The evil 'Mr. Rogers'

Fox News Spends 6 Minutes Describing Why Mr. Rogers Was An 'Evil, Evil Man'

Curse that man for teaching kids self-confidence. Why can't we go back to the old days where children are beaten into submission for not making enough cheese?

fux is a bunch of sick bastards.

First, there's already a thread on this

Second, it's from 2007

Third, it's a spoof!

Fourth, it's a spoof that has Liberal looking like fucking morons!

Fifth, if you want real evil look at the scumbag in the White House

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Going after Mr Rogers now? An evil man? Fox News needs to focus on something more important than putting down a dead man.

I'll remember that when limbaugh croaks and I watch the networks that night...:lol:

You are comparing Mr Rogers to Limbaugh? Mr Rogers didn't make a career attacking the other side. He spent his life being a minister, hosting a children's show, and as an advocate.
Does Limbaugh have a Presidential Medal of Freedom?

Horrible comparison. Sorry
oh boy, Mr. Rodges has been upped to a sainthood..

and Limbaugh the DEVIL...

good grief...
Going after Mr Rogers now? An evil man? Fox News needs to focus on something more important than putting down a dead man.

I'll remember that when limbaugh croaks and I watch the networks that night...:lol:

You are comparing Mr Rogers to Limbaugh? Mr Rogers didn't make a career attacking the other side. He spent his life being a minister, hosting a children's show, and as an advocate.
Does Limbaugh have a Presidential Medal of Freedom?

Horrible comparison. Sorry

Really horrible. A political-divider nabob of negativism who divides adults through condemnation versus an apolitical optimist who encourages children through affirmation.
Yeah right...
oh boy, Mr. Rodges has been upped to a sainthood..

and Limbaugh the DEVIL...

good grief...

Did I say that? Comparing Maddox to Limbaugh would be better. Comparing Mr Rogers to Limbaugh is disrespectful. It would be like comparing Michael Jordan to a high school player. Limbaugh isn't the devil, he just isn't in the same league. But don't worry most people aren't.
But Why do right wingers feel the need to put Mr Rogers down? Was is it advocacy? His volunteering? His years as a minister? His years hosting a children's show?
For one, it was W who gave him the award. I am glad most republicans aren't like the ones in this thread. He was a very good man, stop being a petty idiot.
I'll remember that when limbaugh croaks and I watch the networks that night...:lol:

You are comparing Mr Rogers to Limbaugh? Mr Rogers didn't make a career attacking the other side. He spent his life being a minister, hosting a children's show, and as an advocate.
Does Limbaugh have a Presidential Medal of Freedom?

Horrible comparison. Sorry

Really horrible. A political-divider nabob of negativism who divides adults through condemnation versus an apolitical optimist who encourages children through affirmation.
Yeah right...

Exactly. I wonder if you could find a statement where Mr Roger was supporting one side or the other.

I need to look back, but I swear someone even called him evil in this thread. Mr. Roger's evil?
Someone can take any statement and with enough massaging can make it political. However, Mr. Rogers, was probably one of the least political figures on Television. His contributions to this country and the world were enormous. I think the US Senate in a resolution passed unanimously said it best:
"Through his spirituality and placid nature, Mr. Rogers was able to reach out to our nation's children and encourage each of them to understand the important role they play in their communities and as part of their families. More importantly, he did not shy away from dealing with difficult issues of death and divorce but rather encouraged children to express their emotions in a healthy, constructive manner, often providing a simple answer to life's hardships."

In looking at the impact of our leaders and public figures, this little soft spoken man, a teacher and a Presbyterian minister may have had the greatest impact of all.
Someone can take any statement and with enough massaging can make it political. However, Mr. Rogers, was probably one of the least political figures on Television. His contributions to this country and the world were enormous. I think the US Senate in a resolution passed unanimously said it best:
"Through his spirituality and placid nature, Mr. Rogers was able to reach out to our nation's children and encourage each of them to understand the important role they play in their communities and as part of their families. More importantly, he did not shy away from dealing with difficult issues of death and divorce but rather encouraged children to express their emotions in a healthy, constructive manner, often providing a simple answer to life's hardships."

In looking at the impact of our leaders and public figures, this little soft spoken man, a teacher and a Presbyterian minister may have had the greatest impact of all.

That's the trouble with this culture. We don't do soft spoken and introspective and thoughtful. We do brash, impetuous and clout-it-over-the-head mentality.
Then we wonder why we have violence. :confused:
Mr. Rogers promoted the idea of free-loading and expecting success in life for no effort, . .

The person who posted this would have done far better in life following Mr. Rogers' attitudes toward life and people than his own misguided nonsense.

Give us a link that showed Mr. R taught "free-loading" and "no effort."

