Texas for Hillary

Hardly confirmation....Did you see your source?

How do pollsters preselect Democrats in a random poll?
How is it that every random poll is providing similar results?
because they're random ?

Now you are getting there

So if I have a list of 10,000 phone numbers and select 1000 numbers to call at random. How do I pre-select Democratic phone numbers?

By selecting phone numbers in known Democratic Districts... You can use the computer to find numbers that are in the fifth ward of Houston by taking the number and finding the address of the individual that has that phone number...

Very good
Now if a poll does that, you can make a valid point that it is biased

Now, your problem is that you are claiming that EVERY poll, in every state, for week after week is preselecting its calls

If you believe that is happening, you must be a Trump voter

Do you believe it is impossible?

It is more possible than you think...

You have a crew that look up numbers for the fifth ward of Houston and then have the callers call those numbers... Also I am sure someone can create a program ( if one does not exist ) to do this with ease...

I was just answering your question with the possibility that it can be done...

Impossible? Yes

Because you are talking not just the big national polls, but hundreds of smaller polls at the state level that would have to be duplicitous. You are talking about polls from both sides of the political arena

But with Conspiracy minded Republicans, anything is possible...even if there are no facts to support it
because they're random ?

Now you are getting there

So if I have a list of 10,000 phone numbers and select 1000 numbers to call at random. How do I pre-select Democratic phone numbers?

By selecting phone numbers in known Democratic Districts... You can use the computer to find numbers that are in the fifth ward of Houston by taking the number and finding the address of the individual that has that phone number...

Very good
Now if a poll does that, you can make a valid point that it is biased

Now, your problem is that you are claiming that EVERY poll, in every state, for week after week is preselecting its calls

If you believe that is happening, you must be a Trump voter

Do you believe it is impossible?

It is more possible than you think...

You have a crew that look up numbers for the fifth ward of Houston and then have the callers call those numbers... Also I am sure someone can create a program ( if one does not exist ) to do this with ease...

I was just answering your question with the possibility that it can be done...

Impossible? Yes

Because you are talking not just the big national polls, but hundreds of smaller polls at the state level that would have to be duplicitous. You are talking about polls from both sides of the political arena

But with Conspiracy minded Republicans, anything is possible...even if there are no facts to support it

1. Stop your bullshit by attacking me and claiming I am part of some Conspiracy thought!

2. You ask a question and seeing I showed you it can be done and you agreed it was possible mean it can be done!

3. Polls can be slanted and are at times slanted and to claim they would never do this is your partisan close minded way of thinking...

Again you can take phone numbers from certain districts knowing that district lean one way or the other and call those numbers to sway your poll to show of those 1000 numbers contacted support your opinion.

Can it happen?


Will those like you deny it?

Of course...

When you disagree with someone like me will you proclaim I am a Trump voter?

Yes because someone not agreeing with you is the enemy of the state...

( Oh if you can take the liberty to insult me then expect for me to do the same to you! )
Against All Odds, Texas Emerges As Battleground State In Presidential Race

The upshot: Long red, Texas is now pink. Democrats are hoping to turn the state blue, a goal that in any other election season would've been, at the very least, implausible. But given the unique dynamics of this year's election season, the state is not the bright, deep red color Republicans might have taken for granted.
Trump is not going down as hard as Goldwater did in 1964, but he has set the GOP back about 25 years.It even may be dead. I believe that a healthy 2 party system is good for this country, so i find that a little disturbing. What i am mostly wondering now is whether or not the old core of the party has the will and the means to send the fringe nuts packing, or should they just leave the mess that the fringe has made, and bail out themselves.
"No Republican has carried Texas by fewer than 13 points since Bob Dole defeated Bill Clinton by 5 points 20 years ago, when Texan Ross Perot siphoned 7% of the vote," survey authors wrote. "Today, Trump leads by 33 points among white Texans, but Clinton leads by 64 points among African Americans and by 23 points among Latinos."
I doubt Texas will go to Hillary.

The last time the Democrats won that state was in 1976 when Carter won. Hell I voted for that boob and it just goes to show mistakes do happen. LOL
BTW, what was your reason for voting for Carter?

I believed what he was saying. Unfortunately for him Carter is probably the worst President this country has ever had.
Hardly confirmation....Did you see your source?

How do pollsters preselect Democrats in a random poll?
How is it that every random poll is providing similar results?
because they're random ?

Now you are getting there

So if I have a list of 10,000 phone numbers and select 1000 numbers to call at random. How do I pre-select Democratic phone numbers?

By selecting phone numbers in known Democratic Districts... You can use the computer to find numbers that are in the fifth ward of Houston by taking the number and finding the address of the individual that has that phone number...

Very good
Now if a poll does that, you can make a valid point that it is biased

Now, your problem is that you are claiming that EVERY poll, in every state, for week after week is preselecting its calls

If you believe that is happening, you must be a Trump voter

Do you believe it is impossible?

