Texas lawmakers want to end state holiday commemorating Confederate veterans


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
Third time for the Bill. Looks like it has garnered support from the Mexican American Caucus this time. A compromise could be to make it the Civil War Heroes Day instead. Just a thought.

Calling the celebration of Confederate Heroes Day a "constant reminder" of a horrible past, state Rep. Jarvis Johnson, D-Houston, on Wednesday called for Texas to end its commemoration as a state holiday.

Confederate Heroes Day is celebrated on Jan. 19. The holiday commemorates the lives of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Gen. Robert E. Lee as well as soldiers who died fighting the Union during the Civil War. Texas used to separately celebrate the birthdays of Davis and Lee, but consolidated them in 1973 into Confederate Heroes Day.

"When we talk about what Confederate Heroes Day is, it is a remembrance of a horrible past," Johnson, who is Black, said at a press conference surrounded by other lawmakers. "A past that has done irreparable damage to many of the residents of the state of Texas."

Johnson's bill to end Confederate Heroes Day is his third attempt; similar legislation didn't make it out of committees in the past two legislative sessions. In 2019, the House State Affairs Committee, then led by now-Speaker Dade Phelan, a Beaumont Republican, didn't bring up Johnson's bill for a vote.

In 2019, the Descendants of Confederate Veterans opposed the legislation. A spokesperson for the group declined comment on the new legislation.

Johnson was surrounded by leaders of the Texas Black Leadership Caucus, the House Democratic Caucus and the Mexican American Legislative Caucus at Wednesday's press conference.

"We cannot stand by as our state continues to formally celebrate and glorify the men who believed so deeply that Black men and women did not have rights, that they would go to war," said state Rep. Christina Morales, a Houston Democrat who is vice chair for the Mexican American Legislative Caucus. "We must teach our history to our children, but our children should grow up knowing that the Confederacy does not stand for the values of freedom that we continue to fight for today."
Third time for the Bill. Looks like it has garnered support from the Mexican American Caucus this time. A compromise could be to make it the Civil War Heroes Day instead. Just a thought.

They fought, they lost.

Now some idiots who couldn't even load a musket if they were instructed for 2 hours without blowing off their face will shit on their graves.
Third time for the Bill. Looks like it has garnered support from the Mexican American Caucus this time. A compromise could be to make it the Civil War Heroes Day instead. Just a thought.

Why not honor both Union and Confederate soldiers? Both sides fought for what they believed in.
It's high time to sweep the leadership of the confederacy into the dustbin of history. Keep the battlefield memorials and graves of those who fought but it's also high time to point out that the confederate soldiers fought for a lie. They were promised the moon and got nothing.
Which is a part of America. North America I suppose to be more precise.
There is no country of North America. Or are you one of those who want to call Americans United Statesian's. No country of North America. Santa Ana was not a general of North America. He was a general of Mexico and a commander of the Mexican army.
This thread is a hoot. Butthurt Democrats hating on their Democrat ancestors for asserting their state's rights and defying a Republican President.


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