What stupidity to suggest such a thing.

But you could give us a link. If you can't, the doctrine of affirmative silence condemns your argument as nothing at all.

I posted that and firmly stand by it.

When some naive do-gooder, with the best intentions in the world, promotes the idea that one is "SPECIAL", simply because one was born, it leads to the mentality that one just be there, do nothing, earn nothing, expect everything, and wealth and fame will automatically will fall on one's lap.

As one who worked for everything I have, I know that life ain't like that. What Mr. Rogers promoted, i.e. that one is "SPECIAL" with no effort, no ambition, no desire, no results, will only result in success if it's backed up and supported by the biggest failure of mankind, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.

When one relies on affirmative action, one is a free-loader.
You don't seem to understand that young children need to believe they are special and that they are loved. This does not destroy their ambition to succeed but rather it fosters it.

Roger's believed that all children are special and has said that many times. Through songs and stories he hits on his central themes, love yourself and others, you're a good person, and you can overcome your fears. His goal has always been to build self-esteem in young children. Without it, their chance of success in life is pretty bleak.

In order to teach children to be self-reliance and responsible, they must first believe in themselves. They must understand their childhood fears and be able to conquer them. This is what Mr. Roger's Neighborhood is all about. This what makes this Fox discussion so ridiculous.
Going after Mr Rogers now? An evil man? Fox News needs to focus on something more important than putting down a dead man.

I'll remember that when limbaugh croaks and I watch the networks that night...:lol:

You are comparing Mr Rogers to Limbaugh? Mr Rogers didn't make a career attacking the other side. He spent his life being a minister, hosting a children's show, and as an advocate.
Does Limbaugh have a Presidential Medal of Freedom?

Horrible comparison. Sorry
Limbaugh spent his entire career attempting to bring some truth in to counter some of the Marxist-driven lies to "change" America, and for it, he has been smeared beyond recognition. His quest for the truth has been met with zero appreciation from the left, who doesn't understand the enthusiasm from some on the right. Most of us can live with it better if we don't see it all the time. Even Mr. Limbaugh has suffered at least 2 addictions on account of his public humiliation for speaking up against wrongdoing. Yes, both sides do wrongdoing. Our biggest fault is being tolerant of criminality in the political system, from top to bottom. The Supreme Court had a chance to end some of the more heinous crimes by removing the president Clinton through impeachment and throwing his criminal wife in jail. Instead, they didn't, and Democrats had a nice celebration in the Rose Garden over failure to convict Clinton, Hillary didn't have to face a single one of her crimes of lying to the grand jury saying she "couldn't recall" to things one would have to possess a double-digit IQ not to recall. She took advantage of this failure by running for Senate and becoming Secretary of State with information on Obama's past life to be barred for public knowledge in exchange for her being 3rd in line to the president's chair.

The cowardice of the Supremes left the Republicans who brought the charges against President Clinton for impeachment, so the Democrats took advantage of this dismal situation by claiming Clinton was "proved innocent," when in fact he was disbarred and paid fines out the wazoo for his indecent behaviors that decimated the civil rights of his girlfriends, lovers, and oral sex. The consequence of that cowardice cost us in terms of morality among our youth, who with such a poor example, and Democrats making fools of themselves with false claims of Clinton's "innocence" it's no wonder children dropping in on the shameful news were robbed of their childhood with all the pressure that was put on them by the filth just being out there in copious measure.
I'll remember that when limbaugh croaks and I watch the networks that night...:lol:

You are comparing Mr Rogers to Limbaugh? Mr Rogers didn't make a career attacking the other side. He spent his life being a minister, hosting a children's show, and as an advocate.
Does Limbaugh have a Presidential Medal of Freedom?

Horrible comparison. Sorry
Limbaugh spent his entire career attempting to bring some truth in to counter some of the Marxist-driven lies to "change" America, and for it, he has been smeared beyond recognition. His quest for the truth has been met with zero appreciation from the left, who doesn't understand the enthusiasm from some on the right. Most of us can live with it better if we don't see it all the time. Even Mr. Limbaugh has suffered at least 2 addictions on account of his public humiliation for speaking up against wrongdoing. Yes, both sides do wrongdoing. Our biggest fault is being tolerant of criminality in the political system, from top to bottom. The Supreme Court had a chance to end some of the more heinous crimes by removing the president Clinton through impeachment and throwing his criminal wife in jail. Instead, they didn't, and Democrats had a nice celebration in the Rose Garden over failure to convict Clinton, Hillary didn't have to face a single one of her crimes of lying to the grand jury saying she "couldn't recall" to things one would have to possess a double-digit IQ not to recall. She took advantage of this failure by running for Senate and becoming Secretary of State with information on Obama's past life to be barred for public knowledge in exchange for her being 3rd in line to the president's chair.

