The Government is Making ALL of us CRIMINALS


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
We are all in violation of some law or another, laws that most of us have no clue exist that they apply to us.

It is in this Guantanamo-like facility, surrounded by hardened criminals and subjected to all manners of degradation and hardship that Michael Salman—who was fined more than $12,000 and sentenced to 60 days in jail starting on July 9, 2012, for the so-called “crime” of holding a weekly Bible study in his Phoenix home, allegedly in violation of the city’s building codes—is incarcerated.

What happened to Michael Salman—armed police raids of his property, repeated warnings against holding any form of Bible study at his home, and a court-ordered probation banning him from having any gatherings of more than 12 people at his home—should never have happened in America. Yet this is the reality that more and more Americans are grappling with in the face of a government bureaucracy consumed with churning out laws, statutes, codes and regulations that reinforce its powers and value systems and those of the police state and its corporate allies. All the while, the life is slowly being choked out of our individual freedoms. The aim, of course, is absolute control by way of thousands of regulations that dictate when, where, how and with whom we live our lives.

Incredibly, Congress has been creating on average 55 new “crimes” per year, bringing the total number of federal crimes on the books to more than 5,000, with as many as 300,000 regulatory crimes. As journalist Radley Balko reports, “that doesn't include federal regulations, which are increasingly being enforced with criminal, not administrative, penalties. It also doesn't include the increasing leeway with which prosecutors can enforce broadly written federal conspiracy, racketeering, and money laundering laws. And this is before we even get to the states’ criminal codes.”

In such a society, we are all petty criminals, guilty of violating some minor law. In fact, Boston lawyer Harvey Silvergate, author of Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent, estimates that the average American now unknowingly commits three felonies a day, thanks to an overabundance of vague laws that render otherwise innocent activity illegal and an inclination on the part of prosecutors to reject the idea that there can’t be a crime without criminal intent. Consequently, we now find ourselves operating in a strange new world where small farmers who dare to make unpasteurized goat cheese and share it with members of their community are finding their farms raided, while home gardeners face jail time for daring to cultivate their own varieties of orchids without having completed sufficient paperwork.

We are now all criminals, just waiting unknowingly to be arrested and jailed for violation of some stupid law that never should have been on the books.

Have you ever wondered when you read of some dude being arrested for having bomb making materials, just what those materials are? That is a good question because the average person already has such materials in their home and doesn't even know it.

Homemade Bombs Most Feared by FBI

"Bad guys are bombers. You don't have to have the level of sophistication to make a bomb that you need to get nuclear materials," Yeager said.

The bombs are made by mixing chemicals that are used in common household items, including hydrogen peroxide and paint thinner, and easily found at drug stores or hardware stores. Experts know them as TATP, short for triacetone triperoxide, and HMTD, or hexamethylene triperoxide diamine.

Bomb Making Materials Awareness Program | Homeland Security

BMAP also works to increase public and private sector awareness of how to identify and prevent bomb-making activity. Powerful explosives can be made from precursor chemicals found in common consumer goods that are readily available commercially, making them highly attractive to terrorists attempting to avoid the obstacles to obtaining conventional explosives. Homemade explosives were used in several high-profile incidents, such as the 2005 London transit attacks, the 2001 Richard Reid "shoe bomb" plot, and the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing...

To report suspicious behavior, please contact your local police department or the Joint Terrorism Task Force immediately. of Security Concern.doc

Wow, so if you own Hydrogen peroxide and paint thinner you have bomb making materials and can be arrested and plausibly designated a terrorist without ever knowing it. They can just trace your purchases electronically, get the warrant then do a fishing expedition at your home looking for any of these so-called bomb making materials.

Here is a guy arrested for having bomb making materials by simply having an unusual watch.

Man with strange watch arrested at Calif. airport, charged with having bomb-making materials | Fox News

Many watches have a sound alarm that can be used as a triggering device and are therefore bomb making materials.

We all have something that can be made into a bomb and are therefore in possession of bomb making materials and are potential terrorists.

So what are we all unknowingly in violation of and what do we risk being punished with?

