The Real Cost of a Joe Biden Presidency

What does when I got vaccinated have to do with the rate at which miniories get vaccinated.


BTW, you are the one who claims you sicked the FBI on me. Which is it? Did you sick them on me, or am I lying about them knocking on my door?

Wait, are you f-ing serious, the FBI knocked on your door because of some idiot on this message board?
Nope. Unlike you we can backup everything we say. Furthermore we don't give stupid one word answers like "wrong." We at least provide a debate.
You get one word answers because its all you need. You can't back up one thing you say with credible information. Border crossings were at a 40 year low when trump took office.

Trump would be facing this same inflation had he won and he would not have an answer. Just like he didn't for COVID.
Wrong again you dishonest racist. Biden had no ability to plan or foresee problems, so he jumped the gun. He’s a worthless senile fuckwit. HE and he ALONE failed to deal with the problem of our remaining troops in Afghanistan. So stop offering to suck Brandon’s dick. It won’t help. He is a failure and you have no power to fix him.

Top US general says Afghan collapse can be traced to Trump-Taliban deal

The Doha agreement, signed in February 2020, set a date for the US to fully withdraw troops by May 2021

The collapse of the Afghan government and its security forces can be traced to a 2020 agreement between the Taliban and the Trump administration that promised a complete US troop withdrawal, senior Pentagon officials have told Congress.

Gen Frank McKenzie, the head of central command, told the House armed services committee that once the US troop presence was pushed below 2,500 as part of President Joe Biden’s decision in April to complete a total withdrawal by September, the unraveling of the US-backed Afghan government accelerated.

“The signing of the Doha agreement had a really pernicious effect on the government of Afghanistan and on its military, psychological more than anything else, but we set a date – certain for when we were going to leave and when they could expect all assistance to end,” McKenzie said.

He was referring to a 29 February 2020, agreement that the Trump administration signed with the Taliban in Doha, Qatar, in which the US promised to fully withdraw its troops by May 2021 and the Taliban committed to several conditions, including stopping attacks on American and coalition forces. The stated objective was to promote a peace negotiation between the Taliban and the Afghan government, but that diplomatic effort never gained traction before Biden took office in January.

When you’ve got nothing (which is pretty much always, obviously) you go for irrelevancies. Oh nozies! You am such a genie-ass that you figgered out what I said when I started this new account. (My new username wasn’t enough of a hint for your damaged little intellect, evidently).

Your senile racist old piece of shit promised lots of “stuff” and has delivered on not one damn thing. By contrast, it was President Trump who first started the difficult task of CAREFULLY seeking to draw down our military in Afghanistan and then prepare for their eventual complete withdrawal. President Brain Deas Branson proceeded to jump the gun and got out troops killed and delivered military supplies to the ducking Taliban and endanger the lives of countless innocent Afghan people — including Brandon’s unconscionable disregard of Afghani interpreters left behind to be killed.

YOUR asshole senile lying brain deficient racist scumbag he the benefit of a majority in the Hiuse and a near majority in the Senate and STILL couldn’t deliver on a real infrastructure bill without sucking on AOC’s asshole. And even at that, he adds trillions of debt to our economy for reasons having nothing to do with actual infrastructure.

THOSE are the facts. And now you will return to your usual fare of lies, spin, distortion and fantasy.

You really are a stupid hack. But at least you will never be credible. Put it down and step away from your crack pipe, you idiot.

Trump campaigned on them. He failed.
Biden did what Trump failed at.

Those are the facts, now back to your spin or whatever that was up there.

Top US general says Afghan collapse can be traced to Trump-Taliban deal

The Doha agreement, signed in February 2020, set a date for the US to fully withdraw troops by May 2021

The collapse of the Afghan government and its security forces can be traced to a 2020 agreement between the Taliban and the Trump administration that promised a complete US troop withdrawal, senior Pentagon officials have told Congress.

Gen Frank McKenzie, the head of central command, told the House armed services committee that once the US troop presence was pushed below 2,500 as part of President Joe Biden’s decision in April to complete a total withdrawal by September, the unraveling of the US-backed Afghan government accelerated.

“The signing of the Doha agreement had a really pernicious effect on the government of Afghanistan and on its military, psychological more than anything else, but we set a date – certain for when we were going to leave and when they could expect all assistance to end,” McKenzie said.

He was referring to a 29 February 2020, agreement that the Trump administration signed with the Taliban in Doha, Qatar, in which the US promised to fully withdraw its troops by May 2021 and the Taliban committed to several conditions, including stopping attacks on American and coalition forces. The stated objective was to promote a peace negotiation between the Taliban and the Afghan government, but that diplomatic effort never gained traction before Biden took office in January.

Yeah. And? I suppose the fact that one man says so somehow means that his analysis is correct (because it’s the conclusion you’d like to present). But ask yourself, if you have any surviving brain cells to run together:

Why didn’t anything happen until Joe Alzheimers Brandon jumped the gun?

Trump campaigned on them. He failed.
Biden did what Trump failed at.

Those are the facts, now back to your spin or whatever that was up there.
Because you can’t even recognize reality

No. Again, since you are sooo slow: your claims are NOt the facts. I presented you with facts. You find it expedient to ignore them.

