The Third Intifada...

Some unreal posts, like your so innocent. What do you think created this anger and backlash in the first place? Your treatment of them and overtaking E. Jerusalem and the temple mount, to incite this behavior since Protective Edge . No way was PM Bibi going to have peace. We can see right through your government. You think they are suppose to lay down and die, perhaps walk themselves in the sea, wouldn't that be nice.

I noticed you don't like it much when your blood runs, but could careless about the Pals blood, well all blood is red, so now your get a tiny bit of what you have pushed out. Not pretty is it.

What do you think creates Muslim anger in general? Their religion, culture, intolerance, inability to coexist, and violence towards people of other faiths.

Why can't Jews pray at the site of their ancient temple, which happens to be thousands of years older than the shitty mosque Muslims built right on top of it?

The intolerant barbarians better realize that the Jews are doing them a favor. If Muslims can't even share the site with other religions, then raze that shitty mosque to the ground. Problem solved.

Why can't Jews pray at the site of their ancient temple, which happens to be thousands of years older than the shitty mosque Muslims built right on top of it?

Because it isn't there anymore, and well if only the Jews would of kept their temple and cared about the site, Muslims would not of build over it. As it was the second temple was paid for by King Darius, and Herod about redid it , with Roman taxes, so the 90 X 60 temple that Solomon was said to of built would be but a tiny part of the temple mount. Your reap what you sow, and there is a reason the Jewish temple no longer exists I guess.

My gosh if you read the writing, the early Zionist didn't even care about returning to Palestine, the Christian Zionist were more for it (the return of Jesus, with the Protestant revolution) , and the Jewish secular Zionist, figured well Palestine would have more of a draw to the religious Jews. Its only become important to Zionist since the mid 1900's, Argentina was even discussed in the beginning.

And Muslims cared about this mythical Palestine? Is that why when Jordan controlled Jerusalem, they had turned it into a garbage can, and not one Muslim came to visit this so called holy mosque, which actually became holy because their Nazi Mufti said so? Ha ha ha.

What are you blabbering now? Jews have been praying to and for Jerusalem and that temple for thousands of years. No people or religion has an older or stronger attachment and love for the city than the Jewish people. Why can't Jews pray on the holiest site in their religion? Because it's against Islam? FUCK ISLAM AND MUSLIM INTOLERANCE. Jews control Jerusalem, they can do as they please.
Some unreal posts, like your so innocent. What do you think created this anger and backlash in the first place? Your treatment of them and overtaking E. Jerusalem and the temple mount, to incite this behavior since Protective Edge . No way was PM Bibi going to have peace. We can see right through your government. You think they are suppose to lay down and die, perhaps walk themselves in the sea, wouldn't that be nice.

I noticed you don't like it much when your blood runs, but could careless about the Pals blood, well all blood is red, so now your get a tiny bit of what you have pushed out. Not pretty is it.

What do you think creates Muslim anger in general? Their religion, culture, intolerance, inability to coexist, and violence towards people of other faiths.

Why can't Jews pray at the site of their ancient temple, which happens to be thousands of years older than the shitty mosque Muslims built right on top of it?

The intolerant barbarians better realize that the Jews are doing them a favor. If Muslims can't even share the site with other religions, then raze that shitty mosque to the ground. Problem solved.

Why can't Jews pray at the site of their ancient temple, which happens to be thousands of years older than the shitty mosque Muslims built right on top of it?

Because it isn't there anymore, and well if only the Jews would of kept their temple and cared about the site, Muslims would not of build over it. As it was the second temple was paid for by King Darius, and Herod about redid it , with Roman taxes, so the 90 X 60 temple that Solomon was said to of built would be but a tiny part of the temple mount. Your reap what you sow, and there is a reason the Jewish temple no longer exists I guess.

My gosh if you read the writing, the early Zionist didn't even care about returning to Palestine, the Christian Zionist were more for it (the return of Jesus, with the Protestant revolution) , and the Jewish secular Zionist, figured well Palestine would have more of a draw to the religious Jews. Its only become important to Zionist since the mid 1900's, Argentina was even discussed in the beginning.
It is my strong wish that a phalanx of huge buldozers and wrecking balls will one day soon make a parking lot out of that Islamic pigsty and build a Walmart in its place.
Some unreal posts, like your so innocent. What do you think created this anger and backlash in the first place? Your treatment of them and overtaking E. Jerusalem and the temple mount, to incite this behavior since Protective Edge . No way was PM Bibi going to have peace. We can see right through your government. You think they are suppose to lay down and die, perhaps walk themselves in the sea, wouldn't that be nice.