18 U.S. Code § 842 - Unlawful acts | LII / Legal Information Institute

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person—
(1) to engage in the business of importing, manufacturing, or dealing in explosive materials without a license issued under this chapter;

(2) knowingly to withhold information or to make any false or fictitious oral or written statement or to furnish or exhibit any false, fictitious, or misrepresented identification, intended or likely to deceive for the purpose of obtaining explosive materials, or a license, permit, exemption, or relief from disability under the provisions of this chapter;

(3) other than a licensee or permittee knowingly—
(A) to transport, ship, cause to be transported, or receive any explosive materials; or

(B) to distribute explosive materials to any person other than a licensee or permittee;

18 U.S. Code § 844 - Penalties | LII / Legal Information Institute
18 U.S. Code § 844 - Penalties

a) Any person who—
(1) violates any of subsections (a) through (i) or (l) through (o) ofsection 842 shall be fined under this title, imprisoned for not more than 10 years, or both; and

(2) violates subsection (p)(2) ofsection 842, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

And so many think it cant happen to them, but never realize that they are the guy in the news with 'bomb making materials' too.

In the eyes of many in our government the People of the USA are all plausible potential terrorists and the greatest threat to our government today.
It is in this Guantanamo-like facility, surrounded by hardened criminals and subjected to all manners of degradation and hardship that Michael Salman—who was fined more than $12,000 and sentenced to 60 days in jail starting on July 9, 2012, for the so-called “crime” of holding a weekly Bible study in his Phoenix home, allegedly in violation of the city’s building codes—is incarcerated.
Hah I'm from Phoenix and remember this clown.

The dude lied on his paperwork with city hall, saying he was converting a garage into a gameroom for his family. Instead he built a 2000 square foot church in his yard, a room with 145 chairs, no sprinklers, no fire exits. There is no "alleged" violation, city building codes are exactly that.

He was even warned by city officials he could not use it as a church because that required commercial zoning. This is no different that someone in a residential neighborhood deciding they are going to build a grocery store or amusement park in their back yard, when you live in a community you abide by it's laws, if you don't agree with them get them changed or move somewhere else.

The government didn't make this guy a criminal, he did.
For any confused libtards here; the point is that the government is making so many laws and regs that normal nonharmful behavior of many kinds are being criminalized. Even things normally thought of as a good thing like Bible studies, lemon aid stands, etc are being criminalized by over-controlling invasive governments run by politicians who have no end of reach to their power mongering laws and intentions they think are good.

That a person can be jailed and fined for having a Bible study in his own home on private property is ludicrous. AND THAT HE ACTUALLY VIOLATED THAT STUPID LAW IS IMATERIAL TO THE MORAL BANKRUPTCY OF SUCH LAWS.

Why should zoning laws criminalize unauthorized prayer groups or Bible study groups?

That anyone thinks the letter of these laws justifies such criminalization not only shows how deeply libtards have drank the Kool Aid, but also reveals that they are complete legalistic idiots.
Ignorance of the law is never an affirimative defense. If ignorant of law, study it. No that hard finding your local states' legal statutes all of which are available online. Just google: legal statutes yourstate
Ignorance of the law is never an affirimative defense. If ignorant of law, study it. No that hard finding your local states' legal statutes all of which are available online. Just google: legal statutes yourstate

So you are saying that it is no problem avoiding being ensnared in some absurd law if we can all become amateur lawyers?


Do you own hydrogen peroxide or any of thousands of different bomb making materials in your home?

Then you can be arrested as a terrorist with bomb making materials, put into a secret prison system and held without any communication with the outside world according to the federal courts and the Obama Regime.

But that's OK because ignorance of the law is no defense?

Can you hear how ridiculous that is?
For any confused libtards here; the point is that the government is making so many laws and regs that normal nonharmful behavior of many kinds are being criminalized. Even things normally thought of as a good thing like Bible studies
Fail, again. Can you point out which law was violated that stated one cannot have bible studies?

It was already pointed out your example was for someone who mislead civil authorities for his permits then violated zoning and building codes. He would have been charged if he had claimed to remodeling his garage then built a shoe store in his yard too, it has nothing to do with bible studies.

