The dysfunction among House Republicans is getting worse


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
A Repub friend of mine was licking his chops prior to the midterms. Anticipating Repubs sweeping in to control of the House and exacting revenge on Dems by the way of investigations revealing all sorts of wrongdoing. It hasn't exactly gone as planned with one flop after another. Especially from "weaponization" hunter Gym Jordan.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s compromises with far-right members of his own Republican party to gain leadership of the House in January may be coming back to haunt him.

Last week, 11 members of the far-right GOP contingent known as the House Freedom Caucus expressed their displeasure with McCarthy, voting with Democrats to block a procedural vote on two Republican bills to limit regulations on gas stoves, as well as halting business on the House floor for days in what has been described widely as a revolt.

Seemingly innocuous legislation restricting regulations on gas stoves would, in theory, be popular among Republicans. Scientific findings suggesting that such appliances can cause health problems became a major touchstone in the right’s culture war earlier this year, with Republicans falsely claiming that the government would ban gas stoves.

Those bills, however, became collateral damage, at least for now, in the ongoing fight between McCarthy and the far-right wing of the Republican party — a fight that has threatened to boil over since McCarthy and the White House managed to avoid a cataclysmic national default with their debt limit deal late last month. With House Republicans in disarray, leadership announced it would meet Monday to attempt to move forward with planned votes.

Ultimately, the drama isn’t just about a vote to advance legislation on gas stoves; it’s a referendum on McCarthy’s leadership, and whether he can keep his conference on his side to maintain his position and pass critical legislation as the end of the government’s fiscal year draws nearer.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s compromises with far-right members of his own Republican party to gain leadership of the House in January may be coming back to haunt him.

It's not like he had any choice in the matter.
Well, he could have displayed some integrity. But he wanted the gavel so badly he gave the store away to the Crazy.
The writer refers to the Freedom Caucus as “far right” as if its a bad thing

Which shows the political bias of the article
It isn't bias to accurately describe the Crazy as far right. BTW, given the views they hold, it is a bad thing.
A Repub friend of mine was licking his chops prior to the midterms. Anticipating Repubs sweeping in to control of the House and exacting revenge on Dems by the way of investigations revealing all sorts of wrongdoing. It hasn't exactly gone as planned with one flop after another. Especially from "weaponization" hunter Gym Jordan.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s compromises with far-right members of his own Republican party to gain leadership of the House in January may be coming back to haunt him.

Last week, 11 members of the far-right GOP contingent known as the House Freedom Caucus expressed their displeasure with McCarthy, voting with Democrats to block a procedural vote on two Republican bills to limit regulations on gas stoves, as well as halting business on the House floor for days in what has been described widely as a revolt.

Seemingly innocuous legislation restricting regulations on gas stoves would, in theory, be popular among Republicans. Scientific findings suggesting that such appliances can cause health problems became a major touchstone in the right’s culture war earlier this year, with Republicans falsely claiming that the government would ban gas stoves.

Those bills, however, became collateral damage, at least for now, in the ongoing fight between McCarthy and the far-right wing of the Republican party — a fight that has threatened to boil over since McCarthy and the White House managed to avoid a cataclysmic national default with their debt limit deal late last month. With House Republicans in disarray, leadership announced it would meet Monday to attempt to move forward with planned votes.

Ultimately, the drama isn’t just about a vote to advance legislation on gas stoves; it’s a referendum on McCarthy’s leadership, and whether he can keep his conference on his side to maintain his position and pass critical legislation as the end of the government’s fiscal year draws nearer.


:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Try harder.

A Repub friend of mine was licking his chops prior to the midterms. Anticipating Repubs sweeping in to control of the House and exacting revenge on Dems by the way of investigations revealing all sorts of wrongdoing. It hasn't exactly gone as planned with one flop after another. Especially from "weaponization" hunter Gym Jordan.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s compromises with far-right members of his own Republican party to gain leadership of the House in January may be coming back to haunt him.

Last week, 11 members of the far-right GOP contingent known as the House Freedom Caucus expressed their displeasure with McCarthy, voting with Democrats to block a procedural vote on two Republican bills to limit regulations on gas stoves, as well as halting business on the House floor for days in what has been described widely as a revolt.

Seemingly innocuous legislation restricting regulations on gas stoves would, in theory, be popular among Republicans. Scientific findings suggesting that such appliances can cause health problems became a major touchstone in the right’s culture war earlier this year, with Republicans falsely claiming that the government would ban gas stoves.

Those bills, however, became collateral damage, at least for now, in the ongoing fight between McCarthy and the far-right wing of the Republican party — a fight that has threatened to boil over since McCarthy and the White House managed to avoid a cataclysmic national default with their debt limit deal late last month. With House Republicans in disarray, leadership announced it would meet Monday to attempt to move forward with planned votes.

Ultimately, the drama isn’t just about a vote to advance legislation on gas stoves; it’s a referendum on McCarthy’s leadership, and whether he can keep his conference on his side to maintain his position and pass critical legislation as the end of the government’s fiscal year draws nearer.

Due to Republicans lying to their voters over years and decades, we had trannies and cross dressers phu kin each other on the White House lawn several days ago. Joe was sniffing and fondling toddlers while his wife was limiting how many he sexually abused as she has standards.
If you are unfamiliar with what Kevin agreed to in his effort to become Speaker there is no shortage of articles you can Google. Like this one.......

I'm fully aware of what he agreed to. As I noted, he had no choice.
Due to Republicans lying to their voters over years and decades, we had trannies and cross dressers phu kin each other on the White House lawn several days ago. Joe was sniffing and fondling toddlers while his wife was limiting how many he sexually abused as she has standards.
Do you indulge in such fantasies often?
Well, he could have displayed some integrity. But he wanted the gavel so badly he gave the store away to the Crazy.

You are the craziest part of the crazy left wing lunatics for starters.
Your opinions are worthless in the big picture.
You also seem to have no idea how politics work.

So - BJ rates your OP as - Catastrophic Failure

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