The Scientific poof that GOD exists without a doubt.

Blind faith isn't Christianity. The fact that JESUS arose from the dead and was seen by many individuals is substantiated factual historic reality. Christian faith is when one places his trust in GOD's hands and is rewarded by results. The results in turn causes faith to grow.
I once knew a gypsy woman in Romania who could the same. Golly! Maybe she's god! :auiqs.jpg:
I know of no one who could bring a person back to life after 3 days dead.
Correct. Which is why it has never happened. You may have a need and desire to believe that Jesus returned from the dead from that tale requires a precommitment to belief in the supernatural and a willingness to accept some pretty outrageous leaps of faith.
If it happened all the time, what would make it miraculous? Over 500 people saw the risen Christ. People also witnessed Lazarus being risen from the dead by Jesus. Obviously, it didn't happen yesterday. But then the religious world was turned on its ear. The Egyptian, Greek, and Roman gods all faded in the light of CHRIST. No one is sacrificing babies to idols (at least not to the extent it once was common practice). People who don't accept CHRIST have even been influenced in ways they don't even realize...
It never happened all the time. It never happened once. There’s no “miracle” in something that never happened.

No, there is nothing to suggest 500 people saw a dead Jesus strolling around. You have a need and a compulsive desire to want to believe that fable. Fables written 100 years after the death of someone named Jesus are classic examples of word of mouth tales evolving over time as the tales are recounted and changed by retelling.

Robin Hood was a fictional character. Did you know that?

If 500 people claiming to see Bigfoot walking around, is that proof of Bigfoot?
Are there 500 who say they saw Big Foot?
I'm sure 500 is an extremely small estimation of Bigfoot sightings.
I watched the first 10 minutes. If God existed before time, why couldn't the cause of the Big Bang have existed before time?
:stupid: Alright - I have been waiting for this!

Thank you for directing my attention to this.
I have always enjoyed science. I believe that atheists have progressed by suppressing real science and thought ----- replacing it with primarily select memorization.
Ok. That didn't answer my question though.
I would say that GOD is the cause of any Big Bang ---- and HE existed before time... Does this make you happy?
So how do you know God caused the Big Bang? How do you know God was the only thing that existed before the Big Bang"
I watched the first 10 minutes. If God existed before time, why couldn't the cause of the Big Bang have existed before time?
:stupid: Alright - I have been waiting for this!

Thank you for directing my attention to this.
I have always enjoyed science. I believe that atheists have progressed by suppressing real science and thought ----- replacing it with primarily select memorization.
Ok. That didn't answer my question though.
I would say that GOD is the cause of any Big Bang ---- and HE existed before time... Does this make you happy?
So how do you know God caused the Big Bang? How do you know God was the only thing that existed before the Big Bang"
Since GOD says that HE created time, before time there just as GOD. And in fact GOD in HIS word and CHRIST insisted that everything (material, spiritual, foundational, everything) that exists ----- exists because GOD created it. And before HIM there is no other god. I can believe the Bible because I can believe Jesus the MESSIAH/CHRIST.
Got it. You believe it because it's written in a book by people who weren't there and lots of years after any described events were supposed to have happened. Well; I can't argue about something with that much solid proof, now can I.
Where do you get your information? The NEWEST book of the New Testament is Revelation.And that is written about 95AD. This was taken down by John. Jesus went to the cross about 30 or 33 AD (we will one day know with certainty). So this book came to be about 65 roughly years after the Crucifixion. And this book is primarily regarding the saints of that day and prophecy with regards to the future.
The four Gospels have historically always been accepted to have been compiled within mere decades of the Resurrection.
It is important to understand that the dating of the Gospels and other New Testament books is at best an educated guess and at worst foolish speculation. For example, suggested dates for the writing of the Gospel of Matthew range from as early as A.D. 40 to as late as A.D. 140. This wide range of dates from scholars indicates the subjective nature of the dating process. Generally, one will find that the presuppositions of the scholars greatly influence their dating of the Gospels.

