The Party of Religious Bigotry.

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
The Democratic Party is the party of complete intolerance by far.
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"The Party of Religious Bigotry."

That would be the GOP, using religion to justify their bigotry toward gay Americans.
Your intolerance to the rights of free speech and religion are obvious, congratulations, you are an official Democratic Party religious bigot...
"The Party of Religious Bigotry."

That would be the GOP, using religion to justify their bigotry toward gay Americans.
Your intolerance to the rights of free speech and religion are obvious, congratulations, you are a Democratic Party bigot...
I'm sorry we don't tolerate your right to discriminate against people.
"The Party of Religious Bigotry."

That would be the GOP, using religion to justify their bigotry toward gay Americans.
Your intolerance to the rights of free speech and religion are obvious, congratulations, you are a Democratic Party bigot...
I'm sorry we don't tolerate your right to discriminate against people.

I see your intolerance, religious bigotry and accept it as a reality to your and the Democratic Party cause.

Such is life...
"The Party of Religious Bigotry."

That would be the GOP, using religion to justify their bigotry toward gay Americans.
Your intolerance to the rights of free speech and religion are obvious, congratulations, you are a Democratic Party bigot...
I'm sorry we don't tolerate your right to discriminate against people.

I see your intolerance, religious bigotry and accept it as a reality to your and the Democratic Party cause.

Such is life...
If it helps you sleep...
"The Party of Religious Bigotry."

That would be the GOP, using religion to justify their bigotry toward gay Americans.
Your intolerance to the rights of free speech and religion are obvious, congratulations, you are a Democratic Party bigot...
I'm sorry we don't tolerate your right to discriminate against people.

I see your intolerance, religious bigotry and accept it as a reality to your and the Democratic Party cause.

Such is life...

the Christian God worshiped by Republicans condones homosexuality?

or are you just too stupid to defend your thread or your party?

such is life .................................
"The Party of Religious Bigotry."

That would be the GOP, using religion to justify their bigotry toward gay Americans.
Your intolerance to the rights of free speech and religion are obvious, congratulations, you are a Democratic Party bigot...
I'm sorry we don't tolerate your right to discriminate against people.

I see your intolerance, religious bigotry and accept it as a reality to your and the Democratic Party cause.

Such is life...

the Christian God worshiped by Republicans condones homosexuality?

or are you just too stupid to defend your thread or your party?

such is life .................................

Generally, you're just a complete waste of time, this time, you made me laugh.
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"The Party of Religious Bigotry."

That would be the GOP, using religion to justify their bigotry toward gay Americans.

The SCOTUS gave the Democrats a huge smack down over Hobby Lobby. It was Democrats who were forcing the issue of the contraception mandate that brought Burwell vs Hobby Lobby to the Supreme Court.

It's the Democrats forcing individuals and businesses to go against their religious beliefs.
The Democratic Party is the party of complete intolerance by far.

Yeah, look at the Democrats. They're SO intolerant that people of all races and religions belong to it, where as those extremely tolerant conservative Republicans are dominated by primarily older white conservative Christians.

Go figure!

Primarily older white conservative Christians were the only ones that gave the GOP their historic win in the mid terms?


Tell me you're kidding.
Someone please tell me what religious beliefs are at stake? Is a new doctrine being enforced by the state? Has the state prohibited the practice of any religion? Has the state established an official religion? Are any people of faith prohibited from practicing their faith as they chose? Where's the harm?

Now, I have noted recently that the arguments for the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Acts popping up like toad stools in cow pies are: religious people (and the definition and specific faith involved is usually a form of Protestantism) are being 'conscripted' and/or 'forced' or even 'enslaved' by others to 'participate' in same sex marriages.

If we kick out the flimsy, hyperbolic supports of this ham handed argument, namely 'conscription' and 'participation', their argument distils down to its base alloy. And that is bigotry.

No wedding vendor is conscripted to do anything they would not do during the normal course of business. Such vendors are routinely contracted to deliver the services they advertise. Bake, decorate and deliver wedding cakes. Arrange and deliver floral arrangements. Prepare, deliver and serve food. Provide musical entertainment and etc., etc.

None of these services are extraordinary from their normal business operations. They are the exact same services these businesses have been providing other clients all along. They are not part of any liturgy. They are not sacraments or rites. Their services do not include a mercantile impermatur that legally or religiously endorses any marriage.

The so-called religious vendor fears for his mortal soul if he associates with those he judges to be sinners. Do these so-called religious vendors seek to vet the morality of each and every client? Who knows what darkness lies in the hearts of anyone. These so-called religious wedding vendors could very well be baking and arranging and serving the most vile of sinners. Yet, these so-called religious vendors make sure the checks clear, enter the transaction in their accounts and await the next customer. All the while, they bear no suspicions about the state of their immortal souls and how they might be regarded by society.

So, the so-called religious vendors care little about the morality of most of their clients. They don't consider themselves conscripted to deal with reprobates and sinners, so long as they don't know anything about the newly weds other than their Visa cards have been accepted.

Once the hyperbolic claim of conscription is seen for having the one quality: hyperbole, it can be dismissed. Can we really find legal cover in hyperbole?

Next is the claim of 'participation'.

The wedding party participates, obviously. Perhaps the clergy participates, or the services are secular or officiated by a municipal official or even ship's captain on the high seas. Invited guests participate. But vendors are plying their trade. They are not participants. They are contact workers providing goods and services.

And that deflates the argument about participation.

I've been referring to the bigoted class of vendors as 'so-called religious vendors'. Their proclivity to judge their clients, to cast the first stone upon them by making them feel less worthy than all the other customers, and treating the least of the children of God as outcasts flies in the face of the basic tenets of Christianity. They do not love others as they themselves would be loved.

And yet they seek to hide behind the very words of Christ they openly repute. They are not seeking religious freedom, they are using religion as an ax with which to further divide themselves and, by extension everyone else. It's not freedom, it's not religion. It is, indeed, reprehensible.

And which political party is advocating such a feeble argument just to preserve what they see as "rights"?

Why the GOP. Relying on wedge issues is their stock in trade.

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