Texas Just Passed New York In COVID-19 Deaths, Despite Once Trailing By 29,000. Here's How.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
It's an interesting article.

Anyone could have predicted this happening since Texas won't allow local authorities to initiate safety measures.

More people will needlessly die.

Doesn't say much for your "safety measures" if it took them a year and a half to surpass New York, who had some of the most restrictive safety measures in place and ravaged its state's economy in doing so, does it?
It's an interesting article.

Anyone could have predicted this happening since Texas won't allow local authorities to initiate safety measures.

More people will needlessly die.

Do you wonder if the blue cities in Texas are conflating murders with the Kung Flu, which seems to have been the case in every blue city and state...
Is there a way to measure how many people were infected by illegal citizens crossing into Texas? Among the many problems that New York has, illegal border entry by people infected with the Wuhan Virus isn't one of them.
It's an interesting article.

Anyone could have predicted this happening since Texas won't allow local authorities to initiate safety measures.

More people will needlessly die.

Where are the conservatives calling for Abbott to be jailed for preventing local health departments from mandating masks for all local businesses to protect workers and customers - costing thousands of Texans their lives?

Abbott should start listening to Faucci and stopping these needless deaths.
Sure, Florida man does all the flashey crazy stuff, like robbing a drive through with an aligator, or having sex with a pumpkin on a picknick table in the park every Halloween, but when it comes to serious crazy, the kind that isn't a bit funny, and really hurts people, here in TEXAS, WE'RE NUMBER ONE!!!
It's an interesting article.

Anyone could have predicted this happening since Texas won't allow local authorities to initiate safety measures.

More people will needlessly die.

Biden is letting 10s of thousands of illegal aliens with covid to enter Texas you dumb ass.......are you this stupid in real life or just when you post?
Doesn't say much for your "safety measures" if it took them a year and a half to surpass New York, who had some of the most restrictive safety measures in place and ravaged its state's economy in doing so, does it?

And now Texas is having illegal aliens with the Chinese flu flood their country by biden and the democrats..........
Where are the conservatives calling for Abbott to be jailed for preventing local health departments from mandating masks for all local businesses to protect workers and customers - costing thousands of Texans their lives?

Abbott should start listening to Faucci and stopping these needless deaths.

Moron....it isn't Texans causing the issue since they didn't have as many cases as New York before...then biden opened the flood gates to infected illegal aliens...

Are you people really this stupid...you should be trying to hide this fact, not put it out where people can see it....you idiots...
Moron....it isn't Texans causing the issue since they didn't have as many cases as New York before...then biden opened the flood gates to infected illegal aliens...

Are you people really this stupid...you should be trying to hide this fact, not put it out where people can see it....you idiots...
coronavirus is a hoax and seasonal flu, until illegal immigrants are infected

Biden is letting 10s of thousands of illegal aliens with covid to enter Texas you dumb ass.......are you this stupid in real life or just when you post?

You're the one here who's too stupid to be one person. Look where the cases are doofus. They're not along the border, they're in the areas where Republicans live. The people who don't get vaxxed, and don't wear masks. The fools who believe what FOX News tells them about their "rights" and their how covid isn't that bad.
Doesn't say much for your "safety measures" if it took them a year and a half to surpass New York, who had some of the most restrictive safety measures in place and ravaged its state's economy in doing so, does it?
New York was first hit. There's a learning curve. They learned. The vast majority of their deaths took place in the first few months, then they showed way down as they learned to contain the virus. Texas in the other hand made no effort to contain the spread and will soon not just be ahead, but far ahead. They are at the very beginning of a new surge that promises to put the others to shame.

Those poor whack-jobs are fucked.
Texas is about 6 times the size of New York and is currently experiencing the largest invasion of illegals in American history, most who are sick with the Wuhan Virus.

This information is meaningless.

False information is meaningless. Abbott will say ANYTHING to deflect blame for yet another leadership failure of the Governor of Texas. How many people have fried to death in their double wide tin cans this summer???
It's an interesting article.

Anyone could have predicted this happening since Texas won't allow local authorities to initiate safety measures.

More people will needlessly die.

Think maybe illegals illegally crossing might have something to do with that?

Try thinking
New York was first hit. There's a learning curve. They learned. The vast majority of their deaths took place in the first few months, then they showed way down as they learned to contain the virus. Texas in the other hand made no effort to contain the spread and will soon not just be ahead, but far ahead. They are at the very beginning of a new surge that promises to put the others to shame.

Those poor whack-jobs are fucked.
The fact that New York was ever ahead of Texas in Wuhan deaths shows just how murderous Coumo's policies were.
You're the one here who's too stupid to be one person. Look where the cases are doofus. They're not along the border, they're in the areas where Republicans live. The people who don't get vaxxed, and don't wear masks. The fools who believe what FOX News tells them about their "rights" and their how covid isn't that bad.
Yes because illegals cross the border then plop down and dont move.

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