Is the legal system systemically racist in the US?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Or is it systemically bigoted towards anyone or anything that opposes the DNC?

I've always wondered why the media and political elite hold to the narrative that the justice system is systeimcally racist.................EXCEPT................when it comes to the FBI, CIA, and DOJ. How is it they escaped the systemic racism of whitey in the US? Were they raised differently as children? Did they receive some special deprogramming from racism? Why are they now all beacons of justice while local law enforcement is thrown to the PC wolves as all bad people?


Because local law enforcement is not political like the federal levels of government. They are not just another appendage to the DNC as the FBI, CIA, and DOJ are.

Just take Sam Bankman-Fried, for example. He is the biggest con man in US history, stealing billions from investors, but only to have the DOJ says they will not pursue charges against him

Why? It is because he wisely gave millions of dollars to the DNC over the years.

Just watch Maxine Waters unashamedly blow kisses to the middle aged rich white man.

So as we see, Trump will go to prison, but not Bankman-Fried?

The justice system is not systemically racist, rather, it is systemically bigoted towards anyone challenging the DNC narrative.

And you are next if you get in their way.

It's so bad, I did not even have to mention Hunter and the Big guy.
Poor Votto. He's not taking recent events well.

And it's only going to get worse, as his reality keeps crashing down around him. That's why he spends so much time each day creating a new reality.

That must be exhausting. It's good to be a liberal, because we can just live in this reality.

Oh, this. Votto got played.


Here is how the DOJ is targeting those who are pro-life

On Tuesday morning, the House Judiciary subcommittee on the Constitution and limited government will revisit the “Implications of the FACE Act,” examining the shockingly high numbers of attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers around the nation as well as President Joe Biden’s administration’s use of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act.

Houck, a Catholic father of seven arrested by the FBI at gunpoint in front of his children, will testify at the hearing on Tuesday on Capitol Hill, The Daily Signal has learned.

The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division enforces the FACE Act, which “prohibits threats of force, obstruction and property damage intended to interfere with reproductive health care services.” The FACE Act has typically been used to prosecute those accused of attacking abortion clinics, but its language also protects pro-life organizations.

In 2022 alone, the DOJ Civil Rights Division charged 26 pro-life individuals with FACE Act violations. One of these individuals was Houck.

The FBI’s FACE Act charges against Houck stemmed from a 2021 incident outside a Philadelphia-based Planned Parenthood where Houck pushed an abortion clinic volunteer who was repeatedly harassing his son (Mark Jr.). Local authorities ultimately dismissed the matter—until the Biden DOJ re-upped it in response to the overturn of Roe v. Wade.

Houck and his wife, Ryan-Marie, told The Daily Signal that Biden’s DOJ targeted them in an effort to intimidate, silence, and scare the family for their pro-life work—praying outside abortion clinics for the women headed inside to abort their unborn babies.

The hearing will also focus on the fact that despite the growing number of ideological attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers and Catholic churches, the DOJ has only prosecuted a few of these incidents.

Asked in late April how many pro-abortion attacks the DOJ is currently prosecuting under the FACE Act, spokeswoman Aryele Bradford pointed to only the four radical individuals charged in Florida.

As of early May, there have been at least 85 attacks on pregnancy resource centers and 152 attacks on Catholic churches since the May 2022 Dobbs leak. Many of these buildings have been vandalized with threats such as, “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you,” making the attacks incidents of suspected pro-abortion violence.

The extremist group Jane’s Revenge has taken credit for many of these vandalisms and attacks.

“We have demonstrated in the past month how easy and fun it is to attack,” Jane’s Revenge declared in a “communique” missive in mid-June last year amid firebombings. “We are versatile, we are mercurial, and we answer to no one but ourselves. We promised to take increasingly drastic measures against oppressive infrastructures. Rest assured that we will, and those measures may not come in the form of something so easily cleaned up as fire and graffiti.”

“It’s open season,” the militant group promised pro-lifers, “and we know where your operations are.”

During the spring and summer of 2022, GOP lawmakers called for members of Jane’s Revenge to be designated as domestic terrorists “in response to their clear involvement in acts dangerous to human life.”

“These violent acts violate U.S. and state law, and the group itself has claimed intent to intimidate civilians and government officials,” the lawmakers told the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security. “You must use the full extent of your powers under the law to fully prosecute these criminals and prevent further crime.”

The DOJ did not designate Jane’s Revenge a terrorist group. The FBI did say at the time that it was “investigating a series of attacks and threats targeting pregnancy resource centers and faith-based organizations across the country.”

Pregnancy resource centers are typically run by pro-life women who seek to offer expectant mothers alternatives to abortion. Such centers provide diapers, baby clothes, and resources for both mothers and fathers, empowering them to care for their children, overcome addictions, build community, and find jobs.

The FBI has also been sent to target parents as school board meetings.


Because increasingly parents have become outraged over the new critical race theory and gender theories that are being taught to children as well as the pornographic literature put in school libraries.
Or is it systemically bigoted towards anyone or anything that opposes the DNC?

I've always wondered why the media and political elite hold to the narrative that the justice system is systeimcally racist.................EXCEPT................when it comes to the FBI, CIA, and DOJ. How is it they escaped the systemic racism of whitey in the US? Were they raised differently as children? Did they receive some special deprogramming from racism? Why are they now all beacons of justice while local law enforcement is thrown to the PC wolves as all bad people?


Because local law enforcement is not political like the federal levels of government. They are not just another appendage to the DNC as the FBI, CIA, and DOJ are.