I noticed you don't like it much when your blood runs, but could careless about the Pals blood, well all blood is red, so now your get a tiny bit of what you have pushed out. Not pretty is it.

What do you think creates Muslim anger in general? Their religion, culture, intolerance, inability to coexist, and violence towards people of other faiths.

Why can't Jews pray at the site of their ancient temple, which happens to be thousands of years older than the shitty mosque Muslims built right on top of it?

The intolerant barbarians better realize that the Jews are doing them a favor. If Muslims can't even share the site with other religions, then raze that shitty mosque to the ground. Problem solved.

Why can't Jews pray at the site of their ancient temple, which happens to be thousands of years older than the shitty mosque Muslims built right on top of it?

Because it isn't there anymore, and well if only the Jews would of kept their temple and cared about the site, Muslims would not of build over it. As it was the second temple was paid for by King Darius, and Herod about redid it , with Roman taxes, so the 90 X 60 temple that Solomon was said to of built would be but a tiny part of the temple mount. Your reap what you sow, and there is a reason the Jewish temple no longer exists I guess.

My gosh if you read the writing, the early Zionist didn't even care about returning to Palestine, the Christian Zionist were more for it (the return of Jesus, with the Protestant revolution) , and the Jewish secular Zionist, figured well Palestine would have more of a draw to the religious Jews. Its only become important to Zionist since the mid 1900's, Argentina was even discussed in the beginning.
It is my strong wish that a phalanx of huge buldozers and wrecking balls will one day soon make a parking lot out of that Islamic pigsty and build a Walmart in its place.

I prefer they turn it into a public toilet for people of all faiths to come and pay their respects to Islam. After all, that's the least you can do considering the amount of respect Islam has shown for other faiths.
Some unreal posts, like your so innocent. What do you think created this anger and backlash in the first place? Your treatment of them and overtaking E. Jerusalem and the temple mount, to incite this behavior since Protective Edge . No way was PM Bibi going to have peace. We can see right through your government. You think they are suppose to lay down and die, perhaps walk themselves in the sea, wouldn't that be nice.

I noticed you don't like it much when your blood runs, but could careless about the Pals blood, well all blood is red, so now your get a tiny bit of what you have pushed out. Not pretty is it.

What do you think creates Muslim anger in general? Their religion, culture, intolerance, inability to coexist, and violence towards people of other faiths.

Why can't Jews pray at the site of their ancient temple, which happens to be thousands of years older than the shitty mosque Muslims built right on top of it?

The intolerant barbarians better realize that the Jews are doing them a favor. If Muslims can't even share the site with other religions, then raze that shitty mosque to the ground. Problem solved.

Why can't Jews pray at the site of their ancient temple, which happens to be thousands of years older than the shitty mosque Muslims built right on top of it?

Because it isn't there anymore, and well if only the Jews would of kept their temple and cared about the site, Muslims would not of build over it. As it was the second temple was paid for by King Darius, and Herod about redid it , with Roman taxes, so the 90 X 60 temple that Solomon was said to of built would be but a tiny part of the temple mount. Your reap what you sow, and there is a reason the Jewish temple no longer exists I guess.

My gosh if you read the writing, the early Zionist didn't even care about returning to Palestine, the Christian Zionist were more for it (the return of Jesus, with the Protestant revolution) , and the Jewish secular Zionist, figured well Palestine would have more of a draw to the religious Jews. Its only become important to Zionist since the mid 1900's, Argentina was even discussed in the beginning.
It is my strong wish that a phalanx of huge buldozers and wrecking balls will one day soon make a parking lot out of that Islamic pigsty and build a Walmart in its place.

