Texas Passes Anti-Abortion Law


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016

This will likely gut Roe v Wade.

Choice will end in many states...maybe all states.

But the women of Texas CAN do something

Simply refuse to have sex. You won't get pregnant and your men will very shortly come around to electing legislators who will vote for choice

This will likely gut Roe v Wade.

Choice will end in many states...maybe all states.

But the women of Texas CAN do something

Simply refuse to have sex. You won't get pregnant and your men will very shortly come around to electing legislators who will vote for choice

Most men would find a partner who would not blackmail them.

Most men who can afford to have partners can also afford to visit Mexico where prostitution is legal.
Most men would find a partner who would not blackmail them.

Most men who can afford to have partners can also afford to visit Mexico where prostitution is legal.
Watch the STD rate rise LOL
I know I'm going to regret asking but... are the women you know, incapable of figuring out how to properly use contraception? If not, rest assured that if they deprive guys long enough, the guy WILL USE IT.
This is the part where Lesh tells you that dark people and disgusting lowlife degenerates aren’t smart enough to use contraception…it will tell you they need to be able to use abortion as contraception.

This will likely gut Roe v Wade.

Choice will end in many states...maybe all states.

But the women of Texas CAN do something

Simply refuse to have sex. You won't get pregnant and your men will very shortly come around to electing legislators who will vote for choice
Just think...

If Democrats hadn't been behaving like deranged lunatics burning the country down for the last 5 years, they might actually be able to fight this.

But like Hitler & the Nazis in 1945, they've simply created too many enemies and too much hatred of their fascism.

So sad.

This will likely gut Roe v Wade.

Choice will end in many states...maybe all states.

But the women of Texas CAN do something

Simply refuse to have sex. You won't get pregnant and your men will very shortly come around to electing legislators who will vote for choice

And the NaziCon SCOTUS refuses to stop it. Draconian!


This will likely gut Roe v Wade.

Choice will end in many states...maybe all states.

But the women of Texas CAN do something

Simply refuse to have sex. You won't get pregnant and your men will very shortly come around to electing legislators who will vote for choice
Poor little shit stain, you lefties can’t butcher as many innocent unborn to appease your Satanic appetite....in one state.

Maybe you can do more boycotts of Texas based businesses. Maybe every time the Dallas Cowboys come visit your state, you can all kneel and lift up red painted baby dolls to represent all the unborn babies you couldn’t murder.

It’s time for you to stand up for your “rights”. Wear t-shirts that say you want to kill babies. This is it, this can be your rallying cry to finally defeat evil conservatives who won’t let you butcher innocent babies in their mother’s wombs.
I can't believe our constitution and the ten commandments are both trying to deprive our Democrats of their right to kill babies. Appalling.
Roe V Wade is dead in Texas...and very likely most red states will follow.

THIS is the result of Republicans.

Take the country back....to the 1950s.

They were not kidding

They have to be defeated on a local level...on a state level...in the Senate....and in the House

In the Governors Offices ....in the White House

If you don't VOTE...expect more of this...and make no mistake...they're coming after "blue" states too
Following Trumpybears example, the Neo-GOP is truly out to Grab the Pussy of every woman in Texas.

The Great Texas Pussy Grab or Co-Opt by the Neo-GOP is underway.

This will likely gut Roe v Wade.

Choice will end in many states...maybe all states.

But the women of Texas CAN do something

Simply refuse to have sex. You won't get pregnant and your men will very shortly come around to electing legislators who will vote for choice
Abortion is now illegal in Texas?
And the NaziCon SCOTUS refuses to stop it. Draconian!

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It is not Republicans...It a lot of dicks. Which brings us to the truth of our culture, our society and our civilization. And it won't really be dealt with until poverty expands in a huge way.
Roe V Wade is dead in Texas...and very likely most red states will follow.

THIS is the result of Republicans.

Take the country back....to the 1950s.

They were not kidding

They have to be defeated on a local level...on a state level...in the Senate....and in the House

In the Governors Offices ....in the White House

If you don't VOTE...expect more of this...and make no mistake...they're coming after "blue" states too
Listen to the angst in your post you crazy fucking loon.
”We must be able to keep killing unborn children….VOTE for the right to keep killing babies…FUCK the sanctity of life.”

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