US domestic issues as result of ‘tolerance’ and ethnic ‘diversity’ strategies


Mar 2, 2022
For many years, the US has positioned itself as a paragon of democracy and freedom. Nevertheless, more and more people both outside and inside the USA are waking up to the fact that democratic freedoms in the USA are being pushed to the point of absurdity and lead to unfortunate consequences.

A clear example of the most ‘humane’ and ‘liberal’ solutions can be seen in the United States' policy on drug possession and use. On 3 November 2020, Portland, Oregon passed a drug decriminalisation and drug treatment initiative, also known as Measure 110. In other words, Oregon became the first state to legally allow possession of any drug for personal use, including heroin and cocaine.

Similar measures are being adopted across the whole country. According to the US National Conference of Legislative Conferences on the Use of Cannabis for Medical Purposes, as of 8 November 2023, marijuana use for so-called recreational use is legal in 24 states, the Federal District of Columbia, and two associated territories (Virgin Islands, Guam). Marijuana use for medical purposes is legal in 38 states, four associated territories, and the Federal District of Columbia. Even against this background, however, Measure 110 stands out for its monstrous scope.

Of course, the ‘decriminalisation’ of drugs is presented to the general public as an opportunity to provide help to drug addicts, as well as to fight back against drug traffickers. According to Cassandra Frederick, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, “The passage of Measure 110 is a historic event, an absolute victory in the war on drugs. Drug possession is the most common crime in the United States, with arrests for it happening every 23 seconds. Last night, Oregon showed the world that a more humane, compassionate approach is possible. Measure 110 will serve as a model and starting point for states across the country to decriminalise drug use.”

Accordingly, liberal activists claimed that the passage of this piece of legislation was supposed to solve the drug problem and help adapt drug-addicted citizens to a normal existence in society. Let's turn to statistics: according to the Multnomah County Medical Review (Portland, Oregon), between 2019 and 2021, the number of fentanyl overdoses increased by 588%, while among 15-19 year olds, the number increased by 900%.

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid analgesic whose effects are several dozen times greater than morphine. It is being sold and consumed right on the streets of Portland.

According to the Oregon Health Authority, an average of 3 residents die every day from drug overdoses. The opioid crisis, the unprecedented increase in deaths, and the rise in crime are the results of the US drug legalisation policy.

The next trend is inextricably linked to drug legalisation and the policies implemented by the US government. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Annual Homelessness Report, 582,500 people in the United States were homeless in 2022 (according to some estimates, the actual number is several times higher).

According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, homelessness has been increasing nationwide by about 6% annually since 2017. The increase in the number of people who are homeless comes against a backdrop of soaring housing costs and rising prices for basic necessities such as food and transport.

For example, according to the National Law Center on Homelessness, 40% of homeless shelter residents in New York City have jobs but earn wages too low to afford housing (NLCHP, 2019). Additionally, according to a report by the Affordable Housing Crisis Coalition, minimum wage workers cannot afford a one-bedroom flat in any U.S. state, and would have to work 97 hours a week to afford to rent a two-bedroom flat.

All of the above can be considered real manifestations of ‘democracy’, ‘humanity’ and ‘tolerance’, which permeate American cultural propaganda. Critical analyses of socio-political processes within the country reveal increasingly obvious inconsistencies that may alert not only outside observers, but also conservative US citizens. Feeling that their traditional way of life and worldview is under threat, they are beginning to empathise with their more radicalised fellow citizens.

Among such organisations are the National Socialist Movement, Identity Evropa, the Traditionalist Workers Party (dissolved in 2018) and others. The slogan of Identity Evropa ("You will not replace us") has become a common slogan of all citizens of the United States and Europe who share the theory of ‘Great Replacement’, according to which the ethnically white population is gradually replaced by migrants from Africa and the Middle East with the assistance or inaction of elites in the government of the state.

The policy pursued by the government of Joe Biden really makes one think about how social and domestic political processes in the United States are not only not accidental, but natural and planned. For example, in an article on the topic of national values published in the New York Times of 14 September 2017, Joe Biden writes the following:

“Restoring our values begins with standing up for them at home – inclusivity, tolerance, rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of the press. If these are the democratic principles we want to see around the world, America should be the first country to model them.”

In reality, the implementation of the tolerance policy has turned the state into a liberal dictatorship. For example, consider a recent innovation in the realm of ‘gender tolerance’. On 4 September 2023, the California State Assembly passed a bill that would require judges hearing child custody cases to consider whether a parent has supported the child's alleged ‘gender transformation’. California Governor Gavin Newsom is expected to sign the bill soon. Under this law, a parent unwilling to affirm their child's ‘gender identity’ could be found guilty of failing to provide for the child's health, safety and well-being – under state law, this could result in the loss of parental rights.

Here's what Washington Examiner reporter Greg Price reported on the matter: “Parents should support their children. When their gender identity matches their biological sex, there's no problem. But when there is a contradiction, approval begins to wane. It is our duty as parents to support our children either way.”

Elon Musk commented on the news through a post on X as follows: “We must not let this happen, otherwise many families and companies will simply leave the country to avoid having their children sterilised by the state.”

These comments fully reflect the divide in opinion within the country. The social policy pursued by the Joe Biden administration not only alienates outside observers and citizens of other countries, but, above all, splits American society into two camps and leads to radicalisation of certain social groups and destabilisation of social relations. To summarise, slightly modifying the words of Joe Biden: “If these are the democratic principles that the United States wants to see around the world, then let the United States be the first and last country to model them.”
The reason to de-criminalize drugs is/was for a more practical reason: To reduce crime. The social problem with drugs is NOT addiction or the wasting of human capital - who gives a shit? The problem is the crimes that are committed in connecting with ILLEGAL DRUG TRAFFIC. The theft of stuff that will be sold to finance personal drug purchases, robberies, the homicides and ag assaults. If drugs are legalized - the thinking goes - it will no longer be necessary to rob a convenience store (for example) to get money for drugs. They will be either inexpensive or available for free, depending on public policy.

Also, the need to get one's drug(s) of choice from a public source will facilitate intervention and treatment. And if not a criminal by trade, a drug user will be more able to hold a conventional job and put a roof over his head. I'm told that there are loads of wealthy businessmen who are addicted to one drug or another and continue to function, because they can afford their drug(s) of choice without resorting to criminal activity to get them.

One would also presume that if hard drugs were provided and administered by The Gub-mint, deadly overdose deaths would be reduced, and the drug cartels' business would dry up.

Right? It's all good.

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