The effects of Climate Change on the earth


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

This is very real. Scientist have been predicting these things for a long time. We are beginning to see many of them happen.

I really expect the next real crisis will be the availability of drinkable water. The struggle will cause economic chaos and, in some cases, wars.

This is very real. Scientist have been predicting these things for a long time. We are beginning to see many of them happen.

I really expect the next real crisis will be the availability of drinkable water. The struggle will cause economic chaos and, in some cases, wars.

This is very real. Scientist have been predicting these things for a long time. We are beginning to see many of them happen.

I really expect the next real crisis will be the availability of drinkable water. The struggle will cause economic chaos and, in some cases, wars.

That's awful!

How many new nuke plants should we build?

This is very real. Scientist have been predicting these things for a long time. We are beginning to see many of them happen.

I really expect the next real crisis will be the availability of drinkable water. The struggle will cause economic chaos and, in some cases, wars.
Yes, unfortunately you are right, it's already happening here!

This is very real. Scientist have been predicting these things for a long time. We are beginning to see many of them happen.

I really expect the next real crisis will be the availability of drinkable water. The struggle will cause economic chaos and, in some cases, wars.
i think jim has taken my advice and went and had a session with Dr.Vinnie Boombak.....thats the second thread in the last few days were he hasnt mentioned trump....Dr Boombak can cure you of anything....good going jimmy...
Is climate change coming?
It the climate change natural or man made?

I don't, nor does anyone else, know for certain.

Will this cycle of warming reverse?
Again I don't know.

Can we stop this?
If we could...we would have with the quarantines where so many industries stopped and so little hydrocarbon fuels were used.

So... now what?

This is very real. Scientist have been predicting these things for a long time. We are beginning to see many of them happen.

I really expect the next real crisis will be the availability of drinkable water. The struggle will cause economic chaos and, in some cases, wars.
This is always amusing when people stop looking at the data and start listening to anyone who fills their personal interest.
News flash - we finished 2020 with an average under 1990.
Ever wonder why they like using 1990 as a starting date? Before that, people were screaming about global cooling.
But what about this year!!! They said it was the hottest summer ever [small print 1990 and even that is wrong]. Our first 6 months were actually lower than the average since 1951. And no, June wasn't the hottest ever. Far from it.
Not really, it was Newsweek and/or Time using what they call Click-Bait today.
I was a teenager in the early 1970's and I clearly remember seeing and reading the magazines about scientific predictions of global freezing wiping out humanity.
Scientists were calling it the new Ice Age. ... :cool:
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I was a teenager in the early 1970's and I clearly remember seeing and reading the magazines about scientific predictions of global freezing wiping out humanity.
Scientists were calling it the new Ice Age. ... :cool:

There were very few scientist writing about it. A few said it could be. Most still believed that the CO2 build up was raising temperatures. It sold magazine because we had some really cold winters.


"The IPCC predicts that increases in global mean temperature of less than 1.8 to 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit (1 to 3 degrees Celsius) above 1990 levels will produce beneficial impacts in some regions and harmful ones in others. Net annual costs will increase over time as global temperatures increase."

So where are these regions that will benefit. Lets move there.
Oh, you mean "people" like NASA and the IPCC? Are you totally illiterate?
No, people like you who have never worked with massive amounts of data.
I have.
That is what I do, that is what I taught in college. The data that I have is from NOAA and doesn't show what you believe it does.
The wacky left has an issue of blowing everything out of proportion while not looking at history to see what is really going on. Democrat sees a 1 F increase over 70 years and predict that the world will be underwater in 10 years. But history tells us that we do better when it is warmer than colder.
You can't grow things if it is cold, you can when it is warm.


This is a chart for your panic and is why people with normal thought processes will just shrug. Notice how even those temps are? Yeah, your media didn't.

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