The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Ooohhh...Joe Biden’s administration “criticized” China. Wow, they really know how to swing the hammer.

China knows now that China Joe sits in the Oval Office, they have free reign. As is always the case when the Democrats win an election, the entire world will suffer for the next 4 years.
Ooohhh...Joe Biden’s administration “criticized” China. Wow, they really know how to swing the hammer.

China knows now that China Joe sits in the Oval Office, they have free reign. As is always the case when the Democrats win an election, the entire world will suffer for the next 4 years.

Let's be kind to the dear old gentleman.

He does not understand anything.

He was a mediocre Senator.

He was chosen as Vice President so that people would not be afraid to vote for Senator Obama in 2008.

Now he is experiencing mental fragility.

The Dems in the early primaries did NOT want him until the ladies in South Carolina decided to back him.

He was (reputedly) elected on November 3.

His "advisers" (AKA handlers) are members in good standing of the Swamp. They are telling him what to do and say. It was obviously their idea to send him to stand at the Lincoln Memorial. They want the American people & the world to think that he is hitting the ground running. The old gent could not run to save his life.

It was really cruel of the Dems and his family to let him run. But they realized that it was his dream to sit in the Oval Office, so they let him.

CNN has already announced that they will not be criticizing him.

So we should not, either. Our criticism should be directed at the cabal that is really running the show.
Ooooh! Original.....not

You're like the kid in school with rubber and glue insults

Somehow in your claim for the need in originalism you reference an old timey school yard taunt. Though the way you phrased it I'm not so sure you understood it to begin with.
It's normal for leftists to leach on to that which belongs to others, insults included.

Own it


Is that anything like when conservatives were accused of Obama Derangement Syndrome and then after Trump was elected those same conservatives started using the term Trump Derangement Syndrome?

From 2012

The state of paranoia in which people fear President Obama so much, they stop thinking logically and stop using common sense. Usually a direct result of watching too much Fox News.
Announcer: This is Skeeter.

Skeeter: Kenyan, Muslim, Communist, Socialist.

Announcer: Skeeter is suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Skeeter: He bowed to other world leaders. He had a hip-hop barbecue.

Fuck your claims to originality.

Is that anything like when conservatives were accused of Obama Derangement Syndrome and then after Trump was elected those same conservatives started using the term Trump Derangement Syndrome?
Oh sweetie...there was literally no such thing as “Obama Derangement Syndrome”. It didn’t exist. Watching you people attempt to rewrite history is always hilarious. :laugh:
Ooohhh...Joe Biden’s administration “criticized” China. Wow, they really know how to swing the hammer.

China knows now that China Joe sits in the Oval Office, they have free reign. As is always the case when the Democrats win an election, the entire world will suffer for the next 4 years.
You got any specifics or things of substance to talk about? What has he done that you are objecting to? Lets dig in

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