The many ways Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer, is toast!


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Michael Cohen has been with Trump for many years.

He knows all about Trump's dealings in Russia, the filing for a Trump hotel, any loans, anything and everything.

He has been a part of every Trump dirty dealings going back many years.

And now Cohen says he took out a loan to secretly enter into a contract with someone without Trump's knowledge or approval in Trump's name and paid them a hundred and thirty thousand dollars.

This is not legal. The New York bar, I'm sure, is looking into it.

Michael Cohen couldn't have set himself up better if he planned it.

The question is when, not if, but when will he be dragged in to speak to Mueller? This is a perfect example of a lawyer needing a lawyer. Or a whole team of lawyers in this case.

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Michael Cohen Helped Trump Throw Everyone Under The Bus, But Never Thought It’d Happen To Him!

The President told reporters he had no knowledge that his personal lawyer Michael Cohen had drafted the nondisclosure agreement with his porn star mistress Stormy Daniels and paid her $130,000 in hush money. “You’ll have to ask Michael Cohen,” Trump said. “Michael is my attorney. You’ll have to ask Michael.”


You can't ethically go behind your client's back and do this kind of stuff.


Avenatti Predicts Michael Cohen Will Buckle Under Pressure


I'm guess Trump's lawyer will lose his law license. And I don't see how Trump can pay him back.
This guy is screwed.
There might be more interesting cases in there besides the Stormy one.
Why can’t your lawyer do those things? It depends on what kind of power the lawyer was granted. If the Power of Attorney can give someone the ability to enter you into a contract, like buying real estate, why can’t a lawyer pay a piddling amount of money to settle a lawsuit?

It honestly depends on what the lawyer was authorized to do. You see. La are supposed to protect their clients, and act in their best interests.
Why can’t your lawyer do those things? It depends on what kind of power the lawyer was granted. If the Power of Attorney can give someone the ability to enter you into a contract, like buying real estate, why can’t a lawyer pay a piddling amount of money to settle a lawsuit?

It honestly depends on what the lawyer was authorized to do. You see. La are supposed to protect their clients, and act in their best interests.

If he does have some kind of POA like that, don't you think he would have released it by now to avoid being investigated? I know that if I was a lawyer and had an agreement like that and disclosing it would keep me out of jail, I'd make it public.

But, according to the reports, there is no such agreement like that, which is why he was hit with a search warrant. And, getting a warrant at that level requires some pretty compelling evidence before a judge will authorize it.
Why can’t your lawyer do those things? It depends on what kind of power the lawyer was granted. If the Power of Attorney can give someone the ability to enter you into a contract, like buying real estate, why can’t a lawyer pay a piddling amount of money to settle a lawsuit?

It honestly depends on what the lawyer was authorized to do. You see. La are supposed to protect their clients, and act in their best interests.

If he does have some kind of POA like that, don't you think he would have released it by now to avoid being investigated? I know that if I was a lawyer and had an agreement like that and disclosing it would keep me out of jail, I'd make it public.

But, according to the reports, there is no such agreement like that, which is why he was hit with a search warrant. And, getting a warrant at that level requires some pretty compelling evidence before a judge will authorize it.

Bah. The agreement would be covered by attorney client privilege. If he released it, then he would be disbarred. As for the warrant? Cops lie everyday to get warrants.
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Why can’t your lawyer do those things? It depends on what kind of power the lawyer was granted. If the Power of Attorney can give someone the ability to enter you into a contract, like buying real estate, why can’t a lawyer pay a piddling amount of money to settle a lawsuit?

It honestly depends on what the lawyer was authorized to do. You see. La are supposed to protect their clients, and act in their best interests.
Power of Attorney is not unlimited.
Because I'm old, I'm filling that out for someone to help with legal matters if I have a stroke or heart attack. They aren't one size fits all. And you don't think Trump would give power to a stranger he wouldn't give to his family do you?
Let's think it through. Both the facts and what is most likely.
Why can’t your lawyer do those things? It depends on what kind of power the lawyer was granted. If the Power of Attorney can give someone the ability to enter you into a contract, like buying real estate, why can’t a lawyer pay a piddling amount of money to settle a lawsuit?

It honestly depends on what the lawyer was authorized to do. You see. La are supposed to protect their clients, and act in their best interests.
Power of Attorney is not unlimited.
Because I'm old, I'm filling that out for someone to help with legal matters if I have a stroke or heart attack. They aren't one size fits all. And you don't think Trump would give power to a stranger he wouldn't give to his family do you?
Let's think it through. Both the facts and what is most likely.

Again it depends. If Trump gave him authority over minor items, and to a guy who owns a Boeing 757 And has gold fixtures on it, $190k is minor. He probably spends that on Valet services at his condo in a month. What is a huge amount to you and me is pocket change for Trump. If you think he must be informed of every little detail, nonsense.

Let’s put this into perspective. Let’s say you make $100k a year. Your accountant pays your quarterly taxes and pays $19 bucks to the person who delivers your paper. It would cost you more in time to discuss it than it does in dollars. If the accountant is authorized to pay bills, then that is not a betrayal.

You are acting like lawyers never do such things. Pfui. They do them all the time. Managers of rock stars do it every day. Bodyguards to the rich and shameless slip the girls out the back door. This is not outrageous. It is sadly business as usual. And a settlement before the suit is filed is also normal. Ask any personal injury attorney. Most of the money they get was without filing a single document in court. A few letters, a couple meetings, and an agreement. If you think the head of Prudential is advised of every payout, he wouldn’t have enough hours in the day to even skim the summaries.

You are thinking small. Far too small for the pond you are looking at.
When you get a loan on your house of $130,000.00, when asked, you have to say to the bank what it's for.

You can bet Cohen didn't say to pay off a porn star.

When you file to start a company to find a way to pay said porn star, you can bet Cohen didn't say to pay off a porn star to the bank.

That will be two instances of LYING to a federally insured bank. We call that both "illegal" and "committing a crime".

Wham, Bam, thank you Sam.

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