For example, in the past many liberal theologians have argued for a later dating of many of the New Testament books than is probably warranted or valid, in an attempt to discredit or cast doubts upon the content and authenticity of the Gospel accounts. On the other hand, there are many scholars who look to a much earlier dating of the New Testament books. There are some that believe there is good evidence to support the view that the whole New Testament, including Revelation, was written prior to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. It is our contention that the evidence supports the earlier dating more than it does the later dating.

There are scholars who believe the Gospel of Matthew was written as early as ten to twelve years after the death of Christ. Those who hold to this earlier dating of Matthew believe he first wrote his Gospel in Aramaic, and then it was later translated into Greek. One of the evidences of this earlier dating of Matthew’s Gospel is that early church leaders such as Irenaeus, Origen, and Eusebius recorded that Matthew first wrote his Gospel for Jewish believers while he was still in Israel. In fact Eusebius (a bishop of Caesarea and known as the father of church history) reported that Matthew wrote his Gospel before he left Israel to preach in other lands, which Eusebius says happened about 12 years after the death of Christ. Some scholars believe that this would place the writing of Matthew as early as A.D. 40-45 and as late as A.D. 55.

Even if the Gospels were not written until 30 years after Christ’s death, that would still place the writing of them prior to the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. This presents no major problem with their authority or accuracy. Passing on oral traditions and teachings was commonplace in the Jewish culture of that day, and memorization was highly cultivated and practiced. Also, the fact that even at that time there would have been a considerable number of eyewitnesses around to dispute and discredit any false claims, and the fact that none of the “hard sayings” of Jesus were taken from the Gospel accounts, further supports their accuracy. Had the Gospels been edited before being written down, as some liberal scholars contend, then it was a very poor job. The writers left far too many “hard sayings,” and culturally unacceptable and politically incorrect accounts that would need explaining. An example of this is that the first witnesses of the resurrection were women, who were not considered reliable witnesses in the culture of that day.

The bottom line for Christians is this—whether the Gospels were written soon after the death of Christ, or not until 30 years after His death, does not really matter, because their accuracy and authority does not rest on when they were written but on what they are: the divinely inspired Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16). We should also remember that one of the promises Jesus gave His disciples was that He would send them “another helper,” the Holy Spirit, who would teach them all things and “bring to your remembrance all that I said to you” (John 14:26). So, whether it was few years or many after Jesus’ death that the Gospels were written, we can have total confidence and faith in their completeness and accuracy, knowing that they were written by “men moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21), who accurately recorded the very words of God.

LET ME SAY IN CLOSING! Jesus himself is recorded to have said (found in John 14:26) But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
In other words, JESUS wanted them to eventually record what HE said. And to whom was HE speaking --- but to HIS Apostles and close disciples. So they would write it down when and as the HOLY SPIRIT moved them to write. I'm presenting to you the facts. It is up to you to consider them.
The obvious problem with the above is that there is no reason for anyone not having a predisposition to Christianity to accept that someone named John actually wrote any of the fables that would become the bible.

This is probably a good time to move this thread to the religion forum.
It sure doesn't take much to make you uncomfortable ---- still small voice, perhaps.
The Physicist Hugh Ross simply explains how the Universe proves that GOD must exist.

Damn those scientific poofs.

I mean, if you believe this nonsense, you're really not trying hard to use that brain, are you?

So, here is a atheist trying harder, I suppose:

Sorry, because of its privacy settings, this porn video cannot be played here.

I'm not arguing with a video. Try making YOUR ARGUMENT.
Page 4.

Can we have the proof, now?
Visit a secret Christian church in Communist China today.

Do the Chinese have proof of the gods?

You could have saved a lot of bandwidth by announcing that.

