The child tax credit in the stimulus bill will reduce child poverty by 42%: study


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.


And the cow jumped over the moon.
Because ALL of the Cash Giveaways since the 60's have worked SO well. Good Lord.
Well if they don’t keep up with inflation, that will be the result. I mean if unemployment stays the same in a state over the course of decades, the same dollar amount buys less over time. Simple economics.
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

That still depends on the criteria in the bill, which I have yet to read, last year there was a worksheet to do to find out how much money I can qualify, it was zero for me.

Last year was the first time I didn't qualify for any money at all, for a few years before that I would get the FULL amount of $1,000 per child in my house.

You could help IF you quote the relevant passage in the PDF?
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

So after 56 years, countless trillions of dollars and millions of families rendered fatherless, the "War on Poverty" is finally over!
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

Except it won't amount to a couple of thousand bucks in their pockets, it only adds maybe $600 to the very lowest income bracket, and the inflation from so many criminal illegal aliens Democrats plan to subisidize will wipe out any gains and bankrupt the program overnight. Of course you didn't bother to read your own policy brief, just threw out a load of nonsense some Hive told you to run out and post.
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

Sure it does, Spud.
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

So after 56 years, countless trillions of dollars and millions of families rendered fatherless, the "War on Poverty" is finally over!
Not sure why you keep talking about the “war on poverty”. You’re talking about something a president said decades ago lol. It’s dumb.
$15 billion in charity given to Haiti after the earthquake, and look what a shithole it still is. Liberals can't seem to fathom that people aren't necessarily impoverished just because they don't have any money. There's far more to it than that, and throwing money at the problem doesn't really make it go away.
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

Except it won't amount to a couple of thousand bucks in their pockets, it only adds maybe $600 to the very lowest income bracket, and the inflation from so many criminal illegal aliens Democrats plan to subisidize will wipe out any gains and bankrupt the program overnight.
No, the difference is that the tax credit is now completely refundable. You can also opt to have it paid monthly. The credit didn’t do that before.
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

So after 56 years, countless trillions of dollars and millions of families rendered fatherless, the "War on Poverty" is finally over!
Not sure why you keep talking about the “war on poverty”. You’re talking about something a president said decades ago lol. It’s dumb.

The war on poverty is still ongoing..... it started under the Johnson administration.
Good, every child deserves a chance at the American dream and every child deserves food in their stomach.

Then dad should get a job and mom should learn how to cook (or vice versa)


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