The Left says that the media is systemically racist?

I have to be honest here, all the media coverage over this one person when Americans that were left behind by President Biden are dying at the hands of the Taliban really pisses me off.

But this is just a small fraction of all the crap that is going on in the world, yet the media is fixated on this one story?


The media is crap.

You are a pathetic liar, votto.. The US government cannot force Americans or Afghan Americans to evacuate Afghanistan.
Why all the media coverage of a white woman who is missing when black women are gunned down all across democrat held cities everyday?
Because black women ARE gunned down across democrat-held cities every day! So that's not news.
BORING. We expect all that to happen because blacks like to do all that. Nothing anyone can do about it, so forget it. Protect our own.

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