Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

Great news for Mexico

They have wanted Texas back for 150 years. Too bad Texas will not have an Army to defend them

Habla Espanol?
Great news for Mexico

They have wanted Texas back for 150 years. Too bad Texas will not have an Army to defend them

Habla Espanol?
20% of the guns in the U.S. are in Texas. How long do you think it would take to put an army together?
Oooooh, got me on spelling at 6 in the morning. Congrats. That'll be your greatest achievement this year. Congratulations. :clap:

Meanwhile, you're a total moron to think that "secession" has anything other than a zero chance of happening.
Spelling? No, you spelled it right, only you used the wrong word. That's because you're stupid.

Baaaahahahah..Toro stupid?

Well ducats to doughnuts I bet ol' Toro pays more in taxes then you make in a decade.

I'm with the stupid guy on this one.


I wish I was as well-off as you think I am! lol. Of course, you could probably say the same thing about half the board and SJ.

I don't know much about the Constitution tbh but I do know a little bit about math. If there was a vote amongst Texans, Obama won 41% of the vote. Assuming that everyone who voted for Obama voted against secession, that means 86% of Romney voters would have to vote yes for a simple majority vote to pass. Even if half of Romney's voters voted yes, then the only way this could win is if the secessionists expanded the vote by ~60% of eligible voters who didn't vote in 12, and win every single one of them. That's not going to happen.

But SJ is telling others to "dream on" and they're stupid.
Well, stupid, so far the only ones on this thread who have mentioned violence are liberals. You would be the third one.


Exactly how do you think this should go down?

Because by the book?

A bill has to pass through congress. Then get signed by the President.

That's not going to happen.
I suggest you do a little (no, a lot) of reading before you make yourself look even dumber than you already do.

Well first off..I suppose one can "look" dumb..but to "be" dumb you must lose the ability to speak. I haven't.

Secondly, every serious secessionist movement in this country has led to violence. Including a war which saw the greatest number of American deaths in America's history.

So when you folks casually bring this up..it has serious and violent ramifications in the long run.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmqtNiy4lgc]Texas Sovereignty or Secession Rally - Larry Kilgore - YouTube[/ame]

This appears to be a serious thread. Excellent. The comedic potential is off the charts, seriously.

From the article: As of Feb. 12, 2013, there are more than 111,000 "likes" on the group's Facebook page.



I could start a Facebook page highlighting a flaming bag of poo with the caption "See if this bag of poo can get more likes than John Boehner". 111,000 "likes" in no time.
Great news for Mexico

They have wanted Texas back for 150 years. Too bad Texas will not have an Army to defend them

Habla Espanol?
20% of the guns in the U.S. are in Texas. How long do you think it would take to put an army together?

Remember the Alamo?

You will be up against the Mexican Army with tanks, attack helicopters, an Air Force.....good luck with your Wolverine tactics

At least the rest of loyal United States would be able to watch you get your asses kicked on the nightly news

The group's President calls a meeting to order:

The more this president abuses the Constitution, the more this movement grows.

Local 2 investigates Texas secession movement | News - Home

Oh, here we go again; Texas wants to become a part of Mexico now.
Texas would deal with Mexico quickly and effectively, unlike our spineless politicians in Washington.

How? Send out the Cowboys? The drug cartel lords would be sitting in Rick Perry's chair in the governor's mansion in Austin shooting holes in the ceiling and drinking tequila shots out of the Lone Star State china collection in no time at all.

And please let everyone in Texas know that they lose their SS and Medicare if they secede. All their federal bennies that they have paid into all those years.....*POOF*. Obama will take their funds and buy hundreds of thousands of cell phones and distribute them in Mississippi, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Louisiana so that American citizens there can call the Illegal Alien HotLine and report the first Texan who tries to cross over and enter the U.S. without a Texan passport.
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Of course, we will have to build a fence around the Texas/US border to keep the illegals from sneaking in

Texas can set up border towns where they sell trinkets to American tourists
Of course, we will have to build a fence around the Texas/US border to keep the illegals from sneaking in

Texas can set up border towns where they sell trinkets to American tourists

An electrified fence with gun towers and cauldrons of boiling oil to dump on people.

A moat too!
WE always hear about Texas when talk of secession starts. Interesting thing is there are and have been active seperatists movements in the USA for a long time.

List of active separatist movements in North America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"U.S. States

* Flag of Alaska.svg Alaska
o Political party: Alaskan Independence Party[1]
* Pine Ridge Flag.svgLakota Sioux
o Pressure group(s): Lakotah Oyate
o Proposed state: Republic of Lakotah
* Confederate National Flag since Mar 4 1865.svg The South
o Pressure group(s): League of the South
o Proposed state: Confederate States of America
o See also: Neo-confederate movement
* Flag of Texas.svg Texas
o Proposed state: Republic of Texas
o Pressure group(s): Republic of Texas
o See: Texas Secession Movement
o Militant organization:The Republic of Texas Group
* Flag of Vermont Republic.svg Vermont
o Proposed state: Vermont Republic
o Political party: Vermont Independence Party[2][3]
o Pressure group(s): Second Vermont Republic
* Flag of Cascadia.svg Washington + Oregon + the Canadian province of British Columbia
o Proposed state: Cascadia
o Pressure group: Cascadia Independence Movement

[edit] Other territories

* Flag of Puerto Rico.svg Puerto Rico

Secessionist movements

* Political party: Puerto Rican Independence Party (PIP)
* Pressure group: Puerto Rican Nationalist Party, Movimiento Independentista Nacional Hostosiano (MINH), Socialist Front (FS), Puerto Rican independence movement (MPI)
* Militant organization: Boricua Popular Army (Macheteros)"

The list is interesting, to say the least.

I mean what the hell are the Lakota Sioux thinking? They damn near were eradicated in the 1800's, and now get all that free shit from the federal govt.

Talk about bite the hand that feeds you.....
Of course, we will have to build a fence around the Texas/US border to keep the illegals from sneaking in

Texas can set up border towns where they sell trinkets to American tourists

An electrified fence with gun towers and cauldrons of boiling oil to dump on people.

A moat too!

Why would we settle for anything less?

Securing the Texas/US border would be a national priority. We all know how worthless and uneducated most Texans are. We can't have them streaming across our borders putting Mexicans out of work.

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