Outer Space Should Be Ours to Explore, Not Jeff Bezos’s or Elon Musk’s

Musk and Bezos aren't going to explore space ... they are selling a fairy tale to gullible investors.
Yeah, their projects look more like marketing and aimed at making profits. But still, Must makes a large input in space exploration are I think. And I guess Space X will be able to make a crewed mission to Mars one day however, It will happen later than Musk claims
the only thing Bezos doesn't own at this point is hair on his head!

Leave it to bloated Government bureaucracy and the cost of space travel will never be low enough for everyday citizens. Private industry and competition is the only way to bring it to the masses.
We can't stand by while plutocrats like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos put themselves in charge of humankind's expansion to other worlds.

There’s not going the be any ‘expansion’ in to ‘other worlds.’

The future is neither Blade Runner nor Star Trek.

Mars will be as far as humans will ever go – and manned missions to Mars are as pointless as they are wasteful.

Childish premise.

There’s not going the be any ‘expansion’ in to ‘other worlds.’

The future is neither Blade Runner nor Star Trek.

Mars will be as far as humans will ever go – and manned missions to Mars are as pointless as they are wasteful.

Childish premise.

"Frontiers of any type, physical or mental, are but a challenge to our breed. Nothing can stop the questing of men, not even Man. If we will it, not only the wonders of space, but the very stars are ours!"
Andre Norton

*****HAPPY SMILE*****

We give billionaires tax cuts so they’ll explore space for us.
I consider that it`s not completely right that taxpayers invest their money in a space exploration campaign. But we need to explore space and figure out something new about it. I guess space it`s the most mysterious thing we`ve ever faced
the only thing Bezos doesn't own at this point is hair on his head!

OK, fine. Convince Congress to rapidly increase the funding for NASA. Personally, I think that Space X is doing us all a favor. They have vastly reduced the price to get to orbit. And they are building a real spaceship that can get to the moon and inner planes for exploration. Until then, I will accept exploration from whatever source I can get it.
Musk and Bezos aren't going to explore space ... they are selling a fairy tale to gullible investors.
Yeah, their projects look more like marketing and aimed at making profits. But still, Must makes a large input in space exploration are I think. And I guess Space X will be able to make a crewed mission to Mars one day however, It will happen later than Musk claims
Is not making a profit while doing something better than it has been done before the capitalist ideal?
We give billionaires tax cuts so they’ll explore space for us.
"We" could not give them "tax cuts", and rather tax them more, but "billionaires" and corporations that make wealth pass those taxes on to the customers/consumers of their goods and services. Basically most to all taxes placed upon businesses and the wealth eventually pass down and get paid for by "the people".

Basic Econ 101, but seems to be little taught or understood in the USA, and other parts of Western Civ.
the only thing Bezos doesn't own at this point is hair on his head!

A major problem is that the FCC gave permission to Musk's SpaceX to launch 12,000 satellites into low earth orbit. Other companies are planning on doing the same. Low earth orbit is already a junk heap of dead satellites and clutter. The space station was already hit by debris. It will get worse.
We give billionaires tax cuts so they’ll explore space for us.
"We" could not give them "tax cuts", and rather tax them more, but "billionaires" and corporations that make wealth pass those taxes on to the customers/consumers of their goods and services. Basically most to all taxes placed upon businesses and the wealth eventually pass down and get paid for by "the people".

Basic Econ 101, but seems to be little taught or understood in the USA, and other parts of Western Civ.

Yeah, not. That's not quite how it works.

The way it works is that prices rise to consume all income and incomes fall to the least level tolerable. Taxes don't do anything but account for the amount of time spent by workers, seeing as the wealthy don't pay taxes. No manner of tax decreases will ever result in an increase in spending power on the average wage earner.

You already know what your taxes are when you take the job, they are what they are. Nobody decides whether they are going to take the job based on what their income tax is going to be. And no one decides what whether they are going to buy that loaf of bread based on what the sales tax is. There are no decisions made on the demand side based on the tax rate. Sure, you know what they are and you don't like them but that's got nothing to do with it because you aren't going to find a better tax rate someplace else. There is no choosing between a higher tax on one thing and a lower tax on the other thing on the average everyday decision.

I can always tell when someone hasn't studied economics because they say something like, "Basic Econ 101". When you know what a Carnout oligopoly of n firms is, then you can say "Basic Econ 101".
the only thing Bezos doesn't own at this point is hair on his head!

If explorers in history were managed by an office equivalent to NASA, we would still only be throwing corked bottles with messages in them into the oceans and waiting see if there is life across the seas, or cruising up and down the known world, instead of crossing the oceans.
NASA likes spending money on three basic things: 1. Satellites. 2. Probes. 3. The ISS. That's about it.
Elon Musk, who I thought was great to send a Tesla Roadster into space, just to prove you didn't have to be a massive governmental agency to do it. Such individuals with space enthusiasm, may be the road to successful space travel in the future. As far as NASA goes, it'll probably just continue having space stations orbit the earth and perhaps the moon.
China announced that they are planning on capturing an asteroid and returning it to be put into an Earth orbit for study. That's ambition.
the only thing Bezos doesn't own at this point is hair on his head!

Outer Space Should Be Ours to Explore, Not Jeff Bezos’s or Elon Musk’s​

tell us something we don't know already, that'd be a refreshing change.
These trips to space is a waste of money. Those funds could be better spent here on Earth. 28 million for some amusement ride into space.?

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