I prefer they turn it into a public toilet for people of all faiths to come and pay their respects to Islam. After all, that's the least you can do considering the amount of respect Islam has shown for other faiths.
There's something wrong mentally with a people who go bug fuck and rage about someone praying. Only their prayers are reverent and non-believers prayers are blasphemous? Explains their unstable mental state. No wonder the Arab world shuns them.
It never cease to amaze me how much persecution, strife and evil JSIL is preprepared to inflict on its neighbours in the name of "what god wants".
Some unreal posts, like your so innocent. What do you think created this anger and backlash in the first place? Your treatment of them and overtaking E. Jerusalem and the temple mount, to incite this behavior since Protective Edge . No way was PM Bibi going to have peace. We can see right through your government. You think they are suppose to lay down and die, perhaps walk themselves in the sea, wouldn't that be nice.

I noticed you don't like it much when your blood runs, but could careless about the Pals blood, well all blood is red, so now your get a tiny bit of what you have pushed out. Not pretty is it.

What do you think creates Muslim anger in general? Their religion, culture, intolerance, inability to coexist, and violence towards people of other faiths.

Why can't Jews pray at the site of their ancient temple, which happens to be thousands of years older than the shitty mosque Muslims built right on top of it?

The intolerant barbarians better realize that the Jews are doing them a favor. If Muslims can't even share the site with other religions, then raze that shitty mosque to the ground. Problem solved.

Why can't Jews pray at the site of their ancient temple, which happens to be thousands of years older than the shitty mosque Muslims built right on top of it?

Because it isn't there anymore, and well if only the Jews would of kept their temple and cared about the site, Muslims would not of build over it. As it was the second temple was paid for by King Darius, and Herod about redid it , with Roman taxes, so the 90 X 60 temple that Solomon was said to of built would be but a tiny part of the temple mount. Your reap what you sow, and there is a reason the Jewish temple no longer exists I guess.

My gosh if you read the writing, the early Zionist didn't even care about returning to Palestine, the Christian Zionist were more for it (the return of Jesus, with the Protestant revolution) , and the Jewish secular Zionist, figured well Palestine would have more of a draw to the religious Jews. Its only become important to Zionist since the mid 1900's, Argentina was even discussed in the beginning.
It is my strong wish that a phalanx of huge buldozers and wrecking balls will one day soon make a parking lot out of that Islamic pigsty and build a Walmart in its place.

I prefer they turn it into a public toilet for people of all faiths to come and pay their respects to Islam. After all, that's the least you can do considering the amount of respect Islam has shown for other faiths.
There's something wrong mentally with a people who go bug fuck and rage about someone praying. Only their prayers are reverent and non-believers prayers are blasphemous? Explains their unstable mental state. No wonder the Arab world shuns them.

It's not the Arab world. Islam demands that non Muslims are not allowed anywhere near mosques and especially holy sites. They consider it a defilement and an insult. That's why no non Muslim is allowed to set their "dirty" foot in Mecca. Ever.

Meanwhile, millions of Muslims get to go inside the Vatican, and other holy sites and cities belonging to other faiths, on a yearly basis. Islam has to be the most intolerant barbaric religion on the planet today.
What do you think creates Muslim anger in general? Their religion, culture, intolerance, inability to coexist, and violence towards people of other faiths.

Why can't Jews pray at the site of their ancient temple, which happens to be thousands of years older than the shitty mosque Muslims built right on top of it?

The intolerant barbarians better realize that the Jews are doing them a favor. If Muslims can't even share the site with other religions, then raze that shitty mosque to the ground. Problem solved.

Why can't Jews pray at the site of their ancient temple, which happens to be thousands of years older than the shitty mosque Muslims built right on top of it?

Because it isn't there anymore, and well if only the Jews would of kept their temple and cared about the site, Muslims would not of build over it. As it was the second temple was paid for by King Darius, and Herod about redid it , with Roman taxes, so the 90 X 60 temple that Solomon was said to of built would be but a tiny part of the temple mount. Your reap what you sow, and there is a reason the Jewish temple no longer exists I guess.

My gosh if you read the writing, the early Zionist didn't even care about returning to Palestine, the Christian Zionist were more for it (the return of Jesus, with the Protestant revolution) , and the Jewish secular Zionist, figured well Palestine would have more of a draw to the religious Jews. Its only become important to Zionist since the mid 1900's, Argentina was even discussed in the beginning.
It is my strong wish that a phalanx of huge buldozers and wrecking balls will one day soon make a parking lot out of that Islamic pigsty and build a Walmart in its place.

