$75M Set Aside for Security As 70 Groups Pledge to March on Chicago DNC Convention

Well, what did they expect?

They encouraged everyone to be radicalized, march, destroy, cause problems and act like uncivilized animals when that dopehead felon George Floyd died. They encouraged rage and hate against trump and Republicans. They put america last and put other countries as a priority. They let foreigners come into the country and not conform to America. They talk more about foreign politics than domestic politics. They let criminals get out of control and so on.

You do all that all youve done is trained people to be anti American or not even care about america, and then lash out when they want something.

The current administration created and bred these people.
There is nothing like a good old fashioned riot. :)
“A riot Is an ugly thing, and I think it’s about time we had one.” - Inspector Kemp
This looks to be real fun. No place like leftist Chicago to assemble, in one place, the wonderful folks who like to riot, burn down buildings, steal, loot and hijack cars. Although, a breakdown in law and order during the convention may not seem all that different from an average summer weekend in Chicago.

Let’s hope Walmart has a sale on hockey equipment and umbrellas before the event so antifa can be properly equipped.

Over 70 organizations have joined a coalition called “March on the DNC” and plan to protest President Joe Biden for being “complicit in the genocide” of Palestinians, a spokesperson for the group told Time Magazine. Despite the federal government granting $75 million to the city for security measures, Democratic Chicago Alderman Raymond Lopez told the Daily Caller that the incoming gatherings are “raising some serious concerns.”
The right should stay the hell away and let the left make fools out of themselves, as they all did in Chicago in 1968.

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