Which secret church in China has the proof, Address?
The fact of their love of GOD in a hostile environment is proof of GOD. And the hostile environment they encounter, is founded on control hungry atheistic denial of GOD. And their persistence in such adversity is encouraged by the GOD's love.
Page 4.

Can we have the proof, now?
Visit a secret Christian church in Communist China today.

Do the Chinese have proof of the gods?

You could have saved a lot of bandwidth by announcing that.

Which secret church in China has the proof, Address?
The fact of their love of GOD in a hostile environment is proof of GOD. And the hostile environment they encounter, is founded on control hungry atheistic denial of GOD. And their persistence in such adversity is encouraged by the GOD's love.

So, if I love Harry Potter, it's proof that Harry Potter is real?
Page 4.

Can we have the proof, now?
Visit a secret Christian church in Communist China today.

Do the Chinese have proof of the gods?

You could have saved a lot of bandwidth by announcing that.

Which secret church in China has the proof, Address?
The fact of their love of GOD in a hostile environment is proof of GOD. And the hostile environment they encounter, is founded on control hungry atheistic denial of GOD. And their persistence in such adversity is encouraged by the GOD's love.

So, if I love Harry Potter, it's proof that Harry Potter is real?
Would you die for Harry Potter?
Page 4.

Can we have the proof, now?
Visit a secret Christian church in Communist China today.

Do the Chinese have proof of the gods?

You could have saved a lot of bandwidth by announcing that.

Which secret church in China has the proof, Address?
The fact of their love of GOD in a hostile environment is proof of GOD. And the hostile environment they encounter, is founded on control hungry atheistic denial of GOD. And their persistence in such adversity is encouraged by the GOD's love.
On the other hand, that the gods have abandoned them in a hostile environment is proof the gods don’t exist.

Can this fraud thread now be moved to the religion forum?
Page 4.

Can we have the proof, now?
Visit a secret Christian church in Communist China today.

Do the Chinese have proof of the gods?

You could have saved a lot of bandwidth by announcing that.

Which secret church in China has the proof, Address?
The fact of their love of GOD in a hostile environment is proof of GOD. And the hostile environment they encounter, is founded on control hungry atheistic denial of GOD. And their persistence in such adversity is encouraged by the GOD's love.
On the other hand, that the gods have abandoned them in a hostile environment is proof the gods don’t exist.

Can this fraud thread now be moved to the religion forum?
Actually, GOD seems to be changing their environment, one soul at a time. The Christian church in China seems to be growing very fast. Please consider:
Last edited:
Page 4.

Can we have the proof, now?
Visit a secret Christian church in Communist China today.

Do the Chinese have proof of the gods?

You could have saved a lot of bandwidth by announcing that.

Which secret church in China has the proof, Address?
The fact of their love of GOD in a hostile environment is proof of GOD. And the hostile environment they encounter, is founded on control hungry atheistic denial of GOD. And their persistence in such adversity is encouraged by the GOD's love.
On the other hand, that the gods have abandoned them in a hostile environment is proof the gods don’t exist.

Can this fraud thread now be moved to the religion forum?
Actually, GOD seems to be changing their environment, one soul at a time. The Christian church in China seems to be growing very fast.
Why is this thread in the science forum?

Proselytizing doesn’t belong in the science forum.
Page 4.

Can we have the proof, now?
Visit a secret Christian church in Communist China today.

Do the Chinese have proof of the gods?

You could have saved a lot of bandwidth by announcing that.

Which secret church in China has the proof, Address?
The fact of their love of GOD in a hostile environment is proof of GOD. And the hostile environment they encounter, is founded on control hungry atheistic denial of GOD. And their persistence in such adversity is encouraged by the GOD's love.
On the other hand, that the gods have abandoned them in a hostile environment is proof the gods don’t exist.

Can this fraud thread now be moved to the religion forum?
Actually, GOD seems to be changing their environment, one soul at a time. The Christian church in China seems to be growing very fast. Please consider:


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