The cowardice of the Supremes left the Republicans who brought the charges against President Clinton for impeachment, so the Democrats took advantage of this dismal situation by claiming Clinton was "proved innocent," when in fact he was disbarred and paid fines out the wazoo for his indecent behaviors that decimated the civil rights of his girlfriends, lovers, and oral sex. The consequence of that cowardice cost us in terms of morality among our youth, who with such a poor example, and Democrats making fools of themselves with false claims of Clinton's "innocence" it's no wonder children dropping in on the shameful news were robbed of their childhood with all the pressure that was put on them by the filth just being out there in copious measure.

Fred Rogers never made the comments Limbaugh has, and I am guessing has never made rude comments about a Presidents daughter.
I don't care what Limbaugh has done, he will never compare to Mr. Rogers. To even try to compare them is disrespectful.
Limbaugh isn't the devil, but he is no Mr, Rogers.
Mr. Rogers is a true America hero, an uniter, an individual of compassion and decency and charity.

Rush is nothing more than an unlovable little fuzzball.

Rogers and Limbaugh: the good in humanity, the bad in humanity. The way it is.

Luissa sees clearly, freedombecki through a glass darkly.
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Mr. Rogers is a true America hero, an uniter, an individual of compassion and decency and charity.

Rush is nothing more than an unlovable little fuzzball.

Rogers and Limbaugh: the good in humanity, the bad in humanity. The way it is.

Luissa sees clearly, freedombecki through a glass darkly.

i see our resident english professor doesn't know jack about english

You are comparing Mr Rogers to Limbaugh? Mr Rogers didn't make a career attacking the other side. He spent his life being a minister, hosting a children's show, and as an advocate.
Does Limbaugh have a Presidential Medal of Freedom?

Horrible comparison. Sorry
Limbaugh spent his entire career attempting to bring some truth in to counter some of the Marxist-driven lies to "change" America, and for it, he has been smeared beyond recognition. His quest for the truth has been met with zero appreciation from the left, who doesn't understand the enthusiasm from some on the right. Most of us can live with it better if we don't see it all the time. Even Mr. Limbaugh has suffered at least 2 addictions on account of his public humiliation for speaking up against wrongdoing. Yes, both sides do wrongdoing. Our biggest fault is being tolerant of criminality in the political system, from top to bottom. The Supreme Court had a chance to end some of the more heinous crimes by removing the president Clinton through impeachment and throwing his criminal wife in jail. Instead, they didn't, and Democrats had a nice celebration in the Rose Garden over failure to convict Clinton, Hillary didn't have to face a single one of her crimes of lying to the grand jury saying she "couldn't recall" to things one would have to possess a double-digit IQ not to recall. She took advantage of this failure by running for Senate and becoming Secretary of State with information on Obama's past life to be barred for public knowledge in exchange for her being 3rd in line to the president's chair.

The cowardice of the Supremes left the Republicans who brought the charges against President Clinton for impeachment, so the Democrats took advantage of this dismal situation by claiming Clinton was "proved innocent," when in fact he was disbarred and paid fines out the wazoo for his indecent behaviors that decimated the civil rights of his girlfriends, lovers, and oral sex. The consequence of that cowardice cost us in terms of morality among our youth, who with such a poor example, and Democrats making fools of themselves with false claims of Clinton's "innocence" it's no wonder children dropping in on the shameful news were robbed of their childhood with all the pressure that was put on them by the filth just being out there in copious measure.

Fred Rogers never made the comments Limbaugh has, and I am guessing has never made rude comments about a Presidents daughter.
I don't care what Limbaugh has done, he will never compare to Mr. Rogers. To even try to compare them is disrespectful.
Limbaugh isn't the devil, but he is no Mr, Rogers.

I can't help noticing that Becki's post tries to start out about Limbaugh but then morphs into a post about the Clintons. Hard to find a Mr. Rogers cognate for that, but in any case if Rogers' objective was to uplift children, Limbaugh's was to "charge confiscatory ad rates" (and those are his own words). And you can't do that by being nice on the air. Both of them understood what they were doing and each had very different goals.
Mr. Rogers is a true America hero, an uniter, an individual of compassion and decency and charity.

Rush is nothing more than an unlovable little fuzzball.

Rogers and Limbaugh: the good in humanity, the bad in humanity. The way it is.

Luissa sees clearly, freedombecki through a glass darkly.

i see our resident english professor doesn't know jack about english


Yurt, it is "English" not "english." I love this. I know that if I make a mistake on purpose, you will find it then make mistakes yourself.

That's hypocrisy, Yurt, and it is fun trapping you.

Now let's stay on topic.
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