The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

Really? Where?
Friends....can anyone volunteer to help teach Smokin' OP how to use a computer and Google? I already posted one link with the content for him but he's struggling with figuring out what a link is, how to click one, and then how to read the content that surfaces from said click.

Grateful to anyone who can help him.
What the ever-loving-fuck does that have to do with Hunter Biden's laptop from hell? :lmao:

Sweetie...Hunter Biden isn't a Republican. The was no Russian involvement in the Hunter Biden laptop. None. Zip. Zilch. Good grief you are extra desperate today.
Oh...and not for nothing...but court records (as well as Hillary Clinton admissions) show that Hillary Clinton hired Perkins Coie to commission the fake "Trump Dossier" from foreigner (England) Christopher Steele who used actual Russians for the fake information.

So the only "Russian Collusion" was done by Hitlery Clinton and the Dumbocrats! Proving the age-old adage yet again, "any accusation by a liberal is an admission of guilt". They always accuse Republicans of whatever dirty, illegal, unethical action they are actively engaging in.
Oh...and not for nothing...but court records (as well as Hillary Clinton admissions) show that Hillary Clinton hired Perkins Coie to commission the fake "Trump Dossier" from foreigner (England) Christopher Steele who used actual Russians for the fake information.

So the only "Russian Collusion" was done by Hitlery Clinton and the Dumbocrats! Proving the age-old adage yet again, "any accusation by a liberal is an admission of guilt". They always accuse Republicans of whatever dirty, illegal, unethical action they are actively engaging in.

Great, then you should be able to post evidence that Hillary was involved in the decision to hire Steele AND evidence to show she hired him to assemble the dossier...
We saw what was on it. Besides photographs of him smoking crack cocaine, buying prostitutes (the left always treats women like objects to be used & abused), and fucking children, there are emails discussing how daddy violated the Emoluments Clause as Vice President of the United States - selling access to he, his office, and his decisions to both China and Ukraine.



Low-IQ leftists keep running from the fact that they swallow pure propaganda 24x7. Say it with me now, snowflake: "Glenn Beck, The Blaze, Breitbart, The Epoch Times, and Dan Bongino 👏🏻 do 👏🏻 real 👏🏻 journalism 👏🏻". Just accurate, honest, fact-based reporting. Every fucking time. And it triggers you little fragiles.

Come on, say it. Say it.

You appear insane. Who bought access to the VP's office?
Ooohhh...Joe Biden’s administration “criticized” China. Wow, they really know how to swing the hammer.

China knows now that China Joe sits in the Oval Office, they have free reign. As is always the case when the Democrats win an election, the entire world will suffer for the next 4 years.
Often when Democrats win an election the world suffers for eight years not just four. For example, Obama and Clinton.

Pray that doesn’t happen with Biden. Eight years of Biden would probably mean the end of our nation and if he got us into a nuclear WWIII, the end of the world.

If that happened the few Democrats left could brag Joe solved Global Warming. Nuclear winter would do that.

Oh hell no. I've never said that. And I never will. I know the Democrats are far too dirty and corrupt to ever allow one of their own to be prosecuted for a crime.

Shit man, Bill Clinton went on national television and openly admitted he committed perjury before a Grand Jury. And nothing happened to him. No charges. No indictment. Nothing.

Why lie, Buttplug? Clinton did not lie before a grand jury; and there were no charges filed because he accepted a plea deal to avoid facing charges.
Bwahahaha!! You're openly lying as we speak. You even posted a link that nobody can read because it requires a subscription.

That you think that article can't be read without a subscription reveals you never even clicked on the link. How sad you choose to keep your head buried firmly up your own ass.
He lied about his relationship with an intern, which makes him vulnerable to blackmail. But worse was his rapes of unwilling women, one of whom settled out of court for nearly $1 million.

Clinton was a lowlife sexual abuser.


You people are nuts. Paula Jones never accused Clinton of raping her, so who knows why you think he did. :cuckoo:
Why lie, Buttplug?
Faun-over-men still obsessed with homosexuality. Gross AF! 🤮
Clinton did not lie before a grand jury; and there were no charges filed because he accepted a plea deal to avoid facing charges.
If he didn't lie before a grand jury, why would he need a plea deal to avoid facing charges?? What "crime" did he commit if he didn't lie before a grand jury? Proof that you're a troll and a pathological liar!


From hard-left CNN:
But Clinton was impeached for perjury after he lied to the grand jury in the Jones case, and also for obstruction of justice.

(Just made Faun-over-men my bitch yet again :laugh: )

:dance: :dance: :dance:
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Why lie, Buttplug? Clinton did not lie before a grand jury; and there were no charges filed because he accepted a plea deal to avoid facing charges.
Exactly, Faun-over-men...why lie? Why??
But Clinton was impeached for perjury after he lied to the grand jury in the Jones case, and also for obstruction of justice.
I get that you're trying to's just that your so bad at it :lmao:

From hard-left CNN:
Often when Democrats win an election the world suffers for eight years not just four. For example, Obama and Clinton.


Yeah, we really suffered. Especially in the job market.

Last 3 presidents from each party (including Biden). 35 times higher under Democratic presidents than under Republican presidents.

46,578,000 jobs added; averaging 2,587,667 per year; averaging 215,639 per month

1,334,000 jobs added; averaging 83,375 per year; averaging 6,948 per month
83,375 6,948

Why lie, Buttplug? Clinton did not lie before a grand jury; and there were no charges filed because he accepted a plea deal to avoid facing charges.
Faun-over-men-flaming-homosexaul, you still haven't addressed why you lie every time you post.
But Clinton was impeached for perjury after he lied to the grand jury in the Jones case, and also for obstruction of justice.
Your troll game is so weak! :laugh:
Faun-over-men still obsessed with homosexuality. Gross AF! 🤮

I said nothing about homosexuality, Buttplug. Apparently, homosexuality is in your brain. I'm calling you a stupid person but you're too stupid to realize it...


If he didn't lie before a grand jury, why would he need a plea deal to avoid facing charges?? What "crime" did he commit if he didn't lie before a grand jury? Proof that you're a troll and a pathological liar!


From hard-left CNN:

(Just made Faun-over-men my bitch yet again :laugh: )

:dance: :dance: :dance:

I was wrong about the grand jury. I recalled he lied in a deposition. Your article shows he lied in both.
Faun-over-men-flaming-homosexaul, you still haven't addressed why you lie every time you post.

Your troll game is so weak! :laugh:


Looks like I'm under your skin, Buttplug, that's 3 replies from you about just one of my posts.


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