It is more possible than you think...

You have a crew that look up numbers for the fifth ward of Houston and then have the callers call those numbers... Also I am sure someone can create a program ( if one does not exist ) to do this with ease...

I was just answering your question with the possibility that it can be done...
Now, Bruce . . . that's why an intelligent person with common sense checks a poll's methodology.
Science always frightens the far right mind.
al gore science does.
Yes, because the alt right mind simply can't comprehend empirical data and objectivity.

well al gore is the oracle and gold standard of pure science and thermometer placement.
and he's done it all out of the goodness of his heart.

Al Gore Global Warming Movie Responses: 10 Facts 'An Inconvenient ...
Newsmax Media
Dec 15, 2014 - Al Gore Global Warming Movie Responses: 10 Facts 'An Inconvenient Truth' GotWrong. Photo of Amazon web site with presentation of Al Gore's wake-up call. In the time since the Al Gore global warming movie “An Inconvenient Truth” came out, scientists and other experts have analyzed its claims.
After 10 Years Al Gore's Film Is Still Alarmingly Inaccurate | The Daily ...
The Daily Caller
May 3, 2016 - Watching “An Inconvenient Truth” is sort of like going back in time. ... But even in this case, Gore is likely wrong because of the Arctic's geographical ... and everything else up there managed to survive,” Knappenberger said.
Changing climate: 10 years after 'An Inconvenient Truth' | Science News
Science News
Apr 8, 2016 - In the 10 years since "An Inconvenient Truth" was released, climate ... 'whoa, this ice shelf didn't just slowly retreat on its edge — the whole thing just ...... GOP were climate deniers, I was merely pointing out how wrong he was.
10 Ways Al Gore Was Wrong About Global Warming — Charisma News
Feb 16, 2016 - Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" is about to celebrate its 10th ...... Guess I'll just have to take your word for it that Plass got everything wrong.
Is Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth accurate? - Skeptical Science
Skeptical Science
Jan 7, 2014 - Al Gore got it wrong “Al Gore's Oscar-winning documentary on global warming, AnInconvenient Truth, was […] criticised by a high court judge ...
Is Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth accurate? - Skeptical Science
Skeptical Science
While there are minor errors in An Inconvenient Truth, the main truths presented ... How climate science deniers can accept so many 'impossible things' all at once ... to be causing Mount Kilimanjaro's shrinking glacier so Gore got this wrong.
8 Highly Inconvenient Facts for Al Gore 10 Years After His Infamous ...
Jan 27, 2016 - When he first aired it he warned us that within a decade, everything would turn sour if ... President Al Gore premiered his famous movie, “An Inconvenient Truth. ... As for Katrina being the new norm, Gore is wrong once more.
Al Gore's Doomsday Clock Expires & Climate Change Fanatics Are ...
National Review
Jan 27, 2016 - ... An Inconvenient Truth — Gore declared that unless we took “drastic ... list of “18 spectacularly wrong apocalyptic predictions” made around the original ..... He did a lot of really awful things when he was in the senate and the ...
Al Gore's 'nine Inconvenient Untruths' - Telegraph
www.telegraph.co.uk › News › Earth › Earth News
The Daily Telegraph
Oct 11, 2007 - Al Gore's environmental documentary An Inconvenient Truth contains .... Just because you have been very very wrong and wasted so many years of ... Things that are over-fished, over-grazed, over-populated, over CO2'd, ...
35 Scientific Errors (or Intentional Lies) in An Inconvenient Truth ...
Oct 30, 2007 - An Inconvenient Truth is truly an amazing piece of bullcr@p, and it's .... is wrong in some points, your arguing is the most pathetic thing I ever ...

The images show Manhattan shrinking against the onslaught of the rising seas — in 2015. Last year. Gasoline was supposed to be $9 per gallon. Milk would cost almost $13 per gallon. Wildfires would rage, hurricanes would strike with ever-greater intensity. By the end of the clip I was expecting to see the esteemed doctors Peter Venkman, Egon Spengler, and Ray Stantz step forward to predict, “Rivers and Seas boiling!” “Forty years of darkness!” And of course the ultimate disasters: “Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together . . . Mass hysteria!”

Read more at: Apocalypse Delayed
Last edited:
Just think

Hillary Pantsuit challenging Republican idol Trump in the great State of Texas
Yes Texas
Texas with 38 EVs
The same Texas that Romney won by 16 percent

Latest polls:
University of Houston Trump +3 Oct 7-12
UFAA-TV/Survey USA Trump +4 Oct 10-12

Polls a month prior to that had Trump +7

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Texas: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

Proof that the polls are off this year.

Every poll in every state every week?

You are delusional
Yep. How could an extreme red state be this close? Why does this match Democrat predictions about a purple Texas one year out from election? You ever lived in Texas? Obviously not.

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