The ability of some of you to temporarily suspend reality to doggedly repeat the misguided information is amazing.
Lol, " It is OK to arrest people for having Bible studies because IT'S THE LAW"

Lol, " It is OK to arrest people for having Bible studies because IT'S THE LAW"
Heh heh poor insane JimBowie proves my point... despite it being clearly demonstrated dude was arrested for zoning/building codes he has spiraled far enough down that hyperpartisan psychotic wormhole that he doesn't care how ridiculous he looks cackling and suspending reality for a few more mind-numbingly stupid posts.

Perhaps JimBowie's self-esteem issues over being marginal (self-described) unable to hold onto a job and ensuing punt into sucking on the disability teat have left him bored enough his mind is starting to rot.
When you obey one law you have probably violated three others.

A friend of mine had a cabin in the local mountains. She got a letter from the forestry service that told her to clear away the brush from around the cabin as part of fire suppression efforts. She hired a crew to clear away the dead brush. Then she got a letter from the EPA that she had disturbed natural habitat. She had 72 hours to restore the habitat or be fined. She sent the EPA a copy of the order from the forestry service. That was not the end of it. She was fined $115,000 for destroying forest habitat. She then settled by having truckloads of dead undergrowth put around the cabin. The forestry service fined her for failing to comply with their order. She sent them the whole package from the EPA. That battle was going on when a major fire came through Crestline and burned the cabin, surrounded by dead undergrowth to the ground. The EPA settled all claims for the insurance money. The land was turned over to the forestry service.
Lol, " It is OK to arrest people for having Bible studies because IT'S THE LAW"
Heh heh poor insane JimBowie proves my point... despite it being clearly demonstrated dude was arrested for zoning/building codes he has spiraled far enough down that hyperpartisan psychotic wormhole that he doesn't care how ridiculous he looks cackling and suspending reality for a few more mind-numbingly stupid posts.

Perhaps JimBowie's self-esteem issues over being marginal (self-described) unable to hold onto a job and ensuing punt into sucking on the disability teat have left him bored enough his mind is starting to rot.

No. You have proved Bowie's point. His point was that we are constrained by rules and regulations that make every one of us criminals to some degree. Your point was that this man was in violation of zoning and building codes making him a criminal to some degree.
Now you have justified the point that Bowie was making all along.
We are all in violation of some law or another, laws that most of us have no clue exist that they apply to us.

It is in this Guantanamo-like facility, surrounded by hardened criminals and subjected to all manners of degradation and hardship that Michael Salman—who was fined more than $12,000 and sentenced to 60 days in jail starting on July 9, 2012, for the so-called “crime” of holding a weekly Bible study in his Phoenix home, allegedly in violation of the city’s building codes—is incarcerated.

What happened to Michael Salman—armed police raids of his property, repeated warnings against holding any form of Bible study at his home, and a court-ordered probation banning him from having any gatherings of more than 12 people at his home—should never have happened in America. Yet this is the reality that more and more Americans are grappling with in the face of a government bureaucracy consumed with churning out laws, statutes, codes and regulations that reinforce its powers and value systems and those of the police state and its corporate allies. All the while, the life is slowly being choked out of our individual freedoms. The aim, of course, is absolute control by way of thousands of regulations that dictate when, where, how and with whom we live our lives.

Incredibly, Congress has been creating on average 55 new “crimes” per year, bringing the total number of federal crimes on the books to more than 5,000, with as many as 300,000 regulatory crimes. As journalist Radley Balko reports, “that doesn't include federal regulations, which are increasingly being enforced with criminal, not administrative, penalties. It also doesn't include the increasing leeway with which prosecutors can enforce broadly written federal conspiracy, racketeering, and money laundering laws. And this is before we even get to the states’ criminal codes.”

