Texas for Hillary

I doubt Texas will go to Hillary.

The last time the Democrats won that state was in 1976 when Carter won. Hell I voted for that boob and it just goes to show mistakes do happen. LOL
BTW, what was your reason for voting for Carter?

I believed what he was saying. Unfortunately for him Carter is probably the worst President this country has ever had.

You're a moron. Carter was a victim of events. In a history course at CAL, one of the Blue Book midterm exams asked the question: Does man make history, or does history make the man.

You would have flunked.

You are a fool. Carter was the worst President this country has ever had and only a MORON like you would think otherwise.
Poor Claudette.

I find it unlikely Hillary will win Texas. Arizona on the hand...

3 percent Trump lead in a poll taken a week ago?
Trump has lost 4 percent in the last three weeks

The state is definitely trending towards Clinton. Give it a week and Texas will be labeled a tossup state

Can you imagine Trump having to fight to win Texas?
why is that hard to imagine? Texas has been flooded with the filthy illegals that are going to determine this election.
It is a dilemma many Republicans are facing nationwide. They just can't pull the lever for Trump.
Some may vote Hillary
Others will just not vote for President
The whole state of Utah seems to be switching their vote to McMullin

All will make it easier for Clinton to win
True about Republicans and, unfortunately true, about Hillary winning.

The fact remains, Texas is highly unlikely to go blue in 2016. While the RCP link has Trump averaging +5.4 over Hillary, it also has Hillary +6.0 over Trump nationwide. If a +5.4 Trump lead in Texas gets the LWers all giddy about a Blue Texas, then why are they not shitting their pants over the fact Hillary is only +6 ahead of Trump nationwide?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

What made me notice the 5.4% Trump lead in Texas was not the average, but the last two polls that had Trump +3% and +4%. That is showing a trend from three weeks ago where Trump was leading Texas by 7%
I doubt Texas will go to Hillary.

The last time the Democrats won that state was in 1976 when Carter won. Hell I voted for that boob and it just goes to show mistakes do happen. LOL
BTW, what was your reason for voting for Carter?

I believed what he was saying. Unfortunately for him Carter is probably the worst President this country has ever had.

You're a moron. Carter was a victim of events. In a history course at CAL, one of the Blue Book midterm exams asked the question: Does man make history, or does history make the man.

You would have flunked.

You are a fool. Carter was the worst President this country has ever had and only a MORON like you would think otherwise.

What specific actions made Carter the worst president?

Balancing the budget?
Middle East peace accord?

She doesn't have a clue. She is simply repeating others, who also have no clue.
Texas has moved 4% towards Clinton in the last three weeks

Texas has 50% of its population comprised of Hispanic and other minority voters
Over 50% of the voters are women

If Hillary gets out the vote in Texas she can win the state
Yes.....Democrats tip their hand here. Flood the state with refugees and you win the state.
Who cares if you folks are fucked up. Who cares if everything you touch turns to shit. These new Americans are used to it. At least they can use the benefits that we worked and paid for.

There we go again

Why is REPUBLICAN state Texas allowing refugees to vote?
Are they that stupid?
Clown, as you and the rest of you scum have been told repeatedly, the polls, like you, lie.

You live there

How do you explain Romney winning by 16% in 2012 and Trump only leading by 3% in 2016?
I don't like it so they must be lying?
Why do Texas polls, run by Texans lie?
Listen liberal scum, the last time I saw it, Trump was running and not Romney. Get it? Now spin your sorry ass some more, it's expected.

Its your state

What are you guys doing allowing a woman in a pantsuit to beat a fine Republican like Trump?
You act like every person in every state thinks the same.
Democrats have been pushing laws that make it easier for non-citizens to vote. All they need is an address and they can vote absentee. It is against the law to ask if a person is a citizen in border states. What makes you think all of these new refugees aren't voting?

Non-citizens can't vote

Why would Republican Texas pass laws to allow non citizens to vote?
Texas has voter ID
Only at the polls. There's other ways to vote.
I find it unlikely Hillary will win Texas. Arizona on the hand...

3 percent Trump lead in a poll taken a week ago?
Trump has lost 4 percent in the last three weeks

The state is definitely trending towards Clinton. Give it a week and Texas will be labeled a tossup state

Can you imagine Trump having to fight to win Texas?
why is that hard to imagine? Texas has been flooded with the filthy illegals that are going to determine this election.

