The social-distancing police are among us. Would you call out a neighbor for unsafe practices? Or call 911?

The social-distancing police are among us. Would you call out a neighbor for unsafe practices? Or call 911?
View attachment 339141
Karen and Kevin can kiss my ass.
Those people "not living in fear" are called imbeciles. I don't come to your house with a vile of anthrax, don't get near me while you might be carrying COVID. Got It?
I got just as much right to go out in public as you do, and you're not going to tell me I can't.

Got it?

Fuck your feelings.
It's not about feelings.
Actually, that's all it's about.

I say again, fuck your feelings.
Makes me feel like a non compliant to the concept that I am responsible for your health.
You aren't. You are responsible for not recklessly endangering the people around you. If that includes me I have no problem with fucking you up.

In case you hadn't noticed the US is a shithole country when it comes to the virus. Over 90K dead. How many more have to die before you take your fucking head out of your ass and act like a considerate human being and not a mindless cult member?
With a 10% infection rate most of which is unknown to the party infected and a less than 0.1% fatality rate, the responsibilities you wish to force upon me are frivolous and best ignored.
With a 10% infection rate most of which is unknown to the party infected and a less than 0.1% fatality rate, the responsibilities you wish to force upon me are frivolous and best ignored.
You are truly retarded.

You just said that people get infected and don't know it. Well, that sounds like a good reason to stay away from others, ya jackass.
You get a mild infection and don’t know it and 90% likely that if you pass it onto someone else they will not know it either
You panicked imbeciles are trying to peddle that all the benign/unknown infections will be passed on in a “worst case manner”. Thats the hoax nature of it and the retard is thee ..
You get a mild infection and don’t know it and 90% likely that if you pass it onto someone else they will not know it either
You panicked imbeciles are trying to peddle that all the benign/unknown infections will be passed on in a “worst case manner”. Thats the hoax nature of it and the retard is thee ..
And then of course it gets passed to someone who becomes seriusly ill or dies.

We do know that has happened at least 100k times. By all means though, continue to be a jackass.

Like I was saying 4 mos ago this is your invisible 911-------- it's here to take your rights all of them and you WILL NOT SEE THE OLD AMERICAA EVER AGAIN!! esp. if you do not band together and fight this NWO BS!!

THe costco link these leftist cocksuckers think they are the AUTHORITY ( u can read why and how come)Y over everyone in that store and they literally get off on having the power to do so jusut watch their body language and expressions when you are ouut and about you can peg these losers a mile awaay almost always.......

Some can fool you LOL..

Why there is a loon on here who has a control disorder
It's a rule made by the establishment to protect it's patrons. No different than shirts and shoes or no smoking.
It's not tyranny or the NWO, you freak.
Grow the fuck up.
In any other store I'd agree; their business, their rules. I would just take my business elsewhere.
But Costco is a shopping club..... if he is a member in good standing, with all his dues paid up, then can they refuse him service for not following rules that were never part of the original contract?

IDK, but it might be worth studying the fine print on the membership agreement. Dude could have grounds for a lawsuit.
Why is it worth "studying the rules"?
Just get over yourself, do your shopping and move on.
Here come the Social Distancing Police.
They don’t carry badges, they don’t wear uniforms. They are not actual police officers, and no one is going to formally deputize them. But they are watchful, and alarmed, mostly disgusted and, though it’s hard to see at times, idealistic. Even well-meaning. They don’t like what they see, and they hate what they must do but — YOU! Your shopping cart! It’s TOO close! SIX FEET! Some shout, some gesture and expect you to get the point. Some call actual police, phone an aldermen, even email their park district.
Many others, they head for Facebook, Twitter, the neighborhood app Nextdoor, where they register horror — a lack of consideration they just witnessed by a fellow Chicagoan. They wonder why everyone is suddenly a jogger. They report coffee houses for a lack of masks. They call 311 to report 12 people sitting a little too close on the grass in a park.
They are you, they are us.

Interestingly the Left has become what they claim to abhor. They'd never admit it but this their roots. The "true believers" believe it is their "RIGHT" to tell others what to do, how to think and how to live their lives. Make no mistake, there are those on the Right who do this too just not to the degree that Progs do. A always, Chicago is the perfect example.
No one has a "right" to infect others, "some" of whom may be at a much greater risk than the asses who ramble unabashed around others with reckless abandon.