Just take Sam Bankman-Fried, for example. He is the biggest con man in US history, stealing billions from investors, but only to have the DOJ says they will not pursue charges against him

Why? It is because he wisely gave millions of dollars to the DNC over the years.

Just watch Maxine Waters unashamedly blow kisses to the middle aged rich white man.

So as we see, Trump will go to prison, but not Bankman-Fried?

The justice system is not systemically racist, rather, it is systemically bigoted towards anyone challenging the DNC narrative.

And you are next if you get in their way.

It's so bad, I did not even have to mention Hunter and the Big guy.

Nope. Legal system is only biased against criminals, and only loosely biased then. Of course, I am a "lock them up" to protect society, kind of guy.
Nope. Legal system is only biased against criminals, and only loosely biased then. Of course, I am a "lock them up" to protect society, kind of guy.
Yes, those parents at school board meetings are dangerous terrorists, aren't they.

How many people have the murdered so far?

Oh, that's right, zero.
There have been some victories, if you can call them that, for conservatives over the years

For example, they successfully sued the IRS for targeting them during an election cycle.

However, the damage was done as these conservative groups had to dedicate time and money to defending themselves, time and money that could have been devoted to trying to win an election.

And they were paid using tax payer money, so what does the Left care?

Mission accomplished.
Yes, those parents at school board meetings are dangerous terrorists, aren't they.

How many people have the murdered so far?

Oh, that's right, zero.
Was nothing in your OP threadpost or title related to threats at school board officials. Is that really what you wanted to talk about? Maybe you are OP threadpost challenged, so nobody knows your topic.
Systemically isnt a good word, as that implies the system was built that way.
But there are people who are bias. and they shouldnt be allowed to do what they do.

The GOP has vowed to investigate conservatives across the country being targeted by Biden and Garland, but we all know what the end result of all of these endless committees will be, don't we?

That's right, nothing.

The soulless, sell out nature of the GOP is why things have been allowed to progress to where they are now, which is outright DNC fascism.

The GOP can't even bring themselves to offer articles of impeachment for blatant Biden corruption.
Was nothing in your OP threadpost or title related to threats at school board officials. Is that really what you wanted to talk about? Maybe you are OP threadpost challenged, so nobody knows your topic.
This thread is about the weaponization of federal agencies against opponents of the DNC.

It's not my fault you don't follow the news and refuse to read my articles.

Make no mistake, parents are adversaries of the DNC, which is why they are not telling parents about their children either wanting an abortion or having a gender change in school.

They fear openness, truth, and any authority above their own that might be critical of them.

The federal government is the enemy of parents.

They are the enemy of the people.
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I hope everyone can appreciate how I have left out the Biden scandal and Trump to prove my points

Things are so bad, I don't really need them.
Or is it systemically bigoted towards anyone or anything that opposes the DNC?
We've tried to understand the reason why racism in America is so endemic but we can always try again. The topic is brought up frequently on account of it being so prevalent.

The American south has never accepted their loss of the civil war, and that appears to be that they will forever resent the black people's freedom and equality.

And then of course a president invents a border wall for the purpose of promoting racism and the people buy into it on account of their misery that's imposed by the system.

Let that be a beginning for the same old debate that makes the pages of this forum at least a few times every day.
We've tried to understand the reason why racism in America is so endemic but we can always try again. The topic is brought up frequently on account of it being so prevalent.

The American south has never accepted their loss of the civil war, and that appears to be that they will forever resent the black people's freedom and equality.

And then of course a president invents a border wall for the purpose of promoting racism and the people buy into it on account of their misery that's imposed by the system.

Let that be a beginning for the same old debate that makes the pages of this forum at least a few times every day.
How do you suppose the federal agencies, like the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and IRS escaped this supposed systemic racism?
Poor Votto. He's not taking recent events well.

And it's only going to get worse, as his reality keeps crashing down around him. That's why he spends so much time each day creating a new reality.

That must be exhausting. It's good to be a liberal, because we can just live in this reality.

Oh, this. Votto got played.

Why is it you never address the specific topic at hand or engage in the discussion?

All you ever do is take shots at people, try to make fun of them, derail the conversation, and try to bash trump/republicans?

If you ever wonder why you're post count vs reaction is what it is then this is the reason why.
I have to say, I object to this being taken from the Political forum and placed here

This is all politics.
This thread is about the weaponization of federal agencies against opponents of the DNC.

It's not my fault you don't follow the news and refuse to read my articles.

Make no mistake, parents are adversaries of the DNC, which is why they are not telling parents about their children either wanting an abortion or having a gender change in school.

They fear openness, truth, and any authority above their own that might be critical of them.

The federal government is the enemy of parents.

They are the enemy of the people.
I am sure it is horrible, especially for you, as you seem the type that would like to be a crusader, if you could drag yourself away for your keyboard. I simply have not had the troubles you have had, after raising 3 kids, from being in delivery room to college graduations, marriage and grandkids (2 of which still in public schools) and still not having the problems you wish to combat. My wife is with our youngest grandchild a beginning of school term open house, as I type. Maybe if your problems with you kids and their schools had been mine, I could get more irate. Then again, I am not the irate type. We are the types that stay involved personally, and I am the type that approaches problems directly. Our methods may not work for you, but from experience, more effective that many if not most parents, and of course, we did not choose to raise kids in a large city environment, facing the problems you must be facing. I hope you get them worked out, dealt with and the kids back on track.:)

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