Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

This might be the best solution for everyone, all things considered.

Within five years Texas would probably resemble Guatemala, but at least they wouldn't have to deal with the 21st century.

You mean Cali and the Northeast would resemble the Soviet Union just before it collapsed. Mass emigration would begin when tax rates in the people's republic reached 60%
This might be the best solution for everyone, all things considered.

Within five years Texas would probably resemble Guatemala, but at least they wouldn't have to deal with the 21st century.
And after Texas does it, other states will follow. Eventually all the productive states will secede, and the freeloaders will be left to fend for themselves. That'll be fun to watch.

It will be funny to see bleeding heart liberals shutting their borders to members of La Raza. They wanted border states to take the hits for their magnanimity and largess. Liberals pride themselves on grandiose generosity to n'er-do-wells at other peoples' expense, while they take their savings to the bank. Bankrupting people they hate gives them cause for a huge kumbaya moment. :huddle:
Ya, Mexico is going to attack Texas. :lol:

Right after they take their OWN country back. :D
Ya, Mexico is going to attack Texas. :lol:

Right after they take their OWN country back. :D

Reality check

Texas can't even stop pregnant women and young men from crossing the border. How the hell would they stop the gang bangers and drug cartels that now control much of Mexico? Make no mistake, if the US wasn't protecting Texas you would get SWAMPED with illegals and criminals.
Great!!!!! Don't squeal when Mexico takes it back.

The US would probably end up having to support Mexico in a conflict with Texas, as Mexico is our ally.
I can see it now ... Obama launches and attack on the capital city of TEX ASS with B2 bombers ... with guided laser missiles ... BAMB !!! theres goes perry and John conyn and the rest of the leader ship In the country of TEX ASS ... hell they would fall faster then Saddam did ... you see those TEX ASSASSINS running in circle shouting "we's a gona' die ... heaven help us we's a gona die...

They would be hiding in the Alamo.

Personally I think a State can secede. As the Civil War and Texas v. White showed, summary secession based on actions of the individual State only is not possible. However under Congresses authority under the United States Constitution (Article I Section 8) it is within the purview of Congress to deal with those that place themselves in a state of insurrection. Insurrection of course being act of revolt against civil authority, in this case the authority of United States government of which the State is a part. Now if a State wants to secede, they would need to pass a secession bill and then forward it to Congress. Congress then can approve or disapprove the request. If they approve (just as they have to do to admit a new State), then they have decided to allow for the peaceful transfer of the member State to the status of an independent country.

What I’d like to see is for Congress to pass a State Secession Act of 20XX which would layout the process and codify it into law. That would define both the process and the expected outcomes of a States attempt to secede so that people voting for such secession would understand exactly what ending their relationship as part of the United States means.

Something along these lines…


1. Supremacy
In accordance with the United States Constitution, Article I Section 8, the Congress is empowered to determine if a status of insurrection exists with a member state. If a State wishes to peacefully secede from the union, they may do so with a approval of the will of the American people as expressed through they duly elected representatives to Congress. As per Article IV (paragraph 2) of the United States Constitution and the laws of the United States is the supreme law of the land and supersede conflicting state laws. When there are conflicts between the provisions of this act and other federal law, then Congress establishes that this act will be valid and override subordinate law.

2. Process
If the people of a State wish to peacefully secede from the bonds established between themselves and the other peoples of the United States, they can do so under the following process. The State government must lay before the people the ability directly vote on the question of secession through a general voting process that includes all individuals otherwise eligible to vote in federal elections. If such a vote to secede passes, then the Governor of the State will prepare and remit to the United States Congress a Notice of Intent to Secede which will include the election results and the proposed date of secession which will be no sooner than 60-days from the date the notice is delivered to Congress.

3. Citizenship
Any citizen of the State petitioning for secession will have 60-days from the Congressional notification date to determine which country they will become a citizen of. This is decision will be final and irrevocable. Any individual that does not inform the United States Department of State through a process that will be define by the United State Secretary of State will retain their United States citizenship, except that, any individual registering for or participating in a government election in the new country after the date of independence, will be considered to have voluntarily revoked their United States citizenship and accepted citizenship in the new country. Any individual who voluntarily joins the Armed Forces and/or Militia of the new country will similarly be considered to have voluntarily revoked their United States Citizenship.

4. Ex-Citizens
Any individual who voluntarily revokes their citizenship to assume citizenship in the new country, either directly or through other such action as voting or becoming a part of the military of the foreign country, forfeits any and all expectations of support from the United States government to include pensions, social security, medical benefits and all other such entitlement programs afforded to United States citizens.

5. Passports
All United States passports issued to citizens of the new country will be revoked upon the date of secession. It will be the responsibility of the new country to issue new passports and protect the interest of it’s citizen abroad. Citizen of the new country should not expect assistance from the United States Department of State.

6. Assumption of Debt
Any State that secedes from the union will assume a proportion of any national debt of the United States, the sum of such debt will be proportional to the percentage of the whole population of the United States and the population of the seceding State as of the date the vote was cast by the people of said State.

7. Payment of Federal Monies
Congress may take such actions as it feels needful to curb the flow and payment of federal dollars to the seceding State during the period of consideration by the Congress but that no Federal dollars for the maintenance of a State will continue upon the official date of independence. The new country thus being a foreign power from that date forward.

9. Transfer of Property (Mobile)
All property owned by the United States or is agencies (for example DOD, FBI, NASA, ATF, DEA, ICE, etc…) will be peacefully transferred back to the United States. Equipment that is not cost effective to move may be transferred to the new country with the exception for all computer system data storage devices, all law enforcement records, and any other records that Congress may declare.

10. Transfer of Property (Fixed)
All undeveloped land owned by the United States will be transferred to the new country effective the date of independence. However developed fixed properties will remain, temporarily, within the control of the United States. This period of control will not exceed one year to allow for the efficient transfer of mobile property owned by the United States back to the people of the United States.

11. Military Service
Any individual currently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of America whose home of record was the previous State, will be provided the opportunity to retain their United States citizenship or to select citizenship in the new country. If the individual accepts citizenship in the new country during the transition and is not under obligated service for some other reason they may, at the discretion of the Secretary of Defense, be afforded an administrative discharge. Persons who elect new citizenship but have obligated service due to specific training, advancement, or other DOD programs will be retained on active duty but will be reclassified as a foreign national servicing in the Armed Forces.


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright

And who did the Spaniards steal all that from?

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