In such a society, we are all petty criminals, guilty of violating some minor law. In fact, Boston lawyer Harvey Silvergate, author of Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent, estimates that the average American now unknowingly commits three felonies a day, thanks to an overabundance of vague laws that render otherwise innocent activity illegal and an inclination on the part of prosecutors to reject the idea that there can’t be a crime without criminal intent. Consequently, we now find ourselves operating in a strange new world where small farmers who dare to make unpasteurized goat cheese and share it with members of their community are finding their farms raided, while home gardeners face jail time for daring to cultivate their own varieties of orchids without having completed sufficient paperwork.

We are now all criminals, just waiting unknowingly to be arrested and jailed for violation of some stupid law that never should have been on the books.

Have you ever wondered when you read of some dude being arrested for having bomb making materials, just what those materials are? That is a good question because the average person already has such materials in their home and doesn't even know it.

Homemade Bombs Most Feared by FBI

"Bad guys are bombers. You don't have to have the level of sophistication to make a bomb that you need to get nuclear materials," Yeager said.

The bombs are made by mixing chemicals that are used in common household items, including hydrogen peroxide and paint thinner, and easily found at drug stores or hardware stores. Experts know them as TATP, short for triacetone triperoxide, and HMTD, or hexamethylene triperoxide diamine.

Bomb Making Materials Awareness Program | Homeland Security of Security Concern.doc

Wow, so if you own Hydrogen peroxide and paint thinner you have bomb making materials and can be arrested and plausibly designated a terrorist without ever knowing it. They can just trace your purchases electronically, get the warrant then do a fishing expedition at your home looking for any of these so-called bomb making materials.

Here is a guy arrested for having bomb making materials by simply having an unusual watch.

Man with strange watch arrested at Calif. airport, charged with having bomb-making materials | Fox News

Many watches have a sound alarm that can be used as a triggering device and are therefore bomb making materials.

We all have something that can be made into a bomb and are therefore in possession of bomb making materials and are potential terrorists.

So what are we all unknowingly in violation of and what do we risk being punished with?

18 U.S. Code § 842 - Unlawful acts | LII / Legal Information Institute

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person—
(1) to engage in the business of importing, manufacturing, or dealing in explosive materials without a license issued under this chapter;

(2) knowingly to withhold information or to make any false or fictitious oral or written statement or to furnish or exhibit any false, fictitious, or misrepresented identification, intended or likely to deceive for the purpose of obtaining explosive materials, or a license, permit, exemption, or relief from disability under the provisions of this chapter;

(3) other than a licensee or permittee knowingly—
(A) to transport, ship, cause to be transported, or receive any explosive materials; or

(B) to distribute explosive materials to any person other than a licensee or permittee;

18 U.S. Code § 844 - Penalties | LII / Legal Information Institute
18 U.S. Code § 844 - Penalties

a) Any person who—
(1) violates any of subsections (a) through (i) or (l) through (o) ofsection 842 shall be fined under this title, imprisoned for not more than 10 years, or both; and

(2) violates subsection (p)(2) ofsection 842, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

And so many think it cant happen to them, but never realize that they are the guy in the news with 'bomb making materials' too.

In the eyes of many in our government the People of the USA are all plausible potential terrorists and the greatest threat to our government today.

I have made multiple posts about the pervasive power grab by the executive branch of government through administrative boards. Your first link is an example of that. People think those rules and regs have to go through Congress, but they are state and local rules and regs, and they do not. Every aspect of your life is regulated. You are just unaware of it.
Think of local ordinances as if they were CC&Rs by a particularly pernicious HOA. Then they make sense.
Think of local ordinances as if they were CC&Rs by a particularly pernicious HOA. Then they make sense.

I went to law school. I had the class. From the first day, the prof reinforced to us just how pervasive the hand of the government is through administrative regulations. You may like them. If they make perfect sense to you, then you don't understand them nor do you understand what is happening right under your nose.
Ignorance of the law is never an affirimative defense. If ignorant of law, study it. No that hard finding your local states' legal statutes all of which are available online. Just google: legal statutes yourstate

So you are saying that it is no problem avoiding being ensnared in some absurd law if we can all become amateur lawyers?


Do you own hydrogen peroxide or any of thousands of different bomb making materials in your home?

