The Ten Worst Presidents

According to a "US News and World Report" survey:

James Buchanan
Andrew Johnson
Franklin Pierce
Warren G. Harding
William Henry Harrison
Millard Fillmore (tie)
John Tyler (tie)
Herbert Hoover
Chester A. Arthur
Benjamin Harrison

I was wondering about Richard Nixon, but I remember that he did some good things before the Watergate thing happened.

Here is the article

Typical government establishment bull shit.

Dishonest Abe (by a country mile)
Dirty Harry Truman cold blooded killer of women and children
FDR...Stalin’s Stooge
Wilson...fed, tax, WWI
Dipshit mass murderer W
Dumb fuck mass murderer Ears
Poppy Shrub
Hoover...Great Depression
McKinley...Spanish American War based on lies
Polk...Mexican-American War based on lies.
Abe Lincoln is credited for saving the Union but it fell apart under his watch at the cost of tens of thousands.
FDR incarcerated American citizens without due process.
JFK's ridiculous fantasy of liberating Cuba put us on the brink of nuclear war.
LBJ used a faked crisis to send troops to VN and set the rules so that we could win every battle and lose the war.
Bill Clinton was bombing a defenseless country in Europe while 9-11 terrorists were in flight school in Fla.
You're a good dude, and I generally like your comments, but I am compelled to say a couple of things. No offense intended.

1. It was hundreds of thousands, not tens of thousands. Lincoln "saved" the union through straight tyranny.
2. JFK was not nearly as left-wing as the other jackasses in his party. He was actually not too bad. I think he was killed because he was re-thinking the Fed system (ten foil hat).

Other than that, I agree.
According to a "US News and World Report" survey:

James Buchanan
Andrew Johnson
Franklin Pierce
Warren G. Harding
William Henry Harrison
Millard Fillmore (tie)
John Tyler (tie)
Herbert Hoover
Chester A. Arthur
Benjamin Harrison

I was wondering about Richard Nixon, but I remember that he did some good things before the Watergate thing happened.

Good list except I would disagree with Tyler and Harrison. Harrison was only President for a few weeks before he died. He didn't have a chance to be either good or bad. Tyler believed in Manifest Destiny and helped make the U.S. a continental power. I think under rated. The rest, full agreement.

As for the top tier Presidents these would be mine.

Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Reagan.
I think George W Bush is very underrated. He did a great job of decimating the terrorists and gave us some good tax cuts. I don't care if he could not give good speeches.
According to a "US News and World Report" survey:

James Buchanan
Andrew Johnson
Franklin Pierce
Warren G. Harding
William Henry Harrison
Millard Fillmore (tie)
John Tyler (tie)
Herbert Hoover
Chester A. Arthur
Benjamin Harrison

I was wondering about Richard Nixon, but I remember that he did some good things before the Watergate thing happened.
Well if FDR. LBJ, Clinton and Obama aren't on it, that list is pure bullshit.

Woodrow Wilson too
Abe Lincoln is credited for saving the Union but it fell apart under his watch at the cost of tens of thousands.
FDR incarcerated American citizens without due process.
JFK's ridiculous fantasy of liberating Cuba put us on the brink of nuclear war.
LBJ used a faked crisis to send troops to VN and set the rules so that we could win every battle and lose the war.
Bill Clinton was bombing a defenseless country in Europe while 9-11 terrorists were in flight school in Fla.
You're a good dude, and I generally like your comments, but I am compelled to say a couple of things. No offense intended.

1. It was hundreds of thousands, not tens of thousands. Lincoln "saved" the union through straight tyranny.
2. JFK was not nearly as left-wing as the other jackasses in his party. He was actually not too bad. I think he was killed because he was re-thinking the Fed system (ten foil hat).

Other than that, I agree.
JFK was killed by the Cosa Nostra gangsters because his brother was going after them as Attorney General. Jack Ruby had mob ties and he was sent to silence Oswald.
Warren G. Harding
I would like to know their reasoning on that one.
I posted a link to the article under my first post.
"I have no trouble with my enemies," Harding once said, adding that it was his friends who "keep me walking the floor nights."

So, we have the Teapot Dome sandal which was not even his doing. Other than that, he undid a bunch of Wilsonian/Commie bullshit. That alone gets him a top 10 ranking.
What the hell was Watergate about? It's alleged that LBJ's black bag experts bugged Goldwater's plane. The difference is that the elitist A-holes in the media didn't care about LBJ. FDR put people in a freaking gulog for the crime of being Japanese. Bill Clinton bypassed congress and bombed Yugoslavia to deflect attention from his peculiar sexual appetite.
Woodrow Wilson is the worst ever.Flat out racist, Communist, and signed in the Federal Reserve System.