I prefer they turn it into a public toilet for people of all faiths to come and pay their respects to Islam. After all, that's the least you can do considering the amount of respect Islam has shown for other faiths.
There's something wrong mentally with a people who go bug fuck and rage about someone praying. Only their prayers are reverent and non-believers prayers are blasphemous? Explains their unstable mental state. No wonder the Arab world shuns them.

It's not the Arab world. Islam demands that no non Muslims are allowed anywhere near mosques and especially holy sites. They consider it a defilement and an insult. That's why no non Muslim is allowed to set their "dirty" foot in Mecca.

Meanwhile, millions of Muslims get to go inside the Vatican, and other holy sites and cities belonging to other faiths, on a yearly basis. Islam has to be the most intolerant barbaric religion on the planet today.
..........but it's a peaceful religion and that's what counts the most.
Some unreal posts, like your so innocent. What do you think created this anger and backlash in the first place? Your treatment of them and overtaking E. Jerusalem and the temple mount, to incite this behavior since Protective Edge . No way was PM Bibi going to have peace. We can see right through your government. You think they are suppose to lay down and die, perhaps walk themselves in the sea, wouldn't that be nice.

I noticed you don't like it much when your blood runs, but could careless about the Pals blood, well all blood is red, so now your get a tiny bit of what you have pushed out. Not pretty is it.

I find it amazing that you tolerate their anger.

What brought on this anger? The anger is due to the4 fact that Jews want to visit the4 Temple Mount.

They don't go into the Mosque itself, they don't care about it, don't go near it... They care about the ground, not the abomination built on it. The Muslims get pissed that Jews try and reach the place.

I find it interesting. Christians don't care when Jews visit the Vatican. Buddhists don't care that Jews visit their Temples, Bahais don't mind either.

But dare you step on the Temple Mount and provoke the holier than thou Muslims! that's just horrible!

They need to take a chill pill, is that they need. The Temple Mount, as you gracefully call it yourself, is the TEMPLE mount. OUR HOLY TEMPLE mount. If they so much want to be martyrs for that mosque, let them.

No you want to pray there, and even build an altar and then the ultimate goal is a new temple. Don't try to play dumb. Give an inch , take a mile, then take all.
we know the Jews are not trying to take over the Vatican, you do not want to visit the temple mount,

you ultimately want to destroy their buildings and build a temple, just like your making Swiss cheese out of East Jerusalem, building your communities.

Maybe the Israeli's should have done what the Palestinians did in 1948 and forced every arab muslim out of Jerusalem at the end of a gun and made them scapegoats. Then demolished the mosques on the Temple Mount and made their stones into foundations for a cess pit or dung heap. Why do the Palestinians want to pray there when in was not a holy site until the 1600's. There is no mention of Jerusalem in the Koran so how can it hold so much significance for the arab muslims. The mosques have been destroyed 6 times and the muslims cared so much that it was many generations before they were rebuilt. How many holy buildings have the muslims destroyed to build their carbuncles on the top, you can start with the Church built on the Temple Mount that was destroyed after 700 years so they could build a mosque.
Some unreal posts, like your so innocent. What do you think created this anger and backlash in the first place? Your treatment of them and overtaking E. Jerusalem and the temple mount, to incite this behavior since Protective Edge . No way was PM Bibi going to have peace. We can see right through your government. You think they are suppose to lay down and die, perhaps walk themselves in the sea, wouldn't that be nice.

I noticed you don't like it much when your blood runs, but could careless about the Pals blood, well all blood is red, so now your get a tiny bit of what you have pushed out. Not pretty is it.

What do you think creates Muslim anger in general? Their religion, culture, intolerance, inability to coexist, and violence towards people of other faiths.

Why can't Jews pray at the site of their ancient temple, which happens to be thousands of years older than the shitty mosque Muslims built right on top of it?

The intolerant barbarians better realize that the Jews are doing them a favor. If Muslims can't even share the site with other religions, then raze that shitty mosque to the ground. Problem solved.

Why can't Jews pray at the site of their ancient temple, which happens to be thousands of years older than the shitty mosque Muslims built right on top of it?