Then you can be arrested as a terrorist with bomb making materials, put into a secret prison system and held without any communication with the outside world according to the federal courts and the Obama Regime.

But that's OK because ignorance of the law is no defense?

Can you hear how ridiculous that is?

As a matter of fact I don't. Not an action hero who may have need of such first aid things :) But I take your point.

In cases where such charges are brought, it's usually because of a sloppy search warrant or other legal inadequacy and having to resort to some kind of criminal charge to keep the ball rolling.

Bombs are just 'rapid production of gases which overwhelm a containment vessel causing catastrophic and rapid release.' Any number of things can become impromptu bombs. But unless when the Men With Guns show up they're on your kitchen table being made into one you have nothing to fear.

Rather than fearing your government out of ignorance, familarize yourself with its laws to rectify that ignorance. Heck, even apply to work for the government. Smart people are always being hired by somebody.
When you obey one law you have probably violated three others.

A friend of mine had a cabin in the local mountains. She got a letter from the forestry service that told her to clear away the brush from around the cabin as part of fire suppression efforts. She hired a crew to clear away the dead brush. Then she got a letter from the EPA that she had disturbed natural habitat. She had 72 hours to restore the habitat or be fined. She sent the EPA a copy of the order from the forestry service. That was not the end of it. She was fined $115,000 for destroying forest habitat. She then settled by having truckloads of dead undergrowth put around the cabin. The forestry service fined her for failing to comply with their order. She sent them the whole package from the EPA. That battle was going on when a major fire came through Crestline and burned the cabin, surrounded by dead undergrowth to the ground. The EPA settled all claims for the insurance money. The land was turned over to the forestry service.

The government regs now step on each other and there are cases like this where no matter what you do you are committing an illegal act.

BTW, getting her land was most likely the aim of the forestry service anyway. They'll probably let the Sierra Club have it then some latte sipping yuppy in their club will buy it and build on it.
Ignorance of the law is never an affirimative defense. If ignorant of law, study it. No that hard finding your local states' legal statutes all of which are available online. Just google: legal statutes yourstate

So you are saying that it is no problem avoiding being ensnared in some absurd law if we can all become amateur lawyers?


Do you own hydrogen peroxide or any of thousands of different bomb making materials in your home?

Then you can be arrested as a terrorist with bomb making materials, put into a secret prison system and held without any communication with the outside world according to the federal courts and the Obama Regime.

But that's OK because ignorance of the law is no defense?

Can you hear how ridiculous that is?

As a matter of fact I don't. Not an action hero who may have need of such first aid things :) But I take your point.

In cases where such charges are brought, it's usually because of a sloppy search warrant or other legal inadequacy and having to resort to some kind of criminal charge to keep the ball rolling.

Bombs are just 'rapid production of gases which overwhelm a containment vessel causing catastrophic and rapid release.' Any number of things can become impromptu bombs. But unless when the Men With Guns show up they're on your kitchen table being made into one you have nothing to fear.

Until you hit the ground, jumping off the Empire State building is nothing to fear either, lol.

Rather than fearing your government out of ignorance, familarize yourself with its laws to rectify that ignorance. Heck, even apply to work for the government. Smart people are always being hired by somebody.

Lol, you say that, dude, like it will fix anything.
Lol, " It is OK to arrest people for having Bible studies because IT'S THE LAW"
Heh heh poor insane JimBowie proves my point... despite it being clearly demonstrated dude was arrested for zoning/building codes he has spiraled far enough down that hyperpartisan psychotic wormhole that he doesn't care how ridiculous he looks cackling and suspending reality for a few more mind-numbingly stupid posts.

Perhaps JimBowie's self-esteem issues over being marginal (self-described) unable to hold onto a job and ensuing punt into sucking on the disability teat have left him bored enough his mind is starting to rot.

No. You have proved Bowie's point. His point was that we are constrained by rules and regulations that make every one of us criminals to some degree. Your point was that this man was in violation of zoning and building codes making him a criminal to some degree.
Now you have justified the point that Bowie was making all along.

Thanks, Katz, but methinks SM is too stupid to grasp anything not on a Democrat Talking Points hand out.

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