The Pushback in Illinois Begins

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Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
The Mayor of East Peoria tells Governor Cartman to stuff it up his fat ass, and allows his city to begin returning to normal.

The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business and let people assess their own risks and live their lives.
I’d love too but the thing is that it’s not just their lives. It’s a communicable disease and they put their community at risk by taking risks themselves.

And that’s not to mention that these communities are sure as shit going to be relying on state and federal resources to pay for the medical care they’re going to be needing.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business and let people assess their own risks and live their lives.
I’d love too but the thing is that it’s not just their lives. It’s a communicable disease and they put their community at risk by taking risks themselves.

And that’s not to mention that these communities are sure as shit going to be relying on state and federal resources to pay for the medical care they’re going to be needing.
We're not going to cower our way out of this....Your banal little "saving lives" bit is such totally overplayed bullshit that it makes my head hurt.

Get the hell over yourself.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business and let people assess their own risks and live their lives.
I’d love too but the thing is that it’s not just their lives. It’s a communicable disease and they put their community at risk by taking risks themselves.

And that’s not to mention that these communities are sure as shit going to be relying on state and federal resources to pay for the medical care they’re going to be needing.
We're not going to cower our way out of this....Your banal little "saving lives" bit is such totally overplayed bullshit that it makes my head hurt.

Get the hell over yourself.

I thought we were going to be smart about it but it turns out you can only stop the village idiots from harming themselves for so long.

So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity?
The Mayor of East Peoria tells Governor Cartman to stuff it up his fat ass, and allows his city to begin returning to normal.

With 108 cases in Peoria County, (55 recovered), I hope the Mayor knows what he is doing for his local community and wish him luck. We are all wanting to get back closer to normal, but it is the local conditions that have to be managed, by the local officials , with an eye toward the national situation. We will not all agree, and re-opening must be evaluated at each state and local level, but experimental steps must be taken.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business and let people assess their own risks and live their lives.
I’d love too but the thing is that it’s not just their lives. It’s a communicable disease and they put their community at risk by taking risks themselves.

And that’s not to mention that these communities are sure as shit going to be relying on state and federal resources to pay for the medical care they’re going to be needing.
We're not going to cower our way out of this....Your banal little "saving lives" bit is such totally overplayed bullshit that it makes my head hurt.

Get the hell over yourself.

I thought we were going to be smart about it but it turns out you can only stop the village idiots from harming themselves for so long.

So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity?
"Being smart about it" in your world means groveling at the feet of people whose models and numbers haven't ever been right.

You want to be a cowering little beta, who needs to be told by his betters what to do and when to do it, that's your business...Just don't arrogantly stand in the way of people who can decide for themselves what very low grade risks they will take and which they wont, under the phony guise of "saving lives".....And make no mistake about it, as contagions as the Covid is, it's not life threatening in 99.98% of cases.

Now go wash your hands and Cower in Place™, like the good little servile beta cuck that you are.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business and let people assess their own risks and live their lives.
I’d love too but the thing is that it’s not just their lives. It’s a communicable disease and they put their community at risk by taking risks themselves.

And that’s not to mention that these communities are sure as shit going to be relying on state and federal resources to pay for the medical care they’re going to be needing.
We're not going to cower our way out of this....Your banal little "saving lives" bit is such totally overplayed bullshit that it makes my head hurt.

Get the hell over yourself.

I thought we were going to be smart about it but it turns out you can only stop the village idiots from harming themselves for so long.

So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity?
"Being smart about it" in your world means groveling at the feet of people whose models and numbers haven't ever been right.

You want to be a cowering little beta, who needs to be told by his betters what to do and when to do it, that's your business...Just don't arrogantly stand in the way of people who can decide for themselves what very low grade risks they will take and which they wont, under the phony guise of "saving lives".....And make no mistake about it, as contagions as the Covid is, it's not life threatening in 99.98% of cases.

