The Sword of the Gospel


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
The Sword of the Gospel Matthew 10:34
Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn
‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
A man’s enemies will be the members
of his own household.
Anyone who loves his father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me; 38and anyone who does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.


Morty, that shit makes zero sense, dude. Bible passages are vermin. You look Fantastic in purple, by the way.
Morty, that shit makes zero sense, dude. Bible passages are vermin. You look Fantastic in purple, by the way.
Christians are world wide persecuted and killed and tortured and ridiculed for their faith. So it is pretty true that there is the Sword here against the Christians. Even early christians died in the name of Christ. Right? It doesnt mean christians are aggressive or not peaceful. Right? Or that Christians do not love their neighbours.
Morty, that shit makes zero sense, dude. Bible passages are vermin. You look Fantastic in purple, by the way.
Christians are world wide persecuted and killed and tortured and ridiculed for their faith. So it is pretty true that there is the Sword here against the Christians. Even early christians died in the name of Christ. Right? It doesnt mean christians are aggressive or not peaceful. Right? Or that Christians do not love their neighbours.
No and no.
Christ hung on a cross and died for that blasphemer. What if Louis ran him through with a knife the day before the blasphemer was going to accept Christ?
What if you did that?
To know what Christ thought about using knives against His enemies, remember Peter who cut the ear off of a Roman that had come to take Jesus away. Jesus healed that ear and told Peter:
Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword."
The King of France is entitled to his opinion, I suppose but in America we don't run swords through people who disagree with us.
Morty, that shit makes zero sense, dude. Bible passages are vermin. You look Fantastic in purple, by the way.
Christians are world wide persecuted and killed and tortured and ridiculed for their faith. So it is pretty true that there is the Sword here against the Christians. Even early christians died in the name of Christ. Right? It doesnt mean christians are aggressive or not peaceful. Right? Or that Christians do not love their neighbours.

We know the Apostles carried a couple of swords around with them, and we know Peter whacked the ear off an official with one. It's a myth Christians are somehow suppose to be these push over super pacifists in a violent world and never defend themselves or each other from harm or thieves; that's just some bullshit violent pagans dreamed up via their total ignorance and illiteracy.
The Sword of the Gospel Matthew 10:34
Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn
‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
A man’s enemies will be the members
of his own household.
Anyone who loves his father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me; 38and anyone who does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.


View attachment 352509View attachment 352510

Some stuff that may help you along; the verse is part of a bigger point being made, as usual.

"Any thoughts – perhaps this is too broad to be considered as a definite chiastic pattern. We saw it doing the daily Bible readings. What caught the eye was C and C’ which link to the prophecy of Micah. A and A’ both use the same word “receive” to describe reception of the apostles. B and B’ relate to suffering for the gospel. D and D’ speak of the disciples’ identification with their master. The centre focuses on whom should we “fear”. "

Much better explanation and context here:

I reported you to the F.B.I. so you can look forward to a visit from them in the near future.

lol so what? You're going to end up on their list as a nut job with zero cred, so I encourage you to report all kinds of stuff to them, moron. Do you think they all come from Iceland or something, tard? lol
I reported you to the F.B.I. so you can look forward to a visit from them in the near future.

lol so what? You're going to end up on their list as a nut job with zero cred, so I encourage you to report all kinds of stuff to them, moron. Do you think they all come from Iceland or something, tard? lol
In the day he's a twitter moderater
I reported you to the F.B.I. so you can look forward to a visit from them in the near future.

lol so what? You're going to end up on their list as a nut job with zero cred, so I encourage you to report all kinds of stuff to them, moron. Do you think they all come from Iceland or something, tard? lol
Gee, I'm so sorry that I reported a guy who posts "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword" with a photo of himself with a big-ass knife!! Does that sound like a terroristic threat to you? Or what? Is that a joke? Are you a moron? I have never reported anything or anyone to the F.B.I. before, but as soon as I saw that post, I looked up the F.B.I.'s website. If that guy isn't a potential terrorist, I don't know who is.
I reported you to the F.B.I. so you can look forward to a visit from them in the near future.

lol so what? You're going to end up on their list as a nut job with zero cred, so I encourage you to report all kinds of stuff to them, moron. Do you think they all come from Iceland or something, tard? lol
Gee, I'm so sorry that I reported a guy who posts "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword" with a photo of himself with a big-ass knife!! Does that sound like a terroristic threat to you? Or what? Is that a joke? Are you a moron? I have never reported anything or anyone to the F.B.I. before, but as soon as I saw that post, I looked up the F.B.I.'s website. If that guy isn't a potential terrorist, I don't know who is.
Nazi rat fuck off leave svet alone
Nazi piece of shit fag
I reported you to the F.B.I. so you can look forward to a visit from them in the near future.

lol so what? You're going to end up on their list as a nut job with zero cred, so I encourage you to report all kinds of stuff to them, moron. Do you think they all come from Iceland or something, tard? lol
Gee, I'm so sorry that I reported a guy who posts "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword" with a photo of himself with a big-ass knife!! Does that sound like a terroristic threat to you? Or what? Is that a joke? Are you a moron? I have never reported anything or anyone to the F.B.I. before, but as soon as I saw that post, I looked up the F.B.I.'s website. If that guy isn't a potential terrorist, I don't know who is.

lol you're more unhinged than Mortimer is by a long shot, dork.
I reported you to the F.B.I. so you can look forward to a visit from them in the near future.

lol so what? You're going to end up on their list as a nut job with zero cred, so I encourage you to report all kinds of stuff to them, moron. Do you think they all come from Iceland or something, tard? lol
Gee, I'm so sorry that I reported a guy who posts "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword" with a photo of himself with a big-ass knife!! Does that sound like a terroristic threat to you? Or what? Is that a joke? Are you a moron? I have never reported anything or anyone to the F.B.I. before, but as soon as I saw that post, I looked up the F.B.I.'s website. If that guy isn't a potential terrorist, I don't know who is.
Nazi rat fuck off leave svet alone
Nazi piece of shit fag
Well, thank you for that incisive piece of analysis. Your comments speak for themselves.
I reported you to the F.B.I. so you can look forward to a visit from them in the near future.

lol so what? You're going to end up on their list as a nut job with zero cred, so I encourage you to report all kinds of stuff to them, moron. Do you think they all come from Iceland or something, tard? lol
Gee, I'm so sorry that I reported a guy who posts "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword" with a photo of himself with a big-ass knife!! Does that sound like a terroristic threat to you? Or what? Is that a joke? Are you a moron? I have never reported anything or anyone to the F.B.I. before, but as soon as I saw that post, I looked up the F.B.I.'s website. If that guy isn't a potential terrorist, I don't know who is.

lol you're more unhinged than Mortimer is by a long shot, dork.
Really? How many photos are there of me holding a weapon?
I reported you to the F.B.I. so you can look forward to a visit from them in the near future.

lol so what? You're going to end up on their list as a nut job with zero cred, so I encourage you to report all kinds of stuff to them, moron. Do you think they all come from Iceland or something, tard? lol
Gee, I'm so sorry that I reported a guy who posts "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword" with a photo of himself with a big-ass knife!! Does that sound like a terroristic threat to you? Or what? Is that a joke? Are you a moron? I have never reported anything or anyone to the F.B.I. before, but as soon as I saw that post, I looked up the F.B.I.'s website. If that guy isn't a potential terrorist, I don't know who is.
Nazi rat fuck off leave svet alone
Nazi piece of shit fag
Well, thank you for that incisive piece of analysis. Your comments speak for themselves.

Its right on the money Your words say youre a piece of shit nazi fag and a moronic hysterical karen rat fink


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