At what point does stand your ground apply? I don't know if that gun you point my way is loaded but I have to assume so.
No one's fears have a right to take others' rights. If you fear to catch the virus, YOU are more than welcome to stay home.

This virus is NOT a death sentence, let's all get that notion out in the open.
It's not fear. It's risk mitigation. Everyone needs to go out, dope. Is it too much to ask that people respect the fact that others may have an increased risk and give others their space and air? Why is it more important for you to be a prick for no reason?
1. Risk mitigation applies to the person assessing the risk, not to others.

2. If I thought something outside my door was going to be 100% certain to kill me, nothing would induce me to go out.

3. It is not too much to ask, what is too much is getting a tyrannical government to enforce it at the threat of imprisonment, which leads to 4.

4. We are not slaves of the state nor vassals of the Governors. We are free men with rights that this government is forbidden from taking away from us.

This IS fear. You can control it, or you can allow it to control you.

This virus is NOT a death sentence.

By all means, if you fear it, stay home and stay away from people. DO NOT presume to tell Me how to live. You are unqualified to do so.
100k dead says you're an idiot. Your insistence that a simple matter of public health is tyranny says you're a paranoid idiot. The fact that you care nothing for your fellow man says you're a sociopathic idiot.
Any way you slice it, you are damaged.
Here come the Social Distancing Police.
They don’t carry badges, they don’t wear uniforms. They are not actual police officers, and no one is going to formally deputize them. But they are watchful, and alarmed, mostly disgusted and, though it’s hard to see at times, idealistic. Even well-meaning. They don’t like what they see, and they hate what they must do but — YOU! Your shopping cart! It’s TOO close! SIX FEET! Some shout, some gesture and expect you to get the point. Some call actual police, phone an aldermen, even email their park district.
Many others, they head for Facebook, Twitter, the neighborhood app Nextdoor, where they register horror — a lack of consideration they just witnessed by a fellow Chicagoan. They wonder why everyone is suddenly a jogger. They report coffee houses for a lack of masks. They call 311 to report 12 people sitting a little too close on the grass in a park.
They are you, they are us.

Interestingly the Left has become what they claim to abhor. They'd never admit it but this their roots. The "true believers" believe it is their "RIGHT" to tell others what to do, how to think and how to live their lives. Make no mistake, there are those on the Right who do this too just not to the degree that Progs do. A always, Chicago is the perfect example.
No one has a "right" to infect others, "some" of whom may be at a much greater risk than the asses who ramble unabashed around others with reckless abandon.

At what point does stand your ground apply? I don't know if that gun you point my way is loaded but I have to assume so.
No one's fears have a right to take others' rights. If you fear to catch the virus, YOU are more than welcome to stay home.

This virus is NOT a death sentence, let's all get that notion out in the open.
It's not fear. It's risk mitigation. Everyone needs to go out, dope. Is it too much to ask that people respect the fact that others may have an increased risk and give others their space and air? Why is it more important for you to be a prick for no reason?
1. Risk mitigation applies to the person assessing the risk, not to others.

2. If I thought something outside my door was going to be 100% certain to kill me, nothing would induce me to go out.

3. It is not too much to ask, what is too much is getting a tyrannical government to enforce it at the threat of imprisonment, which leads to 4.

4. We are not slaves of the state nor vassals of the Governors. We are free men with rights that this government is forbidden from taking away from us.

This IS fear. You can control it, or you can allow it to control you.

This virus is NOT a death sentence.

By all means, if you fear it, stay home and stay away from people. DO NOT presume to tell Me how to live. You are unqualified to do so.
100k dead says you're an idiot. Your insistence that a simple matter of public health is tyranny says you're a paranoid idiot. The fact that you care nothing for your fellow man says you're a sociopathic idiot.
Any way you slice it, you are damaged.
100k dead out of a population of 350 million says your a moron.

Of those who have caught the virus, less than 1% have died from it.