Texas is a Republican led state
Texas has voter ID

Why do you think Texas is allowing illegals to vote?
The alt right and far right fools really believe (1) the election is rigged, and (2) the polls are lying.

If the election, fools, could be rigged, orange creepy would have done it long ago.
It is a dilemma many Republicans are facing nationwide. They just can't pull the lever for Trump.
Some may vote Hillary
Others will just not vote for President
The whole state of Utah seems to be switching their vote to McMullin

All will make it easier for Clinton to win
True about Republicans and, unfortunately true, about Hillary winning.

The fact remains, Texas is highly unlikely to go blue in 2016. While the RCP link has Trump averaging +5.4 over Hillary, it also has Hillary +6.0 over Trump nationwide. If a +5.4 Trump lead in Texas gets the LWers all giddy about a Blue Texas, then why are they not shitting their pants over the fact Hillary is only +6 ahead of Trump nationwide?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

What made me notice the 5.4% Trump lead in Texas was not the average, but the last two polls that had Trump +3% and +4%. That is showing a trend from three weeks ago where Trump was leading Texas by 7%
Women......stupid women....gave Hillary the election.
Yes Texas
Texas with 38 EVs
The same Texas that Romney won by 16 percent

Latest polls:
University of Houston Trump +3 Oct 7-12
UFAA-TV/Survey USA Trump +4 Oct 10-12

Polls a month prior to that had Trump +7

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Texas: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

it the same oversampling science method they used to win the global warming vote. here's an example: there is a scientific unanamous consensus that hillary will win the election. but the placement of the thermometers were rigged.

there is sunshine when she's gone.:cool:

How is RED Texas oversampling?
Illegal immigrants
I find it unlikely Hillary will win Texas. Arizona on the hand...

3 percent Trump lead in a poll taken a week ago?
Trump has lost 4 percent in the last three weeks

The state is definitely trending towards Clinton. Give it a week and Texas will be labeled a tossup state

Can you imagine Trump having to fight to win Texas?
why is that hard to imagine? Texas has been flooded with the filthy illegals that are going to determine this election.

Texas is a Republican led state
Texas has voter ID

Why do you think Texas is allowing illegals to vote?
because they just like Maryland cant stop them. It would require knowing who was actually voting, and that is evidently a violation of constitutional rights.
I doubt Texas will go to Hillary.

The last time the Democrats won that state was in 1976 when Carter won. Hell I voted for that boob and it just goes to show mistakes do happen. LOL
BTW, what was your reason for voting for Carter?

I believed what he was saying. Unfortunately for him Carter is probably the worst President this country has ever had.

You're a moron. Carter was a victim of events. In a history course at CAL, one of the Blue Book midterm exams asked the question: Does man make history, or does history make the man.

You would have flunked.

You are a fool. Carter was the worst President this country has ever had and only a MORON like you would think otherwise.
Poor Claudette.


LMAO We can all see who doesn't get it and that would be you. Idiot. LOL
BTW, what was your reason for voting for Carter?

I believed what he was saying. Unfortunately for him Carter is probably the worst President this country has ever had.

You're a moron. Carter was a victim of events. In a history course at CAL, one of the Blue Book midterm exams asked the question: Does man make history, or does history make the man.

You would have flunked.

You are a fool. Carter was the worst President this country has ever had and only a MORON like you would think otherwise.

What specific actions made Carter the worst president?

Balancing the budget?
Middle East peace accord?

She doesn't have a clue. She is simply repeating others, who also have no clue.

Speaking of not having a clue. That would be you.
I find it unlikely Hillary will win Texas. Arizona on the hand...

3 percent Trump lead in a poll taken a week ago?
Trump has lost 4 percent in the last three weeks

The state is definitely trending towards Clinton. Give it a week and Texas will be labeled a tossup state

Can you imagine Trump having to fight to win Texas?
why is that hard to imagine? Texas has been flooded with the filthy illegals that are going to determine this election.

Texas is a Republican led state
Texas has voter ID

Why do you think Texas is allowing illegals to vote?
because they just like Maryland cant stop them. It would require knowing who was actually voting, and that is evidently a violation of constitutional rights.

Do you know what voter ID is?