Now go wash your hands and Cower in Place™, like the good little servile beta cuck that you are.
you been listening to ManCow!!! hah Hi fellow Illinoisan!!!! Got him on now. Police Chief Jimmy Lee in Fox Lake arresting people eating hot dogs at dog and suds in their car. down with Sheriff Jimmy Lee. did you call AG Barr? I did.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business and let people assess their own risks and live their lives.
I’d love too but the thing is that it’s not just their lives. It’s a communicable disease and they put their community at risk by taking risks themselves.

And that’s not to mention that these communities are sure as shit going to be relying on state and federal resources to pay for the medical care they’re going to be needing.
Go cower under your bed and suck your thumb.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business and let people assess their own risks and live their lives.
I’d love too but the thing is that it’s not just their lives. It’s a communicable disease and they put their community at risk by taking risks themselves.

And that’s not to mention that these communities are sure as shit going to be relying on state and federal resources to pay for the medical care they’re going to be needing.
We're not going to cower our way out of this....Your banal little "saving lives" bit is such totally overplayed bullshit that it makes my head hurt.

Get the hell over yourself.

I thought we were going to be smart about it but it turns out you can only stop the village idiots from harming themselves for so long.

So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity?
funny how that works huh? we don't wish to give poor people money for not working and you love that. you have some rather strange objectives. Take away freedom all the time.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business and let people assess their own risks and live their lives.
I’d love too but the thing is that it’s not just their lives. It’s a communicable disease and they put their community at risk by taking risks themselves.

And that’s not to mention that these communities are sure as shit going to be relying on state and federal resources to pay for the medical care they’re going to be needing.
Go cower under your bed and suck your thumb.
Guy calls into the ManCow Muller show this morning says businesses should post a sign enter at your own risk and call it a day.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.

Don't have to, we have a Constitution that protects us from this kind of crap.

The constitution isn’t the state of Illinois from having to financially cover the cost of Peoria’s decisions. That’s why they should be cut off.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business and let people assess their own risks and live their lives.
I’d love too but the thing is that it’s not just their lives. It’s a communicable disease and they put their community at risk by taking risks themselves.

And that’s not to mention that these communities are sure as shit going to be relying on state and federal resources to pay for the medical care they’re going to be needing.
We're not going to cower our way out of this....Your banal little "saving lives" bit is such totally overplayed bullshit that it makes my head hurt.

Get the hell over yourself.

I thought we were going to be smart about it but it turns out you can only stop the village idiots from harming themselves for so long.

So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity?
funny how that works huh? we don't wish to give poor people money for not working and you love that. you have some rather strange objectives. Take away freedom all the time.
I think it’s odd that saving lives is a strange objective. Here I thought that was a common goal.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business and let people assess their own risks and live their lives.
I’d love too but the thing is that it’s not just their lives. It’s a communicable disease and they put their community at risk by taking risks themselves.

And that’s not to mention that these communities are sure as shit going to be relying on state and federal resources to pay for the medical care they’re going to be needing.
Go cower under your bed and suck your thumb.
Oh, kiddo. I’m out here on the front lines. Want to join me and see the hoax firsthand? We can see the hoaxes on the ventilator. The hoaxes in renal failure. We can even go down and see all the deceased hoaxes in the morgue.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business and let people assess their own risks and live their lives.
I’d love too but the thing is that it’s not just their lives. It’s a communicable disease and they put their community at risk by taking risks themselves.

And that’s not to mention that these communities are sure as shit going to be relying on state and federal resources to pay for the medical care they’re going to be needing.
Go cower under your bed and suck your thumb.
Guy calls into the ManCow Muller show this morning says businesses should post a sign enter at your own risk and call it a day.
I turned him on right when he went a little nuts....Funny stuff.
I'm just curious as to why we need people signing for the politicians.

I mean with technology today and the delay built into live broadcasts can't we just have the text of the meeting scroll across the bottom of the screen like closed captioning?
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.

Don't have to, we have a Constitution that protects us from this kind of crap.

The constitution isn’t the state of Illinois from having to financially cover the cost of Peoria’s decisions. That’s why they should be cut off.
nor are poor people refusing to work deserved of a dime.
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