Because it isn't there anymore, and well if only the Jews would of kept their temple and cared about the site, Muslims would not of build over it. As it was the second temple was paid for by King Darius, and Herod about redid it , with Roman taxes, so the 90 X 60 temple that Solomon was said to of built would be but a tiny part of the temple mount. Your reap what you sow, and there is a reason the Jewish temple no longer exists I guess.

My gosh if you read the writing, the early Zionist didn't even care about returning to Palestine, the Christian Zionist were more for it (the return of Jesus, with the Protestant revolution) , and the Jewish secular Zionist, figured well Palestine would have more of a draw to the religious Jews. Its only become important to Zionist since the mid 1900's, Argentina was even discussed in the beginning.

If the Temple Mount is no longer there then what is this ancient structure ?


And this from another view


The original mosque built after mohameds death was a wooden hut so what does your post prove.
It never cease to amaze me how much persecution, strife and evil JSIL is preprepared to inflict on its neighbours in the name of "what god wants".
Ain't that a bitch though? Deal with it.

The Nazis behaved similarly but they were eventually dealt with.

As were the muslims when they reached the gates of Vienna. Just lately the ISLAMONAZIS were dealt with and 2,000 were killed for their sins......................
It never cease to amaze me how much persecution, strife and evil JSIL is preprepared to inflict on its neighbours in the name of "what god wants".
Wow, your own bullshit amazes you. The evil persecutors today are are beloved Moooslems. Wake up and smell the Jihad.
And Muslims cared about this mythical Palestine? Is that why when Jordan controlled Jerusalem, they had turned it into a garbage can, and not one Muslim came to visit this so called holy mosque, which actually became holy because their Nazi Mufti said so? Ha ha ha.

What are you blabbering now? Jews have been praying to and for Jerusalem and that temple for thousands of years. No people or religion has an older or stronger attachment and love for the city than the Jewish people. Why can't Jews pray on the holiest site in their religion? Because it's against Islam?

And this is one of the central questions today. The Jews do not care to go to Mecca. The Jews do not care to go to Medina. The Jews do not care to go inside the al-Aqsa mosque.

They just want to be able to go up on the Temple Mount, but the moslems won't even allow that without rioting and propaganda to keep them out. And the worst thing is that sometimes the rioting has the moslems throwing rocks from the Temple Mount down to folks at the Western Wall. Now that is just wrong.
Some unreal posts, like your so innocent. What do you think created this anger and backlash in the first place? Your treatment of them and overtaking E. Jerusalem and the temple mount, to incite this behavior since Protective Edge . No way was PM Bibi going to have peace. We can see right through your government. You think they are suppose to lay down and die, perhaps walk themselves in the sea, wouldn't that be nice.

I noticed you don't like it much when your blood runs, but could careless about the Pals blood, well all blood is red, so now your get a tiny bit of what you have pushed out. Not pretty is it.
And Muslims cared about this mythical Palestine? Is that why when Jordan controlled Jerusalem, they had turned it into a garbage can, and not one Muslim came to visit this so called holy mosque, which actually became holy because their Nazi Mufti said so? Ha ha ha.

What are you blabbering now? Jews have been praying to and for Jerusalem and that temple for thousands of years. No people or religion has an older or stronger attachment and love for the city than the Jewish people. Why can't Jews pray on the holiest site in their religion? Because it's against Islam?

And this is one of the central questions today. The Jews do not care to go to Mecca. The Jews do not care to go to Medina. The Jews do not care to go inside the al-Aqsa mosque.

They just want to be able to go up on the Temple Mount, but the moslems won't even allow that without rioting and propaganda to keep them out. And the worst thing is that sometimes the rioting has the moslems throwing rocks from the Temple Mount down to folks at the Western Wall. Now that is just wrong.

They sure loved Mecca and Medina years ago and Babylon (they spent around 1000 years in Babylon) Really some just tried to and did enter the Al Aqsa mosque. They want to do anything that will intimidate and incite the Pals. I'm not going to let you spread these lies, read the Jewish writings,. when Jews were able to return from Babylon, only around 44000 did out of around 1 million. What does that tell you? Do you just ignore what is historical facts or are you just plum not comprehending the deception your spreading falsehoods.

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