Republicans sold it as the only way to stop voter fraud. Are you claiming it doesn't work?
I believed what he was saying. Unfortunately for him Carter is probably the worst President this country has ever had.

You're a moron. Carter was a victim of events. In a history course at CAL, one of the Blue Book midterm exams asked the question: Does man make history, or does history make the man.

You would have flunked.

You are a fool. Carter was the worst President this country has ever had and only a MORON like you would think otherwise.

What specific actions made Carter the worst president?

Balancing the budget?
Middle East peace accord?

She doesn't have a clue. She is simply repeating others, who also have no clue.

Speaking of not having a clue. That would be you.

Did you quit school before or during the third grade?
You're a moron. Carter was a victim of events. In a history course at CAL, one of the Blue Book midterm exams asked the question: Does man make history, or does history make the man.

You would have flunked.

You are a fool. Carter was the worst President this country has ever had and only a MORON like you would think otherwise.

What specific actions made Carter the worst president?

Balancing the budget?
Middle East peace accord?

She doesn't have a clue. She is simply repeating others, who also have no clue.

Speaking of not having a clue. That would be you.

Did you quit school before or during the third grade?

Nope how bout you??? LOL
I believed what he was saying. Unfortunately for him Carter is probably the worst President this country has ever had.

You're a moron. Carter was a victim of events. In a history course at CAL, one of the Blue Book midterm exams asked the question: Does man make history, or does history make the man.

You would have flunked.

You are a fool. Carter was the worst President this country has ever had and only a MORON like you would think otherwise.

What specific actions made Carter the worst president?

Balancing the budget?
Middle East peace accord?

She doesn't have a clue. She is simply repeating others, who also have no clue.

Speaking of not having a clue. That would be you.

You have yet to explain what Carter did to make him the worst President

Is it because you just have no idea what Carter actually did or that you are just repeating what others have told you?
I doubt Texas will go to Hillary.

The last time the Democrats won that state was in 1976 when Carter won. Hell I voted for that boob and it just goes to show mistakes do happen. LOL
BTW, what was your reason for voting for Carter?

I believed what he was saying. Unfortunately for him Carter is probably the worst President this country has ever had.

You're a moron. Carter was a victim of events. In a history course at CAL, one of the Blue Book midterm exams asked the question: Does man make history, or does history make the man.

You would have flunked.

You are a fool. Carter was the worst President this country has ever had and only a MORON like you would think otherwise.

What specific actions made Carter the worst president?

Balancing the budget?
Middle East peace accord?

How bout the economy in the toilet and inflation through the roof. He left a big mess that Reagan cleaned up.

Anyone around in the 70's remembers it quite well. I know I sure as hell do.
BTW, what was your reason for voting for Carter?

I believed what he was saying. Unfortunately for him Carter is probably the worst President this country has ever had.

You're a moron. Carter was a victim of events. In a history course at CAL, one of the Blue Book midterm exams asked the question: Does man make history, or does history make the man.

You would have flunked.

You are a fool. Carter was the worst President this country has ever had and only a MORON like you would think otherwise.

What specific actions made Carter the worst president?

Balancing the budget?
Middle East peace accord?

How bout the economy in the toilet and inflation through the roof. He left a big mess that Reagan cleaned up.

OK ...now you are talking

Carter was only in office for four years and inflation went through the roof under Gerry Ford. Remember Ford's "Whip Inflation Now" buttons?
The economy was out of control and there was little Carter could do. Where Carter went wrong was he tried to balance the budget while the economy was tanking. If he had done like Reagan did and tripled the debt to shore up the economy, he would have looked like a hero
You're a moron. Carter was a victim of events. In a history course at CAL, one of the Blue Book midterm exams asked the question: Does man make history, or does history make the man.

You would have flunked.

You are a fool. Carter was the worst President this country has ever had and only a MORON like you would think otherwise.

What specific actions made Carter the worst president?

Balancing the budget?
Middle East peace accord?

She doesn't have a clue. She is simply repeating others, who also have no clue.

Speaking of not having a clue. That would be you.

You have yet to explain what Carter did to make him the worst President

Is it because you just have no idea what Carter actually did or that you are just repeating what others have told you?
The humiliation of America at the hands of a group of towel-headed mullahs.

We were their bitches while Obama was studying in madrases.

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