Barak Obama illegally used the Internal Revenue Service as a weapon against United States Citizens who legally opposed his re-election.

He and his administration illegally spied on US citizens, reporters who were investigating and writing articles about him and his Presidential scandals, US media companies, United States Senators, USSC Justices, opposition party Presidential candidates, and on a newly elected US President.

He admittedly violated both US Constitution and the Rule of Law. Barak Obama was ruled to be n violation of the US Constitution by the USSC several times, he admittedly declared he did not have the Constitutional authority to alter US Immigration law and then did so. He Unconstitutionally placed a tax penalty on anyone who refused to purchase mandated health care. He was also found in Contempt of Court several times for violating US Federal Judges' court orders.

Barak Obama armed, funded, supplied, trained, protected, and defended international terrorists, Mexican Drug cartels, and enemies f this country.

Obama pimped out the US military to help Al Qaeida murder the leader of a sovereign country - a leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa - so Al Qaeida could take over its own nation. The 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner' then committed a United Nations-defined 'International War Crime' by militarily invading a sovereign nation without either a request or given permission by that nation's leader to do the middle of a civil war. By doing so, the 'NPP Winner' dragged the US into another new war, leaving the military to fight HIS war as he left office.

And let's not forget, among other things, Barak Obama was caught . proven to have illegally colluded with foreign ex-spies working for Russians and the Russian Intelligence Service to obtain and knowingly use Russian authored propaganda in an attempt to affect the outcome of a US election and later in an attempt to conduct a failed political coup of the US govt and newly elected President of he United States.

To me, that alone puts Barry at the top of the list...

According to a "US News and World Report" survey:

James Buchanan
Andrew Johnson
Franklin Pierce
Warren G. Harding
William Henry Harrison
Millard Fillmore (tie)
John Tyler (tie)
Herbert Hoover
Chester A. Arthur
Benjamin Harrison

I was wondering about Richard Nixon, but I remember that he did some good things before the Watergate thing happened.

Here is the article

I'm more concerned with good presidents in my lifetime. Of presidents in the modern era, I'd rate them:
  1. George Trump
  2. Ronald Reagan
  3. Eisenhower
  4. JFK
  5. Richard Nixon
  6. Gerald Ford
  7. LBJ
  8. G. HW Bush
  9. GW Bush
  10. Clinton
  11. Jimmy Carter
  12. Barach Hussien Obumma
According to a "US News and World Report" survey:

James Buchanan
Andrew Johnson
Franklin Pierce
Warren G. Harding
William Henry Harrison
Millard Fillmore (tie)
John Tyler (tie)
Herbert Hoover
Chester A. Arthur
Benjamin Harrison

I was wondering about Richard Nixon, but I remember that he did some good things before the Watergate thing happened.

Here is the article

I'm more concerned with good presidents in my lifetime. Of presidents in the modern era, I'd rate them:
  1. George Trump
  2. Ronald Reagan
  3. Eisenhower
  4. JFK
  5. Richard Nixon
  6. Gerald Ford
  7. LBJ
  8. G. HW Bush
  9. GW Bush
  10. Clinton
  11. Jimmy Carter
  12. Barach Hussien Obumma

Funny you should put the most successful President in DCADES, in some cases EVER, at the top of your list....
According to a "US News and World Report" survey:

James Buchanan
Andrew Johnson
Franklin Pierce
Warren G. Harding
William Henry Harrison
Millard Fillmore (tie)
John Tyler (tie)
Herbert Hoover
Chester A. Arthur
Benjamin Harrison

I was wondering about Richard Nixon, but I remember that he did some good things before the Watergate thing happened.
Well if FDR. LBJ, Clinton and Obama aren't on it, that list is pure bullshit.
I agree about Wacky Baracky. FDR and LBJ tried very hard but they were misguided. Clinton I'm ambivalent about.
Carter was just an inept 'country boob'. He turned out to infinitely be a better 'humanitarian' than President.
He did make peace between Israel and Egypt. That was important. He made a mess of the economy and dealing with the Soviets.

Thank you Viktor / Vlad...

President Trump only created the strongest economy in decades and the lowest unemployment rates in decades / US history...and if you ignore the BS liberal talking points you discover that Trump has been harder on the Russians than Barry.

Barry, Joe, and Hillary gave Vlad uranium, Crimea, and 2 years of un-challenged meddling, interfere3nce, and hacking...& Vlad's friends gave Hunter & Joe millions for laundering Russian money...
Easily the worst: fdr

The rest of the list:

  1. truman
  2. wilson
  3. johnson
  4. johnson
  5. tyler
  6. polk
  7. carter
  8. clinton
  9. obama

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