizens.
7. to permeate:
The smell of baking invades the house.
The definition of Invader no longer makes any difference.

The war has been fought.

The Jews have won.

The Muslims have lost.

Vae victus.

You silly sod.

No one is defeated until they give up.

Vicks Sinex.

In their own minds, anyway.

Not that that has the slightest nodding acquaintance with the Real World, and what is operative within that domain.

Perhaps the Israelis simply need to devise an aerosol spray containing a high dosage of Valium or Xanax or some such, and to crop-dust the West Bank and Gaza.

That might calm their fevered brains long enough for them to look around and come to the realistic observation that it's all over - that it's time to pack-up and leave.

If they lose any more land, we'll all be asking ourselves: "How many Palestinians can dance on the head of a pin?"

There's nothing left to stick around for... time to get their families out of there... time to build new and happier lives someplace else, where they're wanted, and where they can grow and prosper and live in peace.

How do you say "Lord Haw Haw" in Yiddish?
...Oh Konny... I tried to click 'Informative' for you post, somehow, it wouldn't let me... It's ok though, I worked it out... It's because you managed to post exactly what every Zionist supporter would like to see... Palestinians driven out of their land... Wow, and I thought it was the bleating of the Zionists who cry that the Palestinians want to drive them into the sea... Nice post Konny... Puts thing in perspective!
You are welcome.

I have never held otherwise, nor maneuvered nor indulged in machinations to disguise that perspective.

It is also a truism.

The war over Old Palestine is long-since over.

The Jews are the winners.

The Muslims are the losers.

The Jews tried to sort it out between the two parties for decades, to no avail.

The evidence points to a sad likelihood: namely, that there is no further point in discussions and negotiations.

The occupants of Rump Palestine now appear to have four choices:

1. run up a white flag, and negotiate the best bad deal they can still wrangle, from the Israelis, then shut the phukk up

2. fight - and lose - and be expelled across the borders, next time

3. leave

4. wait for the rest of the world to come to the rescue of their sorry, terrorist asses

Time appears to be running out for them, and there is no Arab cavalry coming over the hill to bail them out, this next time.

The time is drawing near, for them to make their final choice.

As to Israeli intentions - and someone who supports them, contributing his own completely frank and honest assessment of what is about to unfold...

Why not?

Logic indicates that there is no longer any possibility for the two sides to live in peace, side by side.

Consequently, logic further dictates that one side or the other must go.

Given that the Israelis have the upper hand, by several orders of magnitude...

Logic dictates that it is the Palestinians that will have to go.

And, by go, I mean depart, rather than die - a far more humanitarian approach than the Muslims would have accorded the Jews of Israel, if they had the power to overrun it.

Is the removal of the Palestinians fair?

Perhaps not.

Then again, 'fair' has very little to do with it, and, frankly, the Palestinians have shot themselves in the foot so frequently, and brought violence into the world amongst innocents so frequently over the years, it's become difficult for most folks to really give a tinker's damn about them any longer.

Or so it seems, to this non-stakeholding observer.
It goes on and will until peace is established and the ZioNazi oppression ends...

JerusalePalestinian stabs Israeli soldier as tensions hit Tel Aviv - Yahoo Newsm (AFP) - A Palestinian teenager stabbed and critically wounded a young Israeli soldier on Monday as unrest which has already rocked Jerusalem and the north spread to coastal Tel Aviv.
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