The Democrats are teaching us a lesson. Again.

Joe just dropped paid family leave from the bill. After he dropped student loan forgiveness. After he dropped "free" college. You got fucked again (and again, and again). How many times are you going to take it?

Screwed by MANCHIN .

What that shows is that we don’t have enough progressive Dems in the Senate.

If we’re relying on the likes of MANCHIN and Sinema we’re screwed

Republicans of course are against anything that helps the middle class and poor so yea.

Remember this when it comes time to vote
James Carville was prescient:

“The Democratic Party can't be more liberal than Sen. Joe Manchin," he told Vox. "That's the fact. We don't have the votes."
Well Dems voted for a man who they thought could negotiate and work a compromise. I think they all hoped it would be with the Old-GOP, not with other Democrats.
I'm not talking about the issues themselves, I'm talking about this ugly sausage-making, with plans changing by the hour.
What you’re talking about is trying to negotiate with Manchin and Sinema… which is like trying to eat soup with a fork
You liked a post of someone who did, you filthy Nazi fuck.
What I “liked” were the political comments he made.

You’re right. I should have also called him on the anti-Semitic tone. I have in the past with other posters. Missed it that time.

I am NOT anti-Semitic so blow that shit out your ass
Pretty amazing, watching the Democrats turn their political advantage in a full scale circus like this. The current bill they're working on changes every 30 seconds or so, as Manchin and Sinema make them reduce or throw out more and more of Biden's agenda.

I'll give them credit, in that at least they're trying to fund their massive spending (unlike we saw in the previous administration), but they're having one helluva time getting their shit together, and it's playing out in public. And holy crap, is it ever awkward.

So we're seeing it yet again: The party in power trying to cram through its agenda with the thinnest of margins, only making itself look bad in the process while trying desperately to put lipstick on a pig. Right on cue. Over and over and over.

Why do we keep seeing this? Because communication, collaboration and innovation between the parties is no longer allowed. We've lost that capacity. We literally no longer know how to work together to deal with issues. We're no longer exceptional.

Will we learn this time? Will this be the time we finally wake up? Nope.

It’s messy sure. Democrats are a broad base from conservative to left. There is no margin at all when you need everyone in a 50/50 senate so what did you expect? If Biden gets this done it will be the biggest coup since Jan 6.

Remember Trump was elected on the wall and repeal and replace which were both unpopular proposals. He couldn’t do either and he had bigger margins of votes. The two moderate conservative women nearly sunk his Supreme Court nominee too. His tax plan was about the only thing he got through.
James Carville was prescient:

“The Democratic Party can't be more liberal than Sen. Joe Manchin," he told Vox. "That's the fact. We don't have the votes."
And we need to change that… by electing more progressive Democrats so we aren’t dependent on dishonest corporate shills like him and Sinema
What you’re talking about is trying to negotiate with Manchin and Sinema… which is like trying to eat soup with a fork
But, bigger picture, they're still trying to cram their stuff through with a 50/50 vote.

As I said earlier in the thread, we've lost the ability to collaborate and innovate. Both parties need skin in the game, and we just no longer have the capacity to work together. I don't see how wild swings back and forth are in the best interest of the country.
You liked a post of someone who did, you filthy Nazi fuck.

Hey a rabid right wing social justice warriors who lies like the budding fascist of trumpyberra's party.

We have giant pink pussy hats over at the web site, on sale today! Head on over......
But, bigger picture, they're still trying to cram their stuff through with a 50/50 vote.

As I said earlier in the thread, we've lost the ability to collaborate and innovate. Both parties need skin in the game, and we just no longer have the capacity to work together. I don't see how wild swings back and forth are in the best interest of the country.
Biden did get some conservatives on the infrastructure bill because he was willing to pull out the controversial parts. Although now his side is waffling. Maybe they’ll like getting something done and it’ll start the ball rolling again. I doubt it though.
Joe just dropped paid family leave from the bill. After he dropped student loan forgiveness. After he dropped "free" college. You got fucked again (and again, and again). How many times are you going to take it?

Joe lied like his puppet master and true Evil running the Dem Shit show, Obama did.
But, bigger picture, they're still trying to cram their stuff through with a 50/50 vote.

As I said earlier in the thread, we've lost the ability to collaborate and innovate. Both parties need skin in the game, and we just no longer have the capacity to work together. I don't see how wild swings back and forth are in the best interest of the country.
The 50/50 vote is all there is. You haven’t seen McConnell state very clearly that there will not be a single Republican vote for anything?
I share your lament but not your blame. There is one party who is just not interested in governing even when they’re in power. The Republicans are in it for themselves and to build and protect their power. Nothing else matters. Not even default as long as the Dems get the blame. Pure malignant cynicism.
You mean negotiations. It must be pretty in order to serve Americans well?
I think it needs to be bipartisan so that both parties have skin in the game. And not one or two rebels.

Otherwise the status quo remains: Wild swings back and forth, non-stop sabotage. I don't see how that's a good thing.

What we're seeing almost certainly continues as long as we're satisfied with the status quo and choose to not fix the system.

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