This virus is NOT a death sentence to the vast majority of this country and world. Those who are not at risk should get to work and just bitch slap little pussies like you.
Here come the Social Distancing Police.
They don’t carry badges, they don’t wear uniforms. They are not actual police officers, and no one is going to formally deputize them. But they are watchful, and alarmed, mostly disgusted and, though it’s hard to see at times, idealistic. Even well-meaning. They don’t like what they see, and they hate what they must do but — YOU! Your shopping cart! It’s TOO close! SIX FEET! Some shout, some gesture and expect you to get the point. Some call actual police, phone an aldermen, even email their park district.
Many others, they head for Facebook, Twitter, the neighborhood app Nextdoor, where they register horror — a lack of consideration they just witnessed by a fellow Chicagoan. They wonder why everyone is suddenly a jogger. They report coffee houses for a lack of masks. They call 311 to report 12 people sitting a little too close on the grass in a park.
They are you, they are us.

Interestingly the Left has become what they claim to abhor. They'd never admit it but this their roots. The "true believers" believe it is their "RIGHT" to tell others what to do, how to think and how to live their lives. Make no mistake, there are those on the Right who do this too just not to the degree that Progs do. A always, Chicago is the perfect example.
No one has a "right" to infect others, "some" of whom may be at a much greater risk than the asses who ramble unabashed around others with reckless abandon.

At what point does stand your ground apply? I don't know if that gun you point my way is loaded but I have to assume so.
No one's fears have a right to take others' rights. If you fear to catch the virus, YOU are more than welcome to stay home.

This virus is NOT a death sentence, let's all get that notion out in the open.
It's not fear. It's risk mitigation. Everyone needs to go out, dope. Is it too much to ask that people respect the fact that others may have an increased risk and give others their space and air? Why is it more important for you to be a prick for no reason?
1. Risk mitigation applies to the person assessing the risk, not to others.

2. If I thought something outside my door was going to be 100% certain to kill me, nothing would induce me to go out.

3. It is not too much to ask, what is too much is getting a tyrannical government to enforce it at the threat of imprisonment, which leads to 4.

4. We are not slaves of the state nor vassals of the Governors. We are free men with rights that this government is forbidden from taking away from us.

This IS fear. You can control it, or you can allow it to control you.

This virus is NOT a death sentence.

By all means, if you fear it, stay home and stay away from people. DO NOT presume to tell Me how to live. You are unqualified to do so.
100k dead says you're an idiot. Your insistence that a simple matter of public health is tyranny says you're a paranoid idiot. The fact that you care nothing for your fellow man says you're a sociopathic idiot.
Any way you slice it, you are damaged.

Get out from under your bed and live kid.
100k dead out of a population of 350 million says your a moron.

Are you fucking serious?
I didn't shrug, I put it in perspective. I know you aren't bright enough to understand the difference, but we do not close down whole countries because a very small portion of the population dies.

We never have and we never should.

When over 99% of the population won't die from this disease, and in fact, 98% of them won't even have symptoms stronger than a cold, it is beyond criminal to advocate for destroying everything for a small percentage.

People die. People die every day, many of them in greater numbers than the covid-19, and on a regular basis.

Your outrage is underwhelming.
Here come the Social Distancing Police.
They don’t carry badges, they don’t wear uniforms. They are not actual police officers, and no one is going to formally deputize them. But they are watchful, and alarmed, mostly disgusted and, though it’s hard to see at times, idealistic. Even well-meaning. They don’t like what they see, and they hate what they must do but — YOU! Your shopping cart! It’s TOO close! SIX FEET! Some shout, some gesture and expect you to get the point. Some call actual police, phone an aldermen, even email their park district.
Many others, they head for Facebook, Twitter, the neighborhood app Nextdoor, where they register horror — a lack of consideration they just witnessed by a fellow Chicagoan. They wonder why everyone is suddenly a jogger. They report coffee houses for a lack of masks. They call 311 to report 12 people sitting a little too close on the grass in a park.
They are you, they are us.

Interestingly the Left has become what they claim to abhor. They'd never admit it but this their roots. The "true believers" believe it is their "RIGHT" to tell others what to do, how to think and how to live their lives. Make no mistake, there are those on the Right who do this too just not to the degree that Progs do. A always, Chicago is the perfect example.
Notice that two of usmb government shills thT has penetrated this site posted a funny.proof that this post is factual :2up: :thup:
I didn't shrug, I put it in perspective. I know you aren't bright enough to understand the difference, but we do not close down whole countries because a very small portion of the population dies.
And had we NOT shut down?..5 X that? 10X?
100k dead out of a population of 350 million says your a moron.

