Tesla flame out....yet again!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
So you wonder why EV sales are so crappy?

This fire lasted almost 72 hours and there were fears of toxic smoke for surrounding communities...

Tesla Battery Fire Brought Under Control After Three Days Burning

What's up with this Elon? Not a rare thing here...almost weekly we are seeing factories and cars just spontaneously burst into flames. The optics blow.....it's why you only sold 226,000 units last year.

Stop flying around in your space ship.... your cars are sucking and Road and Track just train wrecked you on maintenance costs for their test car. Build a better car Elon and dump the high price. Take off the stOOpid space suit for now!! Nobody is caring
So you wonder why EV sales are so crappy?

This fire lasted almost 72 hours and there were fears of toxic smoke for surrounding communities...

Tesla Battery Fire Brought Under Control After Three Days Burning

What's up with this Elon? Not a rare thing here...almost weekly we are seeing factories and cars just spontaneously burst into flames. The optics blow.....it's why you only sold 226,000 units last year.

Stop flying around in your space ship.... your cars are sucking and Road and Track just train wrecked you on maintenance costs for their test car. Build a better car Elon and dump the high price. Take off the stOOpid space suit for now!! Nobody is caring
You continue to yell, "get a horse" metaphorically. We have two electric cars, a Bolt and a Model 3. Both GM and Tesla have cautioned people on overloading the battery. You've been opposed to renewable and green energy since the old political message board, singing the same old song.

For the readers:

You continue to yell, "get a horse" metaphorically. We have two electric cars, a Bolt and a Model 3. Both GM and Tesla have cautioned people on overloading the battery. You've been opposed to renewable and green energy since the old political message board, singing the same old song.

For the readers:

I think that is sort of the point.

You need to design cars for really dumb folks to use. Even teenagers.

If it is easy to overload the battery? Your design is a fail. I remember back in the sixties and seventies, the Japanese and German designs in the internal combustion engines were superior to the American models, b/c it was impossible to run them out of oil. . . you couldn't start them when they got too low. But the American models? You could still destroy the block if you didn't check the oil and get it changed regularly. Teens across the nation still ruined American cars, but the German and Japanese cars got a reputation for being built to last.

If you don't get that a lot of consumers are morons? You don't understand the market.


Progressives never understand the market. Fascinating to me.

You have people who run out and buy an EV and they think every other car buyer buying an EV! The American public doesn't care for them. Forget about the crappy quality...they look like Cabbage Patch Dolls with tires. Boring as hell designs. Too, progressives don't understand the American car buying culture. They love their big-ass SUV's, trucks and big cars. Nothing new....always been that way.

EV's a fringe market and will be for a long long time. Only the unicorn chasers don't concur.
I think that is sort of the point.

You need to design cars for really dumb folks to use. Even teenagers.

If it is easy to overload the battery? Your design is a fail. I remember back in the sixties and seventies, the Japanese and German designs in the internal combustion engines were superior to the American models, b/c it was impossible to run them out of oil. . . you couldn't start them when they got too low. But the American models? You could still destroy the block if you didn't check the oil and get it changed regularly. Teens across the nation still ruined American cars, but the German and Japanese cars got a reputation for being built to last.

If you don't get that a lot of consumers are morons? You don't understand the market.



I'll let you know when one of our cars burns down the house. 'til then I'll enjoy the power of both cars and never having to buy gas, change the oil or pay for a tune up.

Have you ever driven an electric car? I've had an MBZ diesel and a number of gas guzzler's. Never again. BTW my oldest son put a deposit on the Ford PU:

I think that is sort of the point.

You need to design cars for really dumb folks to use. Even teenagers.

If it is easy to overload the battery? Your design is a fail. I remember back in the sixties and seventies, the Japanese and German designs in the internal combustion engines were superior to the American models, b/c it was impossible to run them out of oil. . . you couldn't start them when they got too low. But the American models? You could still destroy the block if you didn't check the oil and get it changed regularly. Teens across the nation still ruined American cars, but the German and Japanese cars got a reputation for being built to last.

If you don't get that a lot of consumers are morons? You don't understand the market.


People like Skook like to point out any failure of renewables or EV's. Yet ignore the thousands of ICE fires every year. The EV's are safer from burning than ICE's are.
Progressives never understand the market. Fascinating to me.

You have people who run out and buy an EV and they think every other car buyer buying an EV! The American public doesn't care for them. Forget about the crappy quality...they look like Cabbage Patch Dolls with tires. Boring as hell designs. Too, progressives don't understand the American car buying culture. They love their big-ass SUV's, trucks and big cars. Nothing new....always been that way.

EV's a fringe market and will be for a long long time. Only the unicorn chasers don't concur.
What alternative universe are you living in? Tesla has already sold almost every unit it is capable of building this year. Here are the real figures;

ATLANTA, April 19, 2021 – According to an analysis of the U.S. auto market by Cox Automotive and Kelley Blue Book, sales growth of both electric and hybrid vehicles outpaced overall market performance in the first quarter of 2021. Electrified vehicles – automobiles featuring large battery packs and electric motors in the propulsion system – accounted for 7.8% of the total U.S. market, up from 4.8% in Q1 2020.

Search Results

Featured snippet from the web​

Sales of electric vehicles (EVs) – battery only – grew by 44.8% year over year, reaching nearly 100,000 sales in the quarter, a record. Sales of hybrid vehicles outpaced both the market and EVs, doubling to more than 200,000 in the quarter. The overall automobile market increased by 11.4% in Q1.Apr 19, 2021
It's plausible that in 50 years, battery and charging technology might finally reach the point where electric cars are as practical or more so than internal-engine-powered cars.

At my age, it's unlikely that I'll live to see it.
Except for the initial price, the battery technology has already reached that point. By 2030, EV's will cost less than ICE's, possibly by 2025.
What alternative universe are you living in? Tesla has already sold almost every unit it is capable of building this year. Here are the real figures;

ATLANTA, April 19, 2021 – According to an analysis of the U.S. auto market by Cox Automotive and Kelley Blue Book, sales growth of both electric and hybrid vehicles outpaced overall market performance in the first quarter of 2021. Electrified vehicles – automobiles featuring large battery packs and electric motors in the propulsion system – accounted for 7.8% of the total U.S. market, up from 4.8% in Q1 2020.

Search Results

Featured snippet from the web​

Sales of electric vehicles (EVs) – battery only – grew by 44.8% year over year, reaching nearly 100,000 sales in the quarter, a record. Sales of hybrid vehicles outpaced both the market and EVs, doubling to more than 200,000 in the quarter. The overall automobile market increased by 11.4% in Q1.Apr 19, 2021

"sold every unit it is capable of building":funnyface:

Who cares? I dont dabble in statistical fakery........which btw, routinely suckers progressives. Call me.......a bottom-line guy!

Tesla sold 226,000 units last year. Toyota sold more Camry's alone by far ( Honda almost more Civics alone). :abgg2q.jpg: I mean, c'mon now.....how does perpetuating a fraud benefit you except for spreading disinformation?

Who takes bows showing up to the dance with the ugliest chick?:biggrin:

And btw.......you said many years ago that by 2020, EV's would be dominating the car market. I mean.....dude.....you are never right on any of this stuff. Which is why I have so much fun in here while you and the handful of other climate obsessed nutters are always angry and miserable. Losing does that I suppose.
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