Brandon hasn’t actually “done” anything at all except get one bad spending bill passed that barely addressed what it purports to address but which drives us into much more massive debt — to kowtow to the more irrational idiots in the Dim Party. Oh, wait. He also personally ducked up the Afghanistan problem in a horrific fashion.

That he has done..

So, as I predicted, you did promptly come back with more of your inane drivel and bullshit spin.
Speaking as a Democrat, perhaps the first time I've ever been honest & self-aware.......

I can't think of a single reason why we weren't better off with Trump. My fellow Democrats, give me a reason to think otherwise, PLEASE!
Since Joe Biden became President we have the worst inflation since 1982. Some key measures over the last 12 months:

1. Gasoline prices up 58.1%

2. Food prices up 6.4%

3. Clothing prices up 5%

4. Housing up 4.8%

Overall inflation is up 6.8%

So tell me again Dems, why did you vote for Joe?

I think they voted for Joe because the liberal media told them to.

Far too many people in our nation are sheeple.
Since Joe Biden became President we have the worst inflation since 1982. Some key measures over the last 12 months:

1. Gasoline prices up 58.1%

2. Food prices up 6.4%

3. Clothing prices up 5%

4. Housing up 4.8%

Overall inflation is up 6.8%

So tell me again Dems, why did you vote for Joe?

So tell me idiot, how Joe is responsible for one of those instances.
Not just your hate for democrats, how his policies contributed to it.

See how good you are now.

Top US general says Afghan collapse can be traced to Trump-Taliban deal

The Doha agreement, signed in February 2020, set a date for the US to fully withdraw troops by May 2021

The collapse of the Afghan government and its security forces can be traced to a 2020 agreement between the Taliban and the Trump administration that promised a complete US troop withdrawal, senior Pentagon officials have told Congress.

Gen Frank McKenzie, the head of central command, told the House armed services committee that once the US troop presence was pushed below 2,500 as part of President Joe Biden’s decision in April to complete a total withdrawal by September, the unraveling of the US-backed Afghan government accelerated.

“The signing of the Doha agreement had a really pernicious effect on the government of Afghanistan and on its military, psychological more than anything else, but we set a date – certain for when we were going to leave and when they could expect all assistance to end,” McKenzie said.

He was referring to a 29 February 2020, agreement that the Trump administration signed with the Taliban in Doha, Qatar, in which the US promised to fully withdraw its troops by May 2021 and the Taliban committed to several conditions, including stopping attacks on American and coalition forces. The stated objective was to promote a peace negotiation between the Taliban and the Afghan government, but that diplomatic effort never gained traction before Biden took office in January.

What total bullshit. Trump's agreement included pulling out when things on the ground were stabilized. Furthermore no President has to honor anything by a previous President. You commies pulled this shit when DumBama fucked up the Iraq deal. The Taliban started taking over territory when they realized we elected a real pussy to lead the country, and knew he wouldn't do a damn thing about it. Trump would have told the Taliban to back off, or we will be sending more troops in to wipe them out and never leave.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland
No link to his CBP losing track of hundreds of families he separated in his concentration camps? Funny how you missed that.

Not at all. They were sending kids here with no adults, or adults that were not the parents. They had to do something with them so if they had no family here to take care of them, they asked people from their own country if they would temporarily adopt the kids. When they called to check on the kids, the people wouldn't answer the phone. They too were illegals and afraid they may be deported with the kids.
Because you can’t even recognize reality

No. Again, since you are sooo slow: your claims are NOt the facts. I presented you with facts. You find it expedient to ignore them.

Brandon hasn’t actually “done” anything at all except get one bad spending bill passed that barely addressed what it purports to address but which drives us into much more massive debt — to kowtow to the more irrational idiots in the Dim Party. Oh, wait. He also personally ducked up the Afghanistan problem in a horrific fashion.

That he has done..

So, as I predicted, you did promptly come back with more of your inane drivel and bullshit spin.
Ahh, now you're worried about debt... Was one of your other sock accounts concerned during the blob administration?
Not at all. They were sending kids here with no adults, or adults that were not the parents. They had to do something with them so if they had no family here to take care of them, they asked people from their own country if they would temporarily adopt the kids. When they called to check on the kids, the people wouldn't answer the phone. They too were illegals and afraid they may be deported with the kids.

Again...quite the imagination you have there.
WTF does that have to do with 2019?

I stated that he mis-handled the response to the pandemic.

You, being a good little servant to your master, argued that he didn't.

I pointed out that his CDC and DHS gave contradictory orders.

You went off on a tangent about illegal immigration as some sort of lame excuse for the contradictory orders.
You call Buding a success??? He's a walking talking disaster and you voted for his incompetent ass. Good Lord are you stupid.
Since Joe Biden became President we have the worst inflation since 1982. Some key measures over the last 12 months:

1. Gasoline prices up 58.1%

2. Food prices up 6.4%

3. Clothing prices up 5%

4. Housing up 4.8%

Overall inflation is up 6.8%

So tell me again Dems, why did you vote for Joe?

Don't forget. The blame isn't just on him. Biden is just the flowery part of the dandelion growing in your yard. Your mower will cut it off but the roots still remain.

Biden holds a lot of blame but he has added in so many of people to seats of power that they have a strong root system. Even if you got rid of Biden his administration will still remain and keep growing. You need to pull the weed by the root or it will just keep coming back.

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