Are you fucking serious?
I didn't shrug, I put it in perspective. I know you aren't bright enough to understand the difference, but we do not close down whole countries because a very small portion of the population dies.

We never have and we never should.

When over 99% of the population won't die from this disease, and in fact, 98% of them won't even have symptoms stronger than a cold, it is beyond criminal to advocate for destroying everything for a small percentage.

People die. People die every day, many of them in greater numbers than the covid-19, and on a regular basis.

Your outrage is underwhelming.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Here come the Social Distancing Police.
They don’t carry badges, they don’t wear uniforms. They are not actual police officers, and no one is going to formally deputize them. But they are watchful, and alarmed, mostly disgusted and, though it’s hard to see at times, idealistic. Even well-meaning. They don’t like what they see, and they hate what they must do but — YOU! Your shopping cart! It’s TOO close! SIX FEET! Some shout, some gesture and expect you to get the point. Some call actual police, phone an aldermen, even email their park district.
Many others, they head for Facebook, Twitter, the neighborhood app Nextdoor, where they register horror — a lack of consideration they just witnessed by a fellow Chicagoan. They wonder why everyone is suddenly a jogger. They report coffee houses for a lack of masks. They call 311 to report 12 people sitting a little too close on the grass in a park.
They are you, they are us.

Interestingly the Left has become what they claim to abhor. They'd never admit it but this their roots. The "true believers" believe it is their "RIGHT" to tell others what to do, how to think and how to live their lives. Make no mistake, there are those on the Right who do this too just not to the degree that Progs do. A always, Chicago is the perfect example.
No one has a "right" to infect others, "some" of whom may be at a much greater risk than the asses who ramble unabashed around others with reckless abandon.

At what point does stand your ground apply? I don't know if that gun you point my way is loaded but I have to assume so.
No one's fears have a right to take others' rights. If you fear to catch the virus, YOU are more than welcome to stay home.

This virus is NOT a death sentence, let's all get that notion out in the open.
It's not fear. It's risk mitigation. Everyone needs to go out, dope. Is it too much to ask that people respect the fact that others may have an increased risk and give others their space and air? Why is it more important for you to be a prick for no reason?
1. Risk mitigation applies to the person assessing the risk, not to others.

2. If I thought something outside my door was going to be 100% certain to kill me, nothing would induce me to go out.

3. It is not too much to ask, what is too much is getting a tyrannical government to enforce it at the threat of imprisonment, which leads to 4.

4. We are not slaves of the state nor vassals of the Governors. We are free men with rights that this government is forbidden from taking away from us.

This IS fear. You can control it, or you can allow it to control you.

This virus is NOT a death sentence.

By all means, if you fear it, stay home and stay away from people. DO NOT presume to tell Me how to live. You are unqualified to do so.
100k dead says you're an idiot. Your insistence that a simple matter of public health is tyranny says you're a paranoid idiot. The fact that you care nothing for your fellow man says you're a sociopathic idiot.
Any way you slice it, you are damaged.

Get out from under your bed and live kid.
Get out from under your bed and live kid.
Without a doubt, I live better than you.
You're still mired in the purile rage that percolates every time you imagine a challenge to your privilege no matter how slight.
I am as liberal as they come, and I've seen all sorts of non-conforming individuals, including people without masks that I've had to interact with, but I don't call the cops on anyone or even call them out on it. I mean, if this thing was Ebola, ya, I would probably raise more of a fuss.

These idiots didn't lock down the country when EBOLA was in Texas a few years ago.
Yeah proof the elite have finally declared their decades long war on Americans and the world to finally fulfill their decades long agenda to depopulate the world. I saw all this coming in the mid 90”s when they took away smokers rights to smoke indoors even places like bars and airports.i am no smoker but that was a right smokers had since this country was created,total facism. I still remember the days you would walk into a resteraunt and they would immediately ask smoking or nonsmoking. What a facist dictatership.our children would be shocked if they knew there was once a time when that day existed.
Here come the Social Distancing Police.
They don’t carry badges, they don’t wear uniforms. They are not actual police officers, and no one is going to formally deputize them. But they are watchful, and alarmed, mostly disgusted and, though it’s hard to see at times, idealistic. Even well-meaning. They don’t like what they see, and they hate what they must do but — YOU! Your shopping cart! It’s TOO close! SIX FEET! Some shout, some gesture and expect you to get the point. Some call actual police, phone an aldermen, even email their park district.
Many others, they head for Facebook, Twitter, the neighborhood app Nextdoor, where they register horror — a lack of consideration they just witnessed by a fellow Chicagoan. They wonder why everyone is suddenly a jogger. They report coffee houses for a lack of masks. They call 311 to report 12 people sitting a little too close on the grass in a park.
They are you, they are us.

