That is right, Jewish Americans, common core is insinuating the holocaust is a myth.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Common Core school assignment: Was Holocaust real or 'merely a political scheme?'

The Rialto school district in California gave eighth graders an 18-page assignment that asked them to consider arguments on whether the Holocaust was an "actual event" or a "propaganda tool that was used for monetary gain."

The project created media outrage, but the school district initially defended the assignment, saying that Common Core standards are intended to teach critical thinking. The school district, through interim superintendent Mohammad Z. Islam, revised its position when L.A.-based Anti-Defamation league expressed its concerns.

The assignment given to the eighth graders read:

"When tragic events occur in history, there is often debate about their actual existence. For example, some people claim the Holocaust is not an actual historical event, but instead is a propaganda tool that was used for political and monetary gain. Based upon your research on this issue, write an argumentative essay, utilizing cited textual evidence, in which you explain whether or not you believe the Holocaust was an actual event in history, or merely a political scheme created to influence public emotion and gain. Remember to address counterclaims (rebuttals) to your stated claim. You are also required to use parenthetical (internal) citations and to provide a Works Cited page."

KTLA reports:

The 18-page assignment instructions included three sources that students were told to use, including one that stated gassings in concentration camps were a "hoax" and that no evidence has shown Jews died in gas chambers.

"With all this money at stake for Israel, it is easy to comprehend why this Holocaust hoax is so secretly guarded," states the source, which is a attributed to a webpage on "In whatever way you can, please help shatter this profitable myth. It is time we stop sacrificing America's welfare for the sake of Israel and spend our hard-earned dollars on Americans.

The other sources were from the websites


Commie core everyone. It is also beyond obvious that the world is pushing us into a rather scary time. Jeb Bush (who like his brother is no conservative) is all about commie core.

What is the answer? I do not know. All we know is the left (which obviously includes republicans) have thoroughly demonized the Tea Party. Making fun of their name every chance they get. Making each other think they are the same thing as the KKK. Not acknowledging there are black members of the Tea Party and even if they do, they consider them to be cornball brothers (whatever that means.)

We will deserve what we get, and yes I am always mystified by Jewish Americans who vote democrat (commie Israel hating) 80% of the time.
I think the incident has less to do with common core and more to do with california government stupidity.
Coming up next: Was the Civil Rights movement a communist plot?
First off, I oppose common core. However, I have no issue with this assignment. I think if I had been given that assignment it would just be another "A" paper for me.
First off, I oppose common core. However, I have no issue with this assignment. I think if I had been given that assignment it would just be another "A" paper for me.
School is like a job, you are given tasks and you must complete them whether you like it or not....
You can guarantee any thread on here with the words "common core" in the title will be full of lies. this one does not break the mould

I have a firm belief that when one posts----FULL OF LIES----
that at the very least that person mention---to which "lies"
he refers. That "full of lies" accusation is meaningless.
Can you cite at least three lies in the post to which you refer?
Giving students a debate assignment where one side of the argument is so easily refuted that even a child should be able to do it seems like a good exercise for that level of study.

Do you suppose the RWnuts would have been happier if the debate was whether the Earth was billions of years old or a few thousand years old?
It's insinuating nothing. It's forcing the use of sources and logical debate.

More proof that the far left believes far left propaganda is "fact"..
What far left propaganda would that be?

The propaganda posted by the far left drones..

can you cite some of the propaganda posted by far left
drones to which you object?---

He couldn't even name a liberal yesterday who wasn't a far left drone, after claiming there was a big difference between liberals and the far left.

It's insinuating nothing. It's forcing the use of sources and logical debate.

More proof that the far left believes far left propaganda is "fact"..
What far left propaganda would that be?

The propaganda posted by the far left drones..

can you cite some of the propaganda posted by far left
drones to which you object?---

It is all over the board, just have to admit that the far left exists..
Common Core is a name given to learning manuals when I home schooled 10 years ago. Al it was was a groups of books for each grade that has emphasis by redundancy of the subject to familiarize the student with the subject..Which was far better than college text books I had to buy buy the truckload when i have attended colleges..One thing I was uncomfortable with was the multiplication tables were not memorized like when I was in school, yet the youngest is making great grades in math at 12, doing Algebra...and is on the honor roll at school and has been for 3 years when he returned to public school..
A bit of advice, start kids out early learning, don't just throw them to the side and ignore them, teach them about life and how to manage the best education for themselves.....
It's insinuating nothing. It's forcing the use of sources and logical debate.

More proof that the far left believes far left propaganda is "fact"..
What far left propaganda would that be?

The propaganda posted by the far left drones..

can you cite some of the propaganda posted by far left
drones to which you object?---

He couldn't even name a liberal yesterday who wasn't a far left drone, after claiming there was a big difference between liberals and the far left.


Speaking of far left drones...
It's insinuating nothing. It's forcing the use of sources and logical debate.

In view of the fact that SO MUCH of the islamo Nazi propaganda
has been DEVOTED to holocaust denial---SINCE THE MID 1930s, I would say that the aassignment reflected the partisan
nature of the school district------ie--they are islamo Nazi scum

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