Interestingly the Left has become what they claim to abhor. They'd never admit it but this their roots. The "true believers" believe it is their "RIGHT" to tell others what to do, how to think and how to live their lives. Make no mistake, there are those on the Right who do this too just not to the degree that Progs do. A always, Chicago is the perfect example.
No one has a "right" to infect others, "some" of whom may be at a much greater risk than the asses who ramble unabashed around others with reckless abandon.

At what point does stand your ground apply? I don't know if that gun you point my way is loaded but I have to assume so.
No one's fears have a right to take others' rights. If you fear to catch the virus, YOU are more than welcome to stay home.

This virus is NOT a death sentence, let's all get that notion out in the open.
It's not fear. It's risk mitigation. Everyone needs to go out, dope. Is it too much to ask that people respect the fact that others may have an increased risk and give others their space and air? Why is it more important for you to be a prick for no reason?
1. Risk mitigation applies to the person assessing the risk, not to others.

2. If I thought something outside my door was going to be 100% certain to kill me, nothing would induce me to go out.

3. It is not too much to ask, what is too much is getting a tyrannical government to enforce it at the threat of imprisonment, which leads to 4.

4. We are not slaves of the state nor vassals of the Governors. We are free men with rights that this government is forbidden from taking away from us.

This IS fear. You can control it, or you can allow it to control you.

This virus is NOT a death sentence.

By all means, if you fear it, stay home and stay away from people. DO NOT presume to tell Me how to live. You are unqualified to do so.
100k dead says you're an idiot. Your insistence that a simple matter of public health is tyranny says you're a paranoid idiot. The fact that you care nothing for your fellow man says you're a sociopathic idiot.
Any way you slice it, you are damaged.
100k dead out of a population of 350 million says your a moron.

Of those who have caught the virus, less than 1% have died from it.

This virus is NOT a death sentence to the vast majority of this country and world. Those who are not at risk should get to work and just bitch slap little pussies like you.
100k dead out of a population of 350 million says your a moron.

Of those who have caught the virus, less than 1% have died from it.

This virus is NOT a death sentence to the vast majority of this country and world. Those who are not at risk should get to work and just bitch slap little pussies like you.
It is a potential death sentence for a great many people. So far, it's worked out to about 10k a week. The fact that you try to minimize that fact only serves to prove my point.

Like I was saying 4 mos ago this is your invisible 911-------- it's here to take your rights all of them and you WILL NOT SEE THE OLD AMERICAA EVER AGAIN!! esp. if you do not band together and fight this NWO BS!!

THe costco link these leftist cocksuckers think they are the AUTHORITY ( u can read why and how come)Y over everyone in that store and they literally get off on having the power to do so jusut watch their body language and expressions when you are ouut and about you can peg these losers a mile awaay almost always.......

Some can fool you LOL..

Why there is a loon on here who has a control disorder
It's a rule made by the establishment to protect it's patrons. No different than shirts and shoes or no smoking.
It's not tyranny or the NWO, you freak.
Grow the fuck up.
A shill on the governments payroll trolling again same as you always did on facts that 9/11 was an inside job
The people who do not wear masks and practice social distancing are people who want to kiill [sic] their fellow citizens and destroy the nation. I don't know how they could be punished, but they should be, and harshly. These are simple rules to follow. If this scum want to die, let them, but I draw the line at their posing a direct threat to society. Let them at least be shipped back to Russia.

Says the subhuman piece of shit who wants to kill huge amounts of her countrymen, by crashing the economy and destroying everyone's ability to obtain food, shelter, and other necessities of life.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap:
The handlers of these shills must have gotten worried